Japanese page

SCEJ 42nd Autumn Meeting (Kyoto, 2010)

Applicant and speaker

  1. Only members of the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan can submit applications.

  2. The speaker should be one of the following:

    • SCEJ regular member/honorary member
    • Employee of SCEJ corporate member companies
    • SCEJ student member
    • SCEJ divisional member (except for divisional corporate member employees)

    The speaker who is not an SCEJ member must join the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan before the registration to the meeting.

  3. Only papers which have not been published or presented elsewhere can be presented at the meeting.

Application for presentation

You can submit your application form by one of the ways listed below. Read the guideline of the respective way.

  1. Topics code list
  2. Guideline of application on the web
  3. Guideline of application by e-mail
  4. Inquiry about Application

Correction of submitted application form

You can make correction to your application form that has been submitted. The correction can be made only on the web until the application deadline. Go to the ‘Correction of submitted application form’ page.

Exception to lack of novelty of invention

An invention presented at the Meeting of SCEJ shall be deemed not have been publicly known or worked by the presentation itself within six months from the date on which the the Book of Preprints of the Meeting is issued. See the details on the exception to lack of novelty of invention.

Manuscript submission

You are requested to submit a manuscript of the preprint. A PDF file of the manuscript can be submitted over the Internet. See the instruction below.

The “Book of Preprints” will be published both in CD-ROM and in print. The preprints will be published at the J-STAGE website after the meeting. J-STAGE allows anyone to view the preprints.

  1. Manuscript preparation guideline
  2. Uploading the manuscript file on the web
  3. Manuscript submission form

Correction of preprint manuscript

The PDF file can be overwritten by uploading a revised version any times by the deadline. No submission and revision are allowed after the deadline of the manuscript submission.

Manuscript review

The format and style of the submitted manuscripts will be reviewed. Manuscripts in irregular styles would be rejected.

SCEJ 42nd Autumn Meeting (Kyoto, 2010)

© 2010 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2010-08-23 10:41:42
For more information contact Organizing Committee, SCEJ 42nd Autumn Meeting (Kyoto, 2010)
E-mail: inquiry-42fwww3.scej.org
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