19th SCEJ Student Meeting (Toyonaka)

Session programs

Japanese page
Most recent update: 2017-02-22 13:18:54
  1. R²ñ¾ì (R30-R33)
  2. ¸òή²ñ (S34)
  3. Electronics, Materials engineering & interfacial phenomena (P03-P07, P09-P13, P18-P22, P24-P28)
  4. Chemical reaction engineering, Supercritical fluid (K03-K07, K09-K13, K18-K22, K24-K28)
  5. Fundamental properties, Fluid & particle processing, Thermal engineering (I03-I07, I09-I13, I18-I22, I24-I28)
  6. Energy engineering, Environtal engineering (Q03-Q07, Q09-Q13, Q18-Q22, Q24-Q28)
  7. Separation processes (J03-J07, J09-J13, J18-J22, J24-J28)
  8. Biochemical engineering (L03-L07, L09-L13, L18-L22, L24-L28, M03-M07, M09-M13, M18-M22, M24-M28)
  9. Materials engineering & interfacial phenomena (N03-N07, N09-N13, N18-N22, N24-N28, O03-O07, O09-O13, O18-O22, O24-O28)

Technical program
19th SCEJ Student Meeting (Toyonaka)

© 2017 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2017-02-22 13:18:54
For more information contact Organizing Committee, 19th SCEJ Student Meeting (Toyonaka)
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