Japanese page

20th SCEJ Students Meeting in Tokyo (2018)

Manuscript submission

Upload a preprint manuscript PDF file

The deadline for the manuscript submission is Friday 9th February, 2018

You can submit your preprint manuscript from this page. Input the acknowledgement number and the password first. After the password authentification, you can specify a PDF file to be uploaded.

Acknowledgement number

Input the acknowledgement number and the password and then click the [ OK ] button.

20th SCEJ Students Meeting in Tokyo (2018)

© 2017 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2017-12-26 16:21:24
For more information contact Organizing Committee, 20th SCEJ Students Meeting in Tokyo (2018)
E-mail: inquiry-stu20ewww3.scej.org
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