化学工学会 第41回秋季大会


最終更新日時:2009-09-07 16:39:01

0-95-aminolevulinic acid (1 件), 4-nitrophenol (1 件), 1,3-PDO (1 件), 4M4E (1 件)4 件*
Aadsorption (27 件), a (15 件), Activated carbon (6 件), antibody (4 件), aerosol (3 件), Antiseptic condition (2 件) 等177 件***********************************************************
Bbiomass (12 件), biodiesel fuel (7 件), bubble column (5 件), Biodiesel (4 件), bacteria (3 件), bioethanol (3 件) 等127 件******************************************
C-CHcarbon dioxide (19 件), CFD (13 件), Catalyst (7 件), Carbon nanotube (6 件), Cellulose (5 件), Chemical vapor deposition (5 件) 等177 件***********************************************************
CI-CZcrystallization (12 件), coating (7 件), coal (6 件), CVD (6 件), crystal growth (5 件), computational chemistry (4 件) 等187 件**************************************************************
Ddecomposition (7 件), drying (5 件), diffusion coefficient (4 件), distillation (3 件), direct carbon (3 件), Density (3 件) 等157 件****************************************************
Eenzyme (8 件), extraction (8 件), ethanol (6 件), electrodeposition (5 件), emulsion (4 件), energy saving (3 件) 等121 件****************************************
FFluidized bed (12 件), fuel cell (5 件), fermentation (5 件), Flow (3 件), fuel cells (3 件), Filtration (2 件) 等116 件**************************************
Ggasification (7 件), GSCN (6 件), grinding (5 件), glass (3 件), gas permeation (2 件), gas expanded liquid (2 件) 等76 件*************************
Hhydrogen production (5 件), Hydrogel (5 件), heavy metal (5 件), humic acid (4 件), Hydrogen (4 件), hydrothermal (4 件) 等122 件****************************************
Iionic liquid (6 件), Indium (3 件), Immersed Boundary method (2 件), Intermediate temperature (2 件), Ice templating (2 件), interfacial tension (2 件) 等91 件******************************
JJanus-coreshell transition (1 件), J-HPES (1 件), jet grinding (1 件), Jatropha shell (1 件), Joule heat (1 件)5 件*
Kkerosene (1 件), Kullback-Leibler's Entropy (1 件), kinetic reaction mechanism (1 件), Kerosene steam reforming (1 件), Kinetic Model (1 件), ketone (1 件) 等10 件***
LLiposome (10 件), LCD (3 件), lactic acid (2 件), lipase (2 件), liquid membrane (2 件), LED (2 件) 等86 件****************************
M-MHmembrane (7 件), membrane reactor (6 件), Mass transfer (4 件), methanol (4 件), membrane stress biotechnology (4 件), mathematical model (3 件) 等118 件***************************************
MI-MZMicroreactor (22 件), Microcapsule (13 件), mixing (9 件), MOVPE (6 件), microbubble (5 件), Modeling (5 件) 等166 件*******************************************************
NNanoparticle (15 件), Numerical simulation (8 件), Numerical Analysis (7 件), nanoparticles (6 件), nano particle (4 件), nickel (3 件) 等109 件************************************
Oozone (3 件), organic Acid (2 件), oil (2 件), Orange waste (2 件), Oxidation (2 件), Oil-water interface (2 件) 等60 件********************
P-PHpervaporation (7 件), photocatalyst (7 件), PEFC (6 件), phase separation (6 件), Pd membrane (4 件), particle separation (3 件) 等121 件****************************************
PI-PZpolymer (10 件), pyrolysis (6 件), Polyelectrolyte (4 件), Proton conductor (4 件), Porous carbon plate (4 件), poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (3 件) 等157 件****************************************************
QQuinone Profile (1 件), Quality Control (1 件), Quality management (1 件), Quartz Crystal Resonator (1 件), Quartz crystal microbalance (1 件)5 件*
RRecycling (5 件), Recycle (4 件), rheology (3 件), Recovery (2 件), reforming (2 件), removal (2 件) 等99 件*********************************
S-SOsimulation (12 件), SOFC (9 件), Solubility (9 件), silica (7 件), saccharification (5 件), separation (5 件) 等214 件***********************************************************************
SP-SZsupercritical carbon dioxide (9 件), Supercritical (6 件), steam reforming (6 件), surfactant (4 件), supercritical CO2 (4 件), sub-critical water (4 件) 等141 件***********************************************
Ttitanium dioxide (5 件), TiO2 (4 件), thin film (4 件), titania (3 件), Thermal treatment (3 件), Taylor Vortex Flow (2 件) 等93 件*******************************
UUltrafiltration (5 件), ultrasound (5 件), unidirectional freezing (2 件), Upgrading (2 件), useful chemicals (1 件), ultrafine particle (1 件) 等35 件***********
VVisualization (7 件), Viscosity (5 件), vapor-liquid equilibria (4 件), VOC (4 件), vapor phase synthesis (2 件), volatile organic compounds (2 件) 等48 件****************
WWater Treatment (5 件), water (5 件), wastewater treatment (3 件), W/O emulsion (2 件), wastewater (2 件), woody biomass (2 件) 等55 件******************
Xxylitol (2 件), XPS (2 件), xylose metabolic pathway (1 件), Xylose (1 件)6 件**
YYellowtail (1 件), Yeast (1 件)2 件
Zzeolite membrane (9 件), zeolite (3 件), ZSM-5 (2 件), zirconium-phosphate complex (1 件), Zirconia (1 件), zeta-potential (1 件) 等24 件********
非英数字エレメンタリーモード (1 件), 乳化特性 (1 件), チタン (1 件), セリア (1 件), 選択成長 (1 件), マイクロリアクター (1 件) 等28 件*********

化学工学会 第41回秋季大会

(C) 2009 (社)化学工学会 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2009-09-07 16:39:01
For more information contact 化学工学会 第41回秋季大会 問い合せ係
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