Japanese page

SCEJ Regional Meeting in Akita

Invited lectures

Most recent update: 2021-06-24 08:16:45

Day 1

Invited lecture
Hall A
A129 “Invited lecture” (16:00–17:00)

(Tohoku U.) Yoko Akira

Day 2

Invited lecture
Hall A
A201 “Use of Simple Solution Reaction Processes for the Synthesis of Nanoparticle Assembly Materials and the Potential for Application of Sonoprocesses” (9:00–9:45)

(International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart, Tohoku U.) *Shinoda Kozo, (Graduate School of Eng. Sci., Akita U.) Okawa Hirokazu
A204 “Water-Assisted Solid-State Reaction” (9:45–10:30)

(Niigata U.) Toda Kenji
Hall B
B201 “Challenge to cokemaking technology aiming at maximum usage of low quality coal and efficient reduction of CO2 emissions” (9:00–9:45)

(Hokkaido U.) Tsubouchi Naoto
B204 “Development of highly-efficient utilization methods of biomass/lignite based on their chemistry” (9:45–10:30)

(Kyoto U.) Ashida Ryuichi

Technical program
SCEJ Regional Meeting in Akita

© 2021 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2021-06-24 08:16:45
For more information contact Organizing Committee, SCEJ Regional Meeting in Akita
E-mail: inquiry-thk2020www3.scej.org
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