SCEJ Regional Meeting in Kiryu (2015)

Session programs

Japanese page
Most recent update: 2015-11-06 17:33:22
  1. Material/Interface (Student Award Oral) (A101-A121)
  2. Banquet (A128)
  3. Environment (Student Award Oral) (B101-B121)
  4. Special Lecture, The Researcher Invited Lecture, Student Award Ceremony (B123-B127)
  5. Energy (Student Award Oral) (C101-C106)
  6. Reaction Engineering (Student Award Oral) (C111-C121)
  7. General Oral (C201-C220)
  8. Seperation Process (Student Award Oral) (D101-D106)
  9. Particles/Fluids Process (Student Award Oral) (D112-D119)
  10. Biochemical Engineering (Student Award Oral) (E101-E115)
  11. Supercritical Fluids (Student Award Oral) (E117-E120)
  12. Symposium <Development and application of environmentally-conscious material/energy conversion processes for sustainable future> (A201-A222)
  13. Symposium <Recent Progress on Nanomaterials Processing Technologies> (B201-B216)

Technical program
SCEJ Regional Meeting in Kiryu (2015)

© 2015 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2015-11-06 17:33:22
For more information contact Organizing Committee, SCEJ Regional Meeting in Kiryu (2015)
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