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SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2025)

Program search result : 齋藤 泰洋 : 3 programs

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Authors and Chairs (J) field exact matches “齋藤 泰洋”; 3 programs are found.
The search results are sorted by the start time.

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Day 3
PD305Influence of heat transfer tube geometry on heat transfer in a sublimation tank
(Kyutech) *(Stu)Chiga Kanako, (Stu)Tashiro Gentaro, (Stu)Yamaguchi Hiroyasu, (Nagoya U.) (Reg)Uehara Yusuke, (Reg)Machida Hiroshi, (Reg)Norinaga Koyo, (Kyutech) (Reg)Saito Yasuhiro
numerical simulation
heat transfer
low temperature
Day 3
PD309Effect of CO2 absorption amount of amine absorbent on fluid behavior in a packed bed.
(Kyutech) *(Stu)Tashiro Gentaro, (Nagoya U.) (Reg)Uehara Yusuke, (Reg)Machida Hiroshi, (Reg)Norinaga Koyo, (Kyutech) (Reg)Saito Yasuhiro
carbon neutral
packed bed
numerical simulation
Day 3
PD315Effect of Bell Shape on Fluid Flow of Paint in Rotary Bell Sprayers Coating Applications
(Kyutech) *(Stu)Katayama Hinata, (Stu)Nakashima Shota, (ABB) Terada Masaru, (Kyutech) (Reg)Saito Yasuhiro
Numerical simulation
Film thickness

Technical program
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SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2025)

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