$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B $BHV9f(B | $B$BHV9f(B | |
$B:`NA!&3&LL(B |
(9:00$B!A(B10:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BBgEh(B $B42(B) |
9:00$B!A(B 9:20 | D101 | $B?eG.9g@.K!$rMQ$$$?;@2=0!1t%J%N%o%$%d@.D9$K$*$1$k7k>=I=LL%(%M%k%.!<$NLr3d(B
($B:eBg;:8&(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$BLxED(B $B9d(B $B!&(B He Yong $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BD9Eg(B $B0l $B!&(B $B6b0f(B $B?? $B!&(B $B@n9g(B $BCNFs(B | Hydrothermal Synthesis ZnO Nanowire Critical Concentration
| 12-a | 288 |
9:20$B!A(B 9:40 | D102 | $BM[6K;@2=%"%k%_%J%a%s%V%l%s$rMQ$$$?BgLL@Q6Q0l%J%N%o%$%d@.D9K!$N3+H/(B
($B:eBg;:8&(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$BD9Eg(B $B0l $B!&(B Meng Gang $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BLxED(B $B9d(B $B!&(B $B6b0f(B $B?? $B!&(B $B@n9g(B $BCNFs(B $B!&(B ($B $B!&(B $B1WED(B $B=( | AAO nanowire VLS growth
| 12-a | 390 |
9:40$B!A(B 10:00 | D103 | $B;0@.J,7O%j%]%=!<%`Kl$N%J%N%I%a%$%s@-$NI>2A$J$i$S$K(BRNA$BJ,;R$H$NAj8_:nMQ$N@)8f(B
($B:eBg1!4p9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B?{(B $B7C;L(B $B!&(B ($B3X(B)$B7K(B $BC#Li(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BGO1[(B $BBg(B | Nano-Domain RNA Recognition Membranome
| 12-a | 392 |
(10:00$B!A(B11:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BLxED(B $B9d(B) |
10:00$B!A(B 10:20 | D104 | $B%Y%7%/%kKl3&LL$K$*$1$k?(G^H?1~$NI>2A$H@)8f(B
($B:eBg1!4p9)(B) ($B3X(B)$B?{(B $B7C;L(B $B!&(B $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B4d:j(B $BJ8I'(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BGO1[(B $BBg(B | Vesicle Interface Catalytic Reaction Membranome
| 12-a | 393 |
10:20$B!A(B 10:40 | D105 | $B%l%$%d!<@QAX7?B?9&@-G[0L9bJ,;R$,<($9%2!<%H5[Ce8=>]$N2rL@(B
($B5~Bg9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B>B8}(B $BNKJ?(B $B!&(B ($B3X(B)$BJ?=P(B $BfFB@O:(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BEDCf(B $B=( $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BEOn5(B $BE/(B $B!&(B ($BElG@9)Bg9)(B) $B6aF#(B $BFF(B $B!&(B ($B@iMUBgM}(B) $B2CG<(B $BGnJ8(B $B!&(B ($B?.=#Bg(BENCs) $B6b;R(B $B9nH~(B $B!&(B ($B5~Bg9)(B) ($B@5(B)$B5\86(B $BL-(B | porous coordination polymer adsorption-induced structural transition free-energy analysis
| 12-a | 441 |
10:40$B!A(B 11:00 | D106 | $B1U%l%Y%k@)8f<00\N.=8@QK!$rMQ$$$?6bB0%J%NN3;RF3EE%M%C%H%o!<%/9=B$$N9bB.7A@.(B
($B5~Bg9)(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$BEOn5(B $BE/(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BEOIt(B $B=c;N(B $B!&(B ($B3X(B)$B;0Ln(B $BBY;V(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B5\86(B $BL-(B | Convective self-assembly Network structure Transparent conductive film
| 12-a | 474 |
(11:00$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BEgFb(B $B |
11:00$B!A(B 11:20 | D107 | $B0\N.=8@QK!$K$h$k<~4|9=B$7A@.5!9=$N2rL@(B
($B5~Bg9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B;0Ln(B $BBY;V(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BEOn5(B $BE/(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B5\86(B $BL-(B | Convective self-assembly Colloidal array Periodic pattern
| 12-a | 498 |
11:20$B!A(B 11:40 | D108 | ZIF-8$B$K$*$1$k5[CeM65/9=B$E>0\$N<+M3%(%M%k%.!<2r@O(B
($B5~Bg9)(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$BEDCf(B $B=( $B!&(B ($B3X(B)$BBg:j(B $B=$;J(B $B!&(B ($BF1;V $B!&(B ($B5~Bg9)(B) ($B@5(B)$BEOn5(B $BE/(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B5\86(B $BL-(B | ZIF-8 Molecular simulation Free energy analysis
| 12-a | 724 |
11:40$B!A(B 12:00 | D109 | $B=E9g@-3&LL3h@-:^$K$h$kFqMO@-:`NA2DMO2=5;=Q$N3+H/(B
($B?@8MBg1!9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$BK\>1(B $B?rJ8(B $B!&(B ($B3X(B)$BJuF@(B $B0l5.(B $B!&(B $BFn(B $B=(?M(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BC]Cf(B $BIpB"(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B2.Ln(B $B@i=)(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B4];3(B $BC#@8(B | polymerizable surfactant carbon nanotube dispersion
| 12-a | 232 |
(13:00$B!A(B14:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BEOn5(B $BE/(B) |
13:00$B!A(B 13:20 | D113 | $B=$I|:^$N3H;6@)8f$K$h$k<+8J=$I|@-KI?)%3!<%F%#%s%0$N@-G=8~>e(B
($B9-Bg1!9)(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$BLp?a(B $B>49-(B $B!&(B ($B3X(B)$B1|Ln(B $B90>0(B | self-healing corrosion coating
| 12-a | 21 |
13:20$B!A(B 13:40 | D114 | $BBgD26]@\Ce@)8f$9$k%G%s%I%j%^!<=$>~4pHD$N:n@=(B
($B6eBg9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$BT"I\Eg(B $BM35*(B $B!&(B $B>.@n(B $B9@J?(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B@%8M(B $B900l(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B@1Ln(B $BM'(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B;01:(B $B2B;R(B | PAMAM dendrimer E.coli control adhesion
| 12-a | 99 |
13:40$B!A(B 14:00 | D115 | $B%S%*%A%sGvKl$K$h$kI=LL2~2A(B
($B6eBg1!9)(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$B@%8M(B $B900l(B $B!&(B ($BB $B!&(B $B6aF#(B $B9';V(B $B!&(B ($BD9IM%P%$%*Bg(B) $BD9C+@n(B $B?5(B $B!&(B ($B5~Bg(B) $B>.@n(B $BM:0l(B $B!&(B ($B6eBg1!9)(B) ($B@5(B)$B@1Ln(B $BM'(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B;01:(B $B2B;R(B | biotinylation streptavidin biosensing
| 12-a | 437 |
(14:00$B!A(B15:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BEDCf(B $B=( |
14:00$B!A(B 14:20 | D116 | $B7V8w%7%j%3%s%J%NN3;R$N?eJ,;62=$H%P%$%*%$%a!<%8%s%0$X$N1~MQ(B
($BElBg1!9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$BB@ED(B $B@?0l(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B0p_7(B $B?8(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B;38}(B $BM34tIW(B | Silicon nanoparticle bio-imaging
| 12-a | 530 |
14:20$B!A(B 14:40 | D117 | $B9b299b052<$G$N(B5-$B%R%I%m%-%7%a%A%k%U%k%U%i!<%kO"B3@8;:$X$NCj=PMOG^E:2C8z2L$K4X$9$k9M;!(B
($B2,;3Bg4D(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$BJR2,(B $BNI9'(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BEgFb(B $B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BLZB<(B $B9,7I(B | fructose 5-hydroxymethylfurfural extraction
| 12-a | 607 |
14:40$B!A(B 15:00 | D118 | $BD62;GH$rMQ$$$?29EY46
($BEl9)Bg1!M}9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B1+5\(B $B;KL@(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B>>K\(B $B=(9T(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B9uED(B $B@i=)(B | Thermosensitive polymer gel Ultrasound irradiation Production of particles
| 12-e | 574 |
(15:00$B!A(B16:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B;01:(B $B2B;R(B) |
15:00$B!A(B 15:20 | D119 | $B%0%i%U%Hu9bJ,;R$rMQ$$$?@8BNFb%$%*%s2M66%O%$%I%m%2%k$NAO@=(B
($BElBg9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$BCf@n(B $B7DG7(B $B!&(B ($BElBg1!0e(B) ($B3X(B)$BCfMa(B $BAo(B $B!&(B ($BElBg1!0e(B/$BElBg1!9)(B) ($B@5(B)$B0KF#(B $BBgCN(B | dendritic polymer hydrogel ion-crosslinking
| 12-e | 54 |
15:20$B!A(B 15:40 | D120 | $B%-%H%5%s(B / $B%]%j%"%/%j%k;@%0%i%U%Hu9bJ,;R$rMQ$$$??75,(B in situ $B2M66%]%j%$%*%s%3%s%W%l%C%/%9%2%k$N3+H/(B
($B?@F`@n9)Bg1~MQ%P%$%*2J(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$BGwED(B $BN6(B $B!&(B ($BElBg1!0e(B) ($B3X(B)$BCfMa(B $BAo(B $B!&(B ($BElBg1!0e(B/$BElBg1!9)(B) ($B@5(B)$B0KF#(B $BBgCN(B $B!&(B ($B?@F`@n9)Bg1~MQ%P%$%*2J(B) ($B@5(B)$B;TB<(B $B=E=S(B | dendritic polymer polyion complex gel ATRP
| 12-e | 591 |
15:40$B!A(B 16:00 | D121 | $B%"%k%+%j=hM}%3%i!<%2%s%2%k$NFC@-I>2A$H$=$N1~MQ(B
($B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B5HIZ(B $B^f@8(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B5HED(B $B>;90(B | acidic collagen hydrogel basic fibroblast growth factor
| 12-e | 766 |
(16:00$B!A(B17:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BIp0f(B $B9'9T(B) |
16:00$B!A(B 16:20 | D122 | $BJ,;R%$%s%W%j%s%H<+8J;Y;}Kl$N%2!<%H8z2L$H%5%$%HFC0[5[CeG=$N4X78(B
($B $B!&(B $BCf;3(B $BN$H~(B | gate effetc molecularly imprinted polymer adsorption
| 12-j | 52 |
16:20$B!A(B 16:40 | D123 | $B?eMO1U7O$K$*$1$k%<%*%i%$%H7?%$%_%@%>%l!<%H9=B$BN(B(ZIF-8)$B$N7ABV@)8f(B
($B4X@>Bg9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$BMhED(B $B9/;J(B $B!&(B $BF#ED(B $B9@Je(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BEDCf(B $B=SJe(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B;0Bp(B $B5AOB(B | zeolitic imidazolate framework morphology control aqueous system
| 12-c | 485 |
16:40$B!A(B 17:00 | D124 | DNA$B8GDj2=J,;RG'<1%2!<%HKl$N3+H/(B
($BEl9)Bg;q8;8&(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B?{86(B $BM&5.(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BED4,(B $B9'7I(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BBg66(B $B=(Gl(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B;38}(B $BLT1{(B | Thermo-responsive polymer DNA gating membrane
| 12-j | 109 |
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B $BHV9f(B | $B$BHV9f(B | |
$B:`NA!&3&LL(B |
(9:00$B!A(B10:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BJ?Bt(B $B@t(B) |
9:00$B!A(B 9:20 | D201 | $B9E?eCf$K$*$1$kC:;@%+%k%7%&%`@O=P7ABV$KM?$($k%*%k%H%j%s;@1v$N1F6A(B
($B;0I)EE5!@hC $B!&(B $B5\(B $B0lIa(B $B!&(B $BsnF#(B $BDw;J(B $B!&(B $BJ?ED(B $B@6;R(B $B!&(B $B8E@n(B $B@?;J(B | calcium carbonate scale inhibition heat exchanger
| 12-g | 9 |
9:20$B!A(B 9:40 | D202 | $B9b05NO2<$N1tC_EECS$N9bB.=
($BJ<8K8)Bg1!9)(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$BA0ED(B $B8w<#(B $B!&(B ($B3X(B)$B9S@n(B $BD>;R(B $B!&(B ($BJ<8K8)Bg9)(B) ($B3X(B)$B>eED(B $B9/J?(B $B!&(B ($BJ<8K8)Bg1!9)(B) ($B@5(B)$BJ!0f(B $B7<2p(B $B!&(B ($B9q4D8&GQ8&(B) ($B@5(B)$BAR;}(B $B=(IR(B | High Pressure Crystallization Lead Acid Battery
| 12-g | 66 |
9:40$B!A(B 10:00 | D203 | $BE:2CJ*B8:_2<$K$*$1$k%"%9%Q%i%.%s;@$N7k>=@.D9(B
($B4d $B!&(B $B5HED(B $B:i(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B2#ED(B $B@/>=(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B@6?e(B $B7r;J(B | Crystal growth Amino acid Crystal structure
| 12-g | 68 |
(10:00$B!A(B11:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BFs0f(B $B?8(B) |
10:00$B!A(B 10:20 | D204 | $BIOMOG^>=@O$K$*$1$k3KH/@8$H3H;68=>]$K4X$9$k4pAC8&5f(B
($BJ<8K8)Bg1!9)(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$BJ!0f(B $B7<2p(B $B!&(B ($B3X(B)$BBg66(B $BN<2p(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BA0ED(B $B8w<#(B | Anti-solvent crystallization Nucleation Mass transfer
| 12-g | 137 |
10:20$B!A(B 10:40 | D205 | DFR$B>=@OAuCV$K$h$k(BL-$B%0%k%?%_%s;@$NB?7A@)8f(B
(DFR$B5;8&(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$B@iMU(B $BM[0l(B $B!&(B ($B0l4X9b@l(B) ($B@5(B)$BFs3,F2(B $BK~(B $B!&(B ($B4d<(B | Crystallization Polymorphism Control DFR Heat Exchanger
| 12-g | 296 |
10:40$B!A(B 11:00 | D206 | $B=`0BDjNN0hB,DjCM$KBP$9$k7k>=N3;R8!=P4o46EY$*$h$S2rA|EY$N1F6A(B
($BF|4x(B) $B>.?K(B $B>;B'(B $B!&(B ($B4d<(B $B!&(B ($BAaBg@h?JM}9)(B) ($B@5(B)$BJ?Bt(B $B@t(B | Batch crystallization MSZW Simulation
| 12-g | 310 |
(11:00$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BEZ4t(B $B5,?N(B) |
11:00$B!A(B 11:20 | D207 | $B=`0BDjNN0hB,Dj$HBT$A;~4VB,Dj$+$i$N0l
($BF|4x(B) $B!{>.?K(B $B>;B'(B $B!&(B ($B4d<(B $B!&(B ($BAaBg@h?JM}9)(B) ($B@5(B)$BJ?Bt(B $B@t(B | Batch crystallization Primary nucleation parameter Simulation
| 12-g | 313 |
11:20$B!A(B 11:40 | D208 | $BD62;GHM6F33K2=$rMQ$$$?>=@O@)8f(B
($BAaBg@h?JM}9)(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$BJ?Bt(B $B@t(B | Ultrasonic wave Nucleation Control
| 12-g | 323 |
11:40$B!A(B 12:00 | D209 | $BKlJ,N%$rMQ$$$?G;=L$K$h$k(BCaOx$B$N3K2=!&@.D95sF0$N4Q;!(B
($BAaBg@h?JM}9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B@FF#(B $B8-;J(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BJ?Bt(B $B@t(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B>.KY(B $B?<(B | Calcium Oxalate membrane separation crystallization
| 12-g | 443 |
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B $BHV9f(B | $B$BHV9f(B | |
$B:`NA!&3&LL(B |
(9:00$B!A(B10:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B;3K\(B $BBg8c(B) |
9:00$B!A(B 9:20 | D301 | $BM;1U>=@O$N%9%?!<%H%"%C%WA`:n;~$NNd5QLL>e$G$N%9%1!<%k7A@.$NF0E*2aDx(B
($BElG@9)Bg1!9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B9)F#(B $BfF;|(B $B!&(B ($B;0I)%l%$%h%s(B) ($B@5(B)$BF|Ln(B $BCRF;(B $B!&(B ($BElG@9)Bg1!9)(B) ($B@5(B)$BBl;3(B $BGn;V(B | melt crystallization scaling crystal morphology
| 12-g | 486 |
9:20$B!A(B 9:40 | D302 | $BD62;GHL82=$K$h$k%0%j%7%s$NIOMOG^>=@O$K$*$1$k9b<~GHD62;GH>H
($BL>Bg1!9)(B) ($B3X(B)$B|bzK(B $BAa4u(B $B!&(B $B!{(B($B@5(B)$BFs0f(B $B?8(B | Ultrasonic amino acid growth
| 12-g | 585 |
9:40$B!A(B 10:00 | D303 | $BHy:Y5$K"$rMxMQ$7$?>=@OK!$N3+H/!!!=1v2=%J%H%j%&%`$NIOMOG^>=@OA`:n$X$N1~MQ!=(B
($B@iMU9)Bg9)(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$BOBED(B $BA1@.(B $B!&(B $BNkLZ(B $B7x;V(B $B!&(B ($BF|Bg@8;:9)(B) ($B@5(B)$B>>K\(B $B??OB(B $B!&(B ($B@iMU9)Bg9)(B) ($B@5(B)$BHx>e(B $B70(B | Minute bubble Antisolvent Sodium chloride
| 12-g | 602 |
(10:00$B!A(B11:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B?78M(B $B9@9,(B) |
10:00$B!A(B 10:20 | D304 | $BM-5!7OHsMOG^E:2C>=@O$G$N=jK>B?7A$N7ABVJQ2=(B
($BElG@9)Bg1!(BBASE) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$BBg9>(B $B7r?M(B $B!&(B ($BElG@9)Bg1!9)(B) ($B@5(B)$BBl;3(B $BGn;V(B | Anti-Solvent Crystallization Polymorph Morphology
| 12-g | 657 |
10:20$B!A(B 10:40 | D305 | $B>xH/>=@O$NJQD4A`:n$G=$N9b8zN(@8;:K!$N3+H/(B
($BElG@9)Bg1!(BBASE) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$BDEED(B $BM:Ht(B $B!&(B ($BElG@9)Bg1!9)(B) ($B@5(B)$BBl;3(B $BGn;V(B | Evaporative crystallization Anti-solvent Size distribution
| 12-g | 659 |
10:40$B!A(B 11:00 | D306 | $BIT6Q0lKlAH@.$rM-$9$k5pBg%Y%7%/%k$rMQ$$$?%"%_%m%$%I7A@.8=>]$ND>@\4Q;!(B
($B2,;3Bg4DM}(B) ($B@5(B)$BEgFb(B $B $B!&(B ($B:eBg1!4p9)(B) $B!{9bC+(B $BM&51(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BGO1[(B $BBg(B | amyloid polymorphism membranome
| 12-g | 675 |
(11:00$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BFs0f(B $B?8(B) |
11:00$B!A(B 11:20 | D307 | $BD6NW3&MOBN5^B.KDD%K!$K$h$kM-5!H>F3BNGvKlAO@=$KBP$9$kJ.
($B?.=#Bg1!Am9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$BF#0f(B $BN5Li(B $B!&(B ($B?.=#Bg1!M}9)(B) ($B3X(B)$BCg@n(B $BMNJ?(B $B!&(B ($B?.=#Bg9)(B) ($B3X(B)$B9b66(B $BM$BA(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BFbED(B $BGn5W(B $B!&(B ($BElBg1!9)(B) ($B@5(B)$B?y;3(B $B@5OB(B | Rapid expansion of supercritical solutions technique Organic semiconductor thin films Concentration effects of sprayed solutions
| 12-g | 713 |
11:20$B!A(B 11:40 | D308 | $B9b05CbAG%,%9B8:_2<$K$*$1$kM-5!2=9gJ*$N%*%$%k2=$H7k>=2=(B
($B:e;TBg1!9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B8E;T(B $BM4Ka(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B8^==Mr(B $B9,0l(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BBgEh(B $B42(B | oiling out organic compound high pressure
| 12-g | 769 |
11:40$B!A(B 12:00 | D309 | $BM-5!2=9gJ*(BQNT$BMOG^OBJ*7k>=$N@O=P$HE>0\(B
($B:e;TBg1!9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B>eED(B $BM5M}(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B8^==Mr(B $B9,0l(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BBgEh(B $B42(B | solvate transformation organic compound
| 12-g | 771 |
(13:00$B!A(B14:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BW"ED(B $BM:0lO/(B) |
13:00$B!A(B 13:20 | D313 | $B%;%j%"(B-$B%7%j%+J#9gCf6uN3;R$N9g@.$K4X$9$k8&5f(B
($BElKLBg1!9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B0KF#(B $BAa4u(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B@P0f(B $B<#G7(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BD9Hx(B $BBgJe(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B:#Ln(B $B44CK(B | Hollow particle Ceria Nanoparticle self-assembly
| 12-c | 94 |
13:20$B!A(B 13:40 | D314 | $B%Y%7%/%k%F%s%W%l!<%HK!$rMxMQ$7$?6b%J%NN3;RJ#9gCf6u%7%j%+N3;R$N9g@.(B
($BElKLBg1!9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B9)F#(B $BKcH~(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B@P0f(B $B<#G7(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BD9Hx(B $BBgJe(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B:#Ln(B $B44CK(B | Hollow particle Vesicle Gold nanoparticle
| 12-c | 220 |
13:40$B!A(B 14:00 | D315 | $BHs5e7A%d%L%9N3;R$r4^$s$@1U1UFsAjN.$ND>@\?tCM7W;;(B
($B5~Bg9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$BD9ED(B $BfF(B $B!&(B ($B5~Bg1!9)(B) ($B3X(B)$B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B?78M(B $B9@9,(B | Non-spherical Janus particles Two-phase flows Computational fluid dynamics
| 12-c | 321 |
(14:00$B!A(B15:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BD9Hx(B $BBgJe(B) |
14:00$B!A(B 14:20 | D316 | SiCl4$B0!1t4T85$G:n@=$7$?%7%j%3%s%^%$%/%mN3;R$NH/8wFC@-(B
($BElBg1!9)(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$B0p_7(B $B?8(B $B!&(B ($B3X(B)$BB@ED(B $B@?0l(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B;38}(B $BM34tIW(B | Photoluminescence Zinc Reduction etched silicon microparticles
| 12-c | 449 |
14:20$B!A(B 14:40 | D317 | $B9bJ,;RC4BN$NAj>uBV$KH<$&?(G^G=$NI>2A(B
($B6eBg1!9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B?90f(B $B?r?M(B $B!&(B $BJFED(B $B6LLo(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B@%8M(B $B900l(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B@1Ln(B $BM'(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B;01:(B $B2B;R(B | Palladium catalyst Phase transition Suzuki coupling
| 12-c | 461 |
14:40$B!A(B 15:00 | D318 | $BN3;RJ*@-$,8w2;6A?.9f$N6/EY$K5Z$\$91F6A(B
($B5~Bg1!9)(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$B?<_7(B $BCRE5(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B?78M(B $B9@9,(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BBgEh(B $B@5M5(B | nanoparticles laser irradiation acoustic pressure
| 12-c | 489 |
(15:00$B!A(B16:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B>.@>(B $B9/M5(B) |
15:00$B!A(B 15:20 | D319 | $B%]%j%^!<$N1v2M66$rMxMQ$7$?(BICG$B?'AG4^M-N3;R$N:n@=$H8w2;6A?.9f$NB,Dj(B
($B5~Bg1!9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B66K\(B $BKcLm(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B?<_7(B $BCRE5(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BD9Nf(B $B?.Je(B $B!&(B $B@DLZ(B $BM5G7(B $B!&(B $B0KF#(B $B?B;0O:(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BBgEh(B $B@5M5(B | polymer/salt aggregate indocyanine green photoacoustic signal
| 12-c | 572 |
15:20$B!A(B 15:40 | D320 | $B%"%_%sCf$G$N%7%i%s%+%C%W%j%s%0$K$h$k%^%0%M%?%$%H%J%NN3;R$NI=LLAB?e2=(B
($BJ!Eg9b@l(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$B;3Fb(B $B5*;R(B $B!&(B $B4d:j(B $B??Jb(B $B!&(B $BEOJU(B $B0l5.(B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$B | surface hydrophobization silane coupling amine
| 12-c | 583 |
15:40$B!A(B 16:00 | D321 | $B2a;@2=?eAG?eCf$G<+N'1?F0$r$9$kGr6bHyN3;R$N7A>u2r@O(B
($BF1;V $B!&(B ($BF1;V $B!&(B ($BF1;VO5W(B | autonomous movement moving chemical object nonlinear dynamics
| 12-c | 609 |
16:00$B!A(B 16:20 | D322 | $B%"%k%+%j?eMO1UCf$K$*$1$k%$%*%s8r49BN=
($BF|Bg1!@8;:9)(B) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B5FCO(B $BM4Li(B $B!&(B ($BF|Bg@8;:9)(B) ($B@5(B)$B $B!&(B ($B@5(B)$BBgLn(B $BLP(B $B!&(B ($BEl9)Bg1!M}9)(B) ($B@5(B)$B5WJ]Fb(B $B>;IR(B $B!&(B ($BF|Bg@8;:9)(B) $Bc7F#(B $BIRM:(B | degradation ion exchange filler unsaturated polyester resin
| 12-c | 613 |