Japanese page

SCEJ 83rd Annual Meeting (Osaka, 2018)

List of received applications (By topics code)

3) Thermal engineering

3-c. Heat exchanger

Most recent update: 2018-09-07 21:29:01

The keywords that frequently used
in this topics code.
Latent heat storage1
Micro-fabricated SUS heat transfer surface1
Liquid film1
Rotating cylinder1
Local boiling heat transfer mechanism of water1
Mass transfer coefficient1
Visualizing flow1
Scraping solidified PCM layer1
heat release rate1

112Elucidation of local boiling heat transfer mechanism of water caused on micro-fabricated SUS heat transfer surface by visualizing flow
(Tokushima U.) *(Stu·PCEF)Mine D., (Stu·PCEF)Yamada N., (Stu·PCEF)Yoshida N., (Reg)Katoh M., (Daikatech) Ohnishi K., (Tokushima U.) Yonekura D., (Reg)Sugiyama S.
Local boiling heat transfer mechanism of water
Micro-fabricated SUS heat transfer surface
Visualizing flow
330Evaluation of mass transfer coefficient in liquid film created by rotating cylinder immersed in liquid bath
(Tohoku U.) *(Reg)Nogami Hiroshi, (Stu)Ishihara Kenji, Itoh Akihisa, (Reg)Maruoka Nobuhiro
Liquid film
Mass transfer coefficient
Rotating cylinder
467Effect of fixed blade number on heat release rate in latent heat storage system by scraping solidified PCM layer
(Tohoku U.) *(Reg)Maruoka Nobuhiro, Ito Akihisa, Hayasaka Miho, (Reg)Nogami Hiroshi
Latent heat storage
heat release rate
Scraping solidified PCM layer

List of received applications (By topics code)

List of received applications
SCEJ 83rd Annual Meeting (Osaka, 2018)

(C) 2018 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. . All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2018-09-07 21:29:01
For more information contact Organizing Committee, SCEJ 83rd Annual Meeting (Osaka, 2018)
E-mail: inquiry-83awww3.scej.org
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