Japanese page

SCEJ Regional Meeting in Kiryu (2015)

Invited lectures

Most recent update: 2015-11-06 17:33:22

Day 1

Invited lecture
Hall B
B125 “[Invited Lecture] Systematic material design using biomolecules” (16:45–17:40)

(Tokyo Tech U.) Tamaki Takanori

Day 2

Invited lecture
Hall A
A213 “[Invited Lecturer]Strategy of biomass based chemical complex in Indonesia” (13:00–13:40)

(Kobe U.) Ogino Chiaki
Hall B
B206 “[Invited Lecture] Light Trapping by Diatoms Silica Nanostructures” (11:25–12:05)

(Universie de Toulon) *Valmalette Jean-Christophe, (Norwegian U. Sci. and Tech.) Romann Julien, (SINTEF Materials and Chemistry) Royset Arne, (Norwegian U. Sci. and Tech.) Einarsrud Mari-Ann

Technical program
SCEJ Regional Meeting in Kiryu (2015)

© 2015 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2015-11-06 17:33:22
For more information contact Organizing Committee, SCEJ Regional Meeting in Kiryu (2015)
E-mail: inquiry-kt2015www3.scej.org
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