Japanese page

SCEJ Regional Meeting in Akita

S-2. [EE] Ground breaking technologies for low carbon society

Organizer(s): Honda H. (Nagoya U.), Uehira M. (Nagoya U.),
Yoshimi Y. (Shibaura Inst. Tech.), Kurata H. (U. Tokyo)

Bioengineering researchers will get together to exchange informationof recent progress in bioengineering and bionics and discuss directionof further research. At this meeting, all the papers in the field ofbioengineering will be accommodated as poster presentations in thissymposium and no oral session will be organized.

Topics code list
SCEJ Regional Meeting in Akita

© 2021 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2021-04-30 18:13:23
For more information contact Organizing Committee, SCEJ Regional Meeting in Akita
E-mail: inquiry-thk2020www3.scej.org
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