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SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2025)

Program search result : Maruyama Tatsuo : 2 programs

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Authors field exact matches “Maruyama Tatsuo”; 2 programs are found.
The search results are sorted by the start time.

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Day 2
L216Preparation of solid surfaces with a gradient in surface reactive functional group density
(Kobe U.) *(Reg)Maruyama Tatsuo, Amo Hikaru, Kanki Yusuke, (Reg)Morita Kenta
surface functionalization
polymer coating
gradient surface density
Day 2
   Chair: Maruyama Tatsuo
L221Particle distribution and conductivity in nanocomposite coatings: Effects of interactions between different particle species
(PIA) *(Reg)Tatsumi R., (Reg)Koike O., (Reg)Yoshie K., (UTokyo) (Reg)Tsuji Y.
Numerical simulation
L222Analysis of particle packing behaviors in sheet forming process using numerical simulation
(Tohoku U.) *(Reg)Kubo M., (Stu)Seino M., (Reg·PCEF)Saito T., (Japan Fine Ceramics Center) Kimura T., Terasaka S., (PIA) (Reg)Koike O., (Reg)Tatsumi R.
sheet forming process
discrete element method
solvent evaporation
L223Number simulation of the LIB intermittence coating with consideration of residue.
(Murozono Kaken) *(Reg)Murozono Koji, (AndanTEC) (Reg)Hamamoto Nobuo
Lithium-ion battery
Coating Flow
Numerical Simulaion
L224Stress generation during drying process of slurry coating film containing resin particles
(Kobe U.) *(Reg)Komoda Yoshiyuki, (Stu)Fukuhara Takuto, (Lintec) (Stu)Tanaka Hiroaki, (Kobe U.) (Reg)Ohmura Naoto
Packing process
Drying rate
Latex particles
DispCtl: Preferences

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SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2025)

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