Japanese page

SCEJ Regional Meeting in YOKOHAMA 2019

Help for item `Authoralphabets'

Guideline of application on the web


  • Only initials of given and middle names followed by periods should be input in the Given name field. One-word name should be input in the Family name field.

  • Separate the institute/company names, if an author belongs to some institutes/companies, by slashes in the affiliation field.

  • The affiliation can be a university/institute/company name without department names.

  • If an author does not belong to any institutes or companies, input ‘none’ or ‘formerly institute/company name’.

Application form
Help for each item

© 2019 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2019-04-19 11:32:17
For more information contact Organizing Committee, SCEJ Regional Meeting in YOKOHAMA 2019
E-mail: inquiry-kt2019www3.scej.org
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