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4th Kansai/Chushikoku/Kyushu-Joint SCEJ Meeting in Fukui (2012)

Manuscript preparation guideline

The deadline for the manuscript submission is Monday 31st October, 2011

The “Book of Preprints” will be published in print. The style and format should meet the following guideline:

  1. A preprint manuscript should be formatted for A4 portrait. The text and drawings can be in color. However, even if the colors are used, the paper version will be printed in black and white.

  2. The length is limited to one page. Two page preprints are allowed only for keynote lectures.

  3. The manuscript should be typed in two columns. The spacing between the columns should be 6 mm. The top and bottom margins should be 23 mm and the left and right margins should be 19 mm. The standard number of lines on a page is 49.

  4. Leave a white box of 31 mm in width and 21 mm in height at the left top of the margin border.

  5. The first line should be the title which should be in a font size larger than the body text.

  6. Leave a blank line below the title. Then the list of authors should be flushed right. Each author data should be in the style ‘(Short affiliation name) Name’. Place a circle or asterisk symbol ahead of the speaker's name. The corresponding author should be marked with a superscript asterisk *.

    e.g. (Eng. U.)*(Reg)Tanaka I.* · (Stu)Smith A. · (Sci. U.)Saito H. · (New York U.)Kennedy B.J.
  7. Leaving a blank line below the author list, start the body text. In case of the keynote lectures, the body text can start from the first line on the second page.

  8. The footnote with an asterisk should be placed on the right bottom and describe the contact information of the corresponding author such as the E-mail address.

  9. A manuscript PDF file should be no larger than 1229 KB (kilobytes).

  10. PDF version: 1.4 (Acrobat 5.X) created by Adobe Acrobat is preferred.

  11. No security settings on the PDF files are allowed.

  12. Embed the fonts in the PDF file for reproducing the exact output.

  13. The acknowledgement number and password shown in the acknowledgement e-mail is necessary for uploading the PDF file.

  14. The PDF file can be overwritten by uploading a revised version any times by the deadline.

  15. No submission and revision are allowed after the deadline of the manuscript submission.

Organizing Committee, 4th Kansai/Chushikoku/Kyushu-Joint SCEJ Meeting in Fukui (2012)

4th Kansai/Chushikoku/Kyushu-Joint SCEJ Meeting in Fukui (2012)

© 2011 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2011-11-22 08:43:29
For more information contact Organizing Committee, 4th Kansai/Chushikoku/Kyushu-Joint SCEJ Meeting in Fukui (2012)
E-mail: inquiry-kck4www3.scej.org
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