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SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2025)

Program search result : ceramic membrane : 4 programs

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Keywords field exact matches “ceramic membrane”; 4 programs are found.
The search results are sorted by the start time.

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Day 2
PB223Preparation of hydrophobic silica membranes and their water-butanol pervaporation separation characteristics
(Kobe U.) *(Stu)Tamamizu Y., (Kobe U./MaF Tech C.) (Reg)Yoshioka T., (Reg)Nakagawa K., (MaF Tech C.) (Reg)Okamoto Y., (Kobe U./MaF Tech C.) (Reg)Matsuoka A., (Reg)Kamio E., (Reg)Matsuyama H.
Hydrophobic silica
Ceramic membrane
Day 2
PB227Development of ceramic membranes for membrane distillation by alkoxide treatments
(Shibaura Inst. Tech.) *(Stu)Taguchi Miwa, (Stu)Horiguchi Towa, (Stu)Muto Takahiro, (Stu)Caralin Irmariza Shafitri, (Reg)Nomura Mikihiro
membrane distillation
organic solutions
ceramic membrane
Day 2
PB228Investigation of permeation mechanism of organic solvents in nanoporous membrane by molecular simulation
(Kobe U.) *(Stu)Suzuki T., (Kobe U./MaF Tech C.) (Reg)Yoshioka T., (Reg)Nakagawa K., (Reg)Kitagawa T., (Reg)Okamoto Y., (Reg)Matsuoka A., (Reg)Kamio E., (Reg)Matsuyama H.
Ceramic membrane
Molecular dynamics simulation
Day 2
PB232Gas separation properties of porous TiO2-Al2O3-double chelate ligand (bi-OCL) composite hydrogen separation membranes
(Kobe U.) *(Stu)Nakano Kota, (Reg)Yoshioka Tomohisa, (Reg)Nakagawa Keizo, (Reg)Kitagawa Tooru, (Reg)Okamoto Yasunao, (Reg)Matsuoka Atsushi, (Reg)Kamio Eiji, (Reg)Matsuyama Hideto
ceramic membrane
Hydrogen separation
Organic chelating ligand
DispCtl: Preferences

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SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2025)

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