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SCEJ 88th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2023) / / IChES 2023

List of received applications (By topics code)

SV) Chemical Engineering Vision Symposium

SV-1. SCEJ Vision Symposium 11 - Chemical Engineering Contributing to Energy and Resource Circulation <Closed session>

Organizer(s): Tokoro Chiharu (Waseda Univ./The Univ. of Tokyo), Nishiyama Norikazu (Osaka Univ.), Matsukata Masahiko (Waseda Univ.), Yasui Makoto (Chiyoda), Kamiya Hidehiro (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Koyama Michihisa (Shinshu Univ.)

Looking back on the year 2015, we can see that there were a series of major environmental-related adoptions and announcements: the SDGs were adopted at the UN Summit in September, the Paris Agreement was adopted at the COP that began in November, and the EU announced a policy package on the Circular Economy in December. In Japan, the "Carbon Neutral by 2050" declaration announced by the Japanese government in 2020 has triggered further efforts to reduce environmental burdens, including carbon neutrality, as a new growth strategy for Japan to create a virtuous cycle between the economy and the environment, and interest in the circular economy is gradually increasing. While the improvement of human wellbeing and economic growth are unquestionable goals of mankind, the importance of "decoupling" to reduce environmental impact and resource consumption in the process of achieving these goals is widely recognized. However, because resource recycling requires a considerable amount of energy for transportation, recovery, and separation, it is not always easy to achieve carbon neutrality and other environmental load reductions. To optimize the balance between them and to achieve decoupling of environmental load and resource consumption from a bird's eye view, the field of chemical engineering, which has a systemic process thinking, is considered to be the place to come into play. In this session, we will introduce examples of efforts toward the circular economy, resource recycling, and energy supply necessary for the circular economy, and discuss the expectations for the chemical engineering field once again. We look forward to the participation and discussion of a diverse range of participants.

Most recent update: 2023-05-09 23:29:01

The keywords that frequently used
in this topics code.
project management1

124[Invited lecture] Recent Trends of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in Japan
(Mizuho R&T) *Yamaguchi Yuta, Yoneda Masakazu
Fuel Cell
138[Requested talk] Market development of resource circulation platform for plastic material traceability
(Mitsui Chemicals) (Cor)Hamano Ryuji
blockchain technology
resource circulation platform for plastic material traceability
142[Invited lecture] R&D Projects on Resource Recycling Technology in NEDO
(NEDO) *Kawai Shun, Yanagida Yasuhiro, Imanishi Daisuke
project management
circular economy
recycling technology
254[Invited lecture] How is Germany preparing for the hydrogen economy? - An overview of public research projects
(DECHEMA) Forster Andreas
445[Requested talk] Chemical Recycling Initiatives of JEPLAN
(JEPLAN) (Reg)Nagamatsu Shigeki
Chemical Recylcle
446[Requested talk] A plastic feedstock recycle process of Resonac (former Showadenko)
(Resonac) (Cor)Kuriyama Tsunekichi
Plastic Recycle
Plastic Gasification
745[Requested talk] Resource circulation and recycling of plastic containers and packaging
(Plastic Packaging Recycling Council(PPRC)) Kubo Naoki
Plastic Resource Recycling Promotion
Recycling of plastic containers and packaging
Resource circulation/recycling Issues and responses

List of received applications (By topics code)

List of received applications
SCEJ 88th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2023)
IChES 2023

(C) 2023 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. . All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2023-05-09 23:29:01
For more information contact Organizing Committee, SCEJ 88th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2023) / / IChES 2023
E-mail: inquiry-88awww3.scej.org
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