A$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!c%P%$%*$K$h$k<+A3%(%M%k%.! | |||||
(9:00$B!A(B10:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B?9ED(B $B?NI'(B) | |||||
A301 | $BC:2=O'GSG.$K$h$k>.5,LO%P%$%*%(%?%N!<%k@8;:%W%m%;%9$X$NG.8;6!5k(B | biomass biorefinery bioethanol | S-14 | 959 | |
A302 | $B:=E|!&%P%$%*%(%?%N!<%k5UE>@8;:%W%m%;%9$N3+H/(B | Selective fermentation Bioethanol Sugar | S-14 | 828 | |
A303 | $BHy:YAtN`$NA}?#$KM?$($k30E*0x;R$N1F6A$NDjNL2=(B | algae growth rate biomass | S-14 | 559 | |
(10:00$B!A(B11:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BK>7n(B $BOBGn(B) | |||||
A304 | $B%P%$%*EECS$NM-8BMWAG2r@O(B | Biofuel Cells Multiphysics Finite element analysis | S-14 | 402 | |
A305 | $BGQ4~J*7O%P%$%*%^%9$+$i$N%a%?%sH/9Z(B | Methane fermentation Renewable energy Packed-bed reactor | S-14 | 851 | |
A306 | $B%P%$%*%^%9M3Mh$N%(%?%N!<%k?eMO1U$r86NA$K$7$?G3NAEECSMQ?eAG@=B$H?1~%7%9%F%`$N3+H/(B | $B%P%$%*%(%?%N!<%k(B $BG3NAEECS(B $BDLEE2CG.2DG=%"%k%^%$%H?(G^(B | S-14 | 449 | |
(11:00$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B;J2q(B $BKY(B $B9nIR(B) | |||||
A307 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B]$B!!:F@82DG=%(%M%k%.!<%7%9%F%`$N%G%6%$%s$H%P%$%*$NLr3d(B | S-14 | 387 | ||
(13:00$B!A(B13:40)$B!!(B($B;J2q(B $B>>B<(B $B9,I'(B) | |||||
A313 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B]$B%;%k%i!<%<9b@8;:Hy@8J*$NF|K\7?7OE} | cellulase biorefinery next-generation bioethanol | S-14 | 1001 | |
(13:40$B!A(B14:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BG_DE(B $B8w1{(B) | |||||
A315 | $B9ZJl$N5sF0$K$*$h$\$9?eG.A0=hM}I{@8@.J* | biomass yeast hydrothermal pretreatment | S-14 | 934 | |
A316 | $B%;%k%i!<% | ionic liquid cellulosic ethanol yeast | S-14 | 532 | |
(14:20$B!A(B15:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B2.Ln(B $B@i=)(B) | |||||
A317 | $B%O%$%V%j%C%I%J%N%;%k%m%=!<%`(B:$B9ZAG6&Lr7O$r0U<1$7$?=8@Q%G%6%$%s(B | cellulase clustering synargistic effect | S-14 | 936 | |
A318 | $B%O%$%V%j%C%I%J%N%;%k%m%=!<%`(B:$B9ZAG%i%$%V%i%j!<$+$i$N:GE,=8@Q9=B$%9%/%j!<%K%s%0(B | cellulase nanoparticle biomass | S-14 | 958 | |
B$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!c@8J*>pJs3X$r3h$+$9 | |||||
(10:00$B!A(B10:40)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B9b66(B $B9-IW(B) | |||||
B304 | $B%(%l%a%s%?%j!<%b!<%I$rMQ$$$?%R%HBe | metabolic system systems biology gene expression | S-13 | 292 | |
B305 | $BBe | Metabolic reaction system Mathematical model Kinetic parameter estimation | S-13 | 183 | |
(10:40$B!A(B11:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BGr@P(B $BJ8=((B) | |||||
B306 | $B%P%$%*0eLtIJ@8;:$K$*$1$k(BCHO$B:YK&4pHW>pJs$H$=$N1~MQ(B ($BFAEgBg1!%=%7%*%F%/%N%5%$%(%s%98&5fIt(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$BBg@/(B $B7r;K(B | Chinese hamster ovary cell biologics recombinant protein production | S-13 | 598 | |
B307 | 5'$BHsK]LuNN0h$K$*$1$k | bioinformatics upstream open reading frame translational control | S-13 | 22 | |
(11:20$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B;J2q(B $BARED(B $BGnG7(B) | |||||
B308 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B]$B%?%s%Q%/ | Bioinformatics protein biniding site prediction | S-13 | 15 | |
(13:00$B!A(B14:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BARED(B $BGnG7(B) | |||||
B313 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B]$B%2%N%`D6%S%C%/%G!<%?;~Be$K$*$1$k | Super computer High throughput sequencer Genome Cohort | S-13 | 16 | |
B315 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B]$B%H%i%s%9%/%j%W%H!<%`$rE}9g$7$FM}2r$9$k(B | gene expression information atlas parametric method | S-13 | 17 | |
D$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!cElF|K\Bg?L:R$G$N6571$H:#8e$X$NHw$(!d(B | |||||
(9:40$B!A(B10:40)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BGO>l(B $B0l2E(B) | |||||
D303 | $B%W%i%s%H%*%Z%l!<%7%g%s8&5f2q$N!V?L:R$X$NHw$(!W$K4X$9$kD4::8&5f$NCf4VJs9p(B | - | S-37 | 1007 | |
D304 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B]$BElKLCOJ}B@J?MN2-CO?L$HJ<8K8)FnItCO?L$N6571(B | - | S-37 | 1008 | |
(10:40$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B66K\(B $BK'9((B) | |||||
D306 | $B;0I)2=3X | - | S-37 | 1009 | |
D307 | $B%+%M%+l$N;vNc(B | - | S-37 | 1010 | |
D308 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B]$BElF|K\Bg?L:R$G$N2=3X%W%i%s%H$N0BA4$X$N6571(B | - | S-37 | 1011 | |
E$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!cBh(B11$B2s%W%m%;%9%G%6%$%s3X@8%3%s%F%9%H!d(B | |||||
(9:00$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B;J2q(B $B;32<(B $BA1G7(B) | |||||
E301 | $BBh(B11$B2s%W%m%;%9%G%6%$%s3X@8%3%s%F%9%H(B | process design information technology | S-38 | 472 | |
(13:20$B!A(B14:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B;32<(B $BA1G7(B) | |||||
E314 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B]$B!!ElKLBg3X2=3X!&%P%$%*3X2J$K$*$1$k>pJs5;=Q4XO"650i$X$N | Information technology engineering education | S-38 | 473 | |
E315 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] $B%W%m%;%9%7%_%e%l!<%?$N650i$X$N3hMQ(B | process simulator engineering education | S-38 | 528 | |
(14:00$B!A(B15:20)$B!!(B($B;J2q(B $BNkLZ(B $B9d!&^ | |||||
$BAm9gF$O@(B | |||||
F$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!c:`NA!&3&LLF$O@2q!V:`NAAO@.$H3&LL8=>]!W!d(B | |||||
(9:00$B!A(B10:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B>1Ln(B $B8|(B) | |||||
F301 | $B%9%Q%C%?@.Kl$K$h$k%(%T%?%-%7%c%k(BSi/SiGeB$BB?AXKl$N9=B$$HG.EE8=>](B | Si nanostructure thermoelectric properties | S-29 | 663 | |
F302 | SiCl4$B0!1t4T85K!$K$h$k9b=cEY?K>u%7%j%3%s$N@.D9%a%+%K%:%`(B | zinc reduction silicon tetrachloride solar grade silicon | S-29 | 469 | |
F303 | Combustion synthesis of metal oxide powders with saccharides as size reduction agent | Morphology Crystallinity Sugar | S-29 | 991 | |
(10:00$B!A(B11:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B;3K\(B $BBg8c(B) | |||||
F304 | $B@EEEHyN32=K!$K$h$kHyN3;R%+%W%;%k@=B$%W%m%;%9$N3+H/(B | Electrostatic atomization Microcapsule Gelation | S-29 | 430 | |
F305 | $BN>?FG^@-%H%j%V%m%C%/%3%]%j%^!<$rMQ$$$?%a%=%]!<%i%9%+!<%\%s$N9g@.$H%-%c%Q%7%?FC@-(B | mesoporous carbon soft-templating method electric double-layer capacitor | S-29 | 212 | |
F306 | $B%k%$%91v4p$,%^%0%M%?%$%H%J%NN3;R$N%7%j%+%3!<%F%#%s%07A@.$KM?$($k1F6A(B | Lewis base silica coating magnetite nanoparticle | S-29 | 349 | |
(11:00$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B@>;3(B $B7{OB(B) | |||||
F307 | $B2=3XH?1~$rMxMQ$7$?<+N'7?Gr6bHy>.%b!<%?!<$N3+H/(B | autonomous motion moving chemical object nonlinear dynamics | S-29 | 766 | |
F308 | $BHyN3;RJ,;61U$N4%Ag2aDx$K$*$1$k5$1U3&LL$NHs@~7A5sF0%7%_%e%l!<%7%g%s(B | suspension qas-liquid interface drying simulation | S-29 | 854 | |
F309 | $B%7%j%+Cf$N%J%N%U%)!<%`9=B$$,M60z$9$k%^%/%m%U%)!<%_%s%0(B | silica nanofoam macroscopic continuum deformation small density | S-29 | 336 | |
G$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!c(BCVD$B!&%I%i%$%W%m%;%9!!!]9=B$!&5!G=@)8f$NH?1~9)3X!]!d(B | |||||
(9:20$B!A(B10:40)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BLnED(B $BM%(B) | |||||
G302 | $BD6NW3&N.BN$rMQ$$$?%J%N%$%s%W%j%s%HMQ(BNi$B%b!<%k%I:n@=%W%m%;%9$N3+H/(B | Supercritical Fluid Deposition Ni nano-imprint | S-8 | 498 | |
G303 | $BD6NW3&Fs;@2=C:AG$rMQ$$$?(BTiO2$B!"(BBi2O3$BGvKl@.D9$NH?1~5!9=2r@O$HJ#9gKl2=(B | supercritical carbon dioxide thin film deposition | S-8 | 513 | |
G304 | $BD6NW3&(BCO2$B$rMQ$$$?(BTiO2$BGvKl@=KlMQA06nBN$NA*Br(B | supercritical fluid deposition thin film titanium dioxide | S-8 | 289 | |
G305 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B]$BM-5!J,;R=$>~;@2=J*%J%N7k>=$N9g@.!$=8@Q$H5!G=2=(B | oxide nanocrystals surface modification synthesis, integration, and functionalization | S-8 | 283 | |
(10:40$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B?y;3(B $B@5OB(B) | |||||
G306 | $BD6NW3&N.BN$rMQ$$$?%9%H%m%s%A%&%`%k%F%K%&%`;@2=Kl@=Kl%a%+%K%:%`(B | Supercritical Fluid Deposition Strontium ruthenium oxide (SRO) Deposition Mechanism | S-8 | 277 | |
G307 | $BHs5.6bB0;@2=J*EE6K$K$h$k6/M6EEBN%-%c%Q%7%?$N0BDj@-I>2A(B | ferroelectric material pulsed laser deposition conductive oxide | S-8 | 672 | |
G308 | $B%"%k%3%-%7%I86NA$rMQ$$$?%j%A%&%`;@2=J*GvKl$NG.(BCVD | CVD Lithium tert-butoxide Lithium Oxide | S-8 | 825 | |
G309 | ULSI-Cu$BG[@~MQ(BCo(W)$B%P%j%dKl7A@.(BCVD/ALD$B%W%m%;%9$N:GE,@_7W(B | CVD amidinate alloy | S-8 | 92 | |
(13:00$B!A(B14:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B?9(B $B?-2p(B) | |||||
G313 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B] $B2=3XE*GmN%$*$h$S(BCVD$B$K$h$k%0%i%U%'%s$N@.Kl$HB@M[EECSMQF)L@F3EEKl$X$N1~MQ$HE8K>(B | Graphene Transparent Conductive Film CVD | S-8 | 989 | |
G315 | $B6bB0%U%j!<%0%i%U%'%s$N4pHD>eD>@\7A@.$H9=B$@)8f(B | graphene patterned growth metal-free | S-8 | 210 | |
G316 | Cu-CVD$B%W%m%;%9$N=i4|3KH/@8!&@.D9$KBP$9$k2 | Cu-CVD Nucleation ULSI | S-8 | 759 | |
(14:20$B!A(B15:40)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B2O@%(B $B85L@(B) | |||||
G317 | $BDc29$G$N%+!<%\%s%J%N%A%e!<%V$NcGL)9g@.(B | carbon nanotubes chemical vapor deposition low temperature growth | S-8 | 270 | |
G318 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B]$B%J%N%5%$%:J* | nanomaterial gas phase deposition surface formation | S-8 | 288 | |
G319 | $B4pHD>eC1AX%+!<%\%s%J%N%A%e!<%V!"%_%j%a!<%?!<%9%1!<%k@.D9$NI,MW>r7o$H9=B$@)8f(B | single-walled carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition rapid growth | S-8 | 553 | |
G320 | Catalyst control for millimeter-tall single-walled carbon nanotubes with improved quality and areal density | single walled carbon nanotubes chemical vapor deposition coarsening of catalyst | S-8 | 258 | |
H$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!cCbAG$rG^BN$H$9$k:F@82DG=%(%M%k%.!<%j%5%$%/%k%7%9%F%`$N2DG=@-!d(B | |||||
(9:00$B!A(B10:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BCfEg(B $BEDK-(B) | |||||
H301 | $BHsJ?9UH?1~$rMxMQ$7$?Cb2=%j%A%&%`$+$i$N(BNH3$B9g@.(B | Ammonia Lithium nitride Non-equilibrium reaction | S-6 | 879 | |
H302 | $BG.2=3X%5%$%/%k$rMxMQ$7$?%"%s%b%K%"$N@=B$(B | ammonia thermo chemical cycle | S-6 | 627 | |
H303 | $BG.2=3X%5%$%/%k$K$h$k%"%s%b%K%"@=B$$K4X$9$k8&5f(B | ammonia thermochemical cycle discharge | S-6 | 394 | |
(10:00$B!A(B11:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B>e5\(B $B@.G7(B) | |||||
H304 | $B7\J5$+$i$N%"%s%b%K%"2s<}7?4%<0%a%?%sH/9Z%W%m%;%9$N3+H/5Z$SHy@8J*%(%3%7%9%F(B $B%`$N2r@O(B | Methane Ammonia poultry manure | S-6 | 169 | |
H305 | High-performance bimodal catalytic membrane reactors for COx-free hydrogen production from ammonia under pressurized conditions | Membrane reactor Ammonia decomposition COx-free hydrogen production | S-6 | 116 | |
H306 | Ru nanoparticles on graphene nanosheets: A highly active and stable catalyst for COx-free hydrogen production from ammonia | Graphene Ammonia decomposition COx-free hydrogen production | S-6 | 117 | |
(11:00$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B7&ED(B $B8w9((B) | |||||
H307 | NH3$B$H?eAG2=J*$NHy;kE*H?1~5!9=(B | metal hydride ab initio chemical reaction | S-6 | 427 | |
H308 | $B%"%s%b%K%"(B-$B%"%k%+%j6bB0?eAG2=J*7O$N?eAGJ|=PH?1~B.EY(B | reaction rate light element ammonia | S-6 | 963 | |
H309 | $B1UBN(BNH3$B$ND>@\EE5$J,2r$K$*$1$k;Y;}EE2r | electrolysis electrolyte potassium amide | S-6 | 489 | |
(13:20$B!A(B14:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B55;3(B $B=(M:(B) | |||||
H314 | $B1UBN%"%s%b%K%"EE5$J,2r$NA+0\6bB0EE6K$K$*$1$kEE5$2=3XFC@-(B | liquid ammonia electrolysis electrode | S-6 | 983 | |
H315 | NH3$B%(%3%N%_!<$,@Z$jBs$/%5%9%F%J%V%k | Ammonia Energy carrier Hydride | S-6 | 226 | |
H316 | $B6bB01v2=J*$N%"%s%b%K%"5[<}H?1~FC@-(B | Ammonia Metal chloride Reaction rate | S-6 | 269 | |
(14:20$B!A(B15:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BETN1(B $BL-N;(B) | |||||
H317 | NH3-LiH$B7O$K$*$1$k(BKH$B$NE:2C8z2L(B | Hydrogen Generation Pseud Catalytic Effect Solid reaction | S-6 | 221 | |
H318 | Thermolysis Properties of Lithium Hydrazide | Hydrogen Storage Thermolysis Decomposition Pathway | S-6 | 701 | |
H319 | $B%"%s%b%K%"%\%i%s$rMQ$$$?%(%M%k%.! | hydrogen generation hydrogen storage energy cycle | S-6 | 411 | |
I$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!c%^%$%/%m2=3X%W%m%;%9$K$h$k2=3X9)3X$N%$%N%Y!<%7%g%s!d(B | |||||
(9:20$B!A(B10:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B5\:j(B $B??:4Li(B) | |||||
I302 | $B%^%$%/%m2=3X%W%m%;%9$rMxMQ$7$?%_%9%HI8<1K!$K$h$k6u5$Cf%&%$%k%98!CN$NC;;~4V2=(B | Mist Airborne microorganisms Micro chemical process | S-7 | 228 | |
I303 | Flow-focus$B7?%^%$%/%mN.O)FbF}2=$HMOG^3H;6K!$rMxMQ$7$?C1J,;6Hy:Y%(%^%k%7%g%s$ND4@=(B | microfluidics monodisperse emulsion solvent diffusion | S-7 | 784 | |
I304 | $B%S!<%:A^F~7?%9%i%0N.%^%$%/%m%j%"%/%?!<$K$h$k%j%A%&%`%$%*%s9bB.1U1UCj=PA`:n(B | microreactor extraction slug flow | S-7 | 278 | |
(10:20$B!A(B11:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BIY3_(B $B@9E5(B) | |||||
I305 | $BH>1_7ACGLLHy>.N.O)$K$*$1$k1U1UCj=P@-G=(B | microchannel extraction reactor | S-7 | 159 | |
I306 | $B%^%$%/%m%j%"%/%?$G$NBg4D>u%[%9%H2=9gJ*$K$h$k6bB0%$%*%sCj=P5sF0$N2r@O(B | micro reactor extraction | S-7 | 853 | |
I307 | $B%^%$%/%m<><0KB;e%W%m%;%9$rMQ$$$?%]%j%9%A%l%s%U%!%$%P!<$N7A>u@)8f(B | wet-spinning microfluidics solvent diffusion | S-7 | 793 | |
(11:20$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B@P:d(B $B9'G7(B) | |||||
I308 | $B%^%$%/%m%j%"%/%?$K$h$k%7!<%H>u%R%I%m%-%7%"%Q%?%$%H%J%NN3;R$N9g@.(B | Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles Microreactor | S-7 | 359 | |
I309 | $B6bB0:xBN?(G^$rJq3g$7$?Cf6u%7%j%+%+%W%;%k$N9g@.K!$H$=$N?(G^H?1~(B | metal complex catalyst hollow silica nanocapsule homogeneous reaction | S-7 | 706 | |
(13:00$B!A(B13:40)$B!!(B($B;J2q(B $B0B@n(B $BH;Li(B) | |||||
I313 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B]$B%^%$%/%m%j%"%/%?!<$rMQ$$$?%U%CAG7O%U%!%$%s%1%_%+%k@=IJ$N9g@.(B | microreactor fluorochemistry finechemistry | S-7 | 388 | |
(13:40$B!A(B14:40)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B>.Ln(B $BEX(B) | |||||
I315 | $B%^%$%/%m%j%"%/%?!<$rMQ$$$?%J%N%Q%C%1!<%8%s%0K!$K$h$k6b%J%NN3;RFbJq%]%j%$%_%IHyN3;R$N:n@=(B | polyimide nanoparticles composite | S-7 | 139 | |
I316 | $B%^%$%/%m%U%m! | micro reactor polymerization copolymer | S-7 | 80 | |
I317 | $BHy>.1UE)Fb$K$*$1$k(BL-$B%0%k%?%_%s;@$N>=@O5sF0$N2r@O(B | microfluidic L-glutamic acid crystallization | S-7 | 876 | |
(14:40$B!A(B15:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B0B@n(B $BH;Li(B) | |||||
I318 | $B%^%$%/%mN.O)Fb$G$N9ZAGH?1~$NB%?J8z2L(B | Microreactor Enzymatic reaction Enhancement | S-7 | 592 | |
I319 | $B9b299b05?e(B-$B%^%$%/%m%j%"%/%?!<$rMQ$$$?2=3X9g@.%W%m%;%9$N3+H/(B | High Temperature and High Pressure Water Microreactor Suzuki coupling reaction | S-7 | 242 | |
(15:20$B!A(B16:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B@nGH(B $BH%(B) | |||||
I320 | $B9b299b05%^%$%/%m%j%"%/%?!<$rMxMQ$7$?%-%N%j%s4D9g@.H?1~$N2r@O(B | microreactor quinoline cyclization | S-7 | 822 | |
I321 | $B%^%$%/%m%A%e!<%V%j%"%/%?!<$K$h$k%P%$%*%G%#!<%<%k$NO"B3(B2$BCJ3,9g@.(B | Esterification Transesterification Waste cooking oil | S-7 | 181 | |
J$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!c:G@hC<2=3X9)3X$K9W8%$9$k0!NW3&!&D6NW3&N.BN5;=Q!]4pAC$+$i1~MQ$^$G!]!d(B | |||||
(10:00$B!A(B11:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BEDCf(B $B@i=)(B) | |||||
J304 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B]$B!!D6NW3&N.BN$rMQ$$$?6bB0GvKlBO@Q!=%a%j%C%H$HE8K>!=(B | S-17 | 694 | ||
J306 | [$B0MMj9V1i(B]$B!!D6NW3&N.BNCf$K$*$1$kHy:Y9&$X$NM-5!:`NAKd$a9~$_5;=Q(B | S-17 | 697 | ||
(11:00$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BAj_7(B $B?r;K(B) | |||||
J307 | $BMO2rEYB,Dj$rDL$8$?(BCu-SCFD$B$K$*$1$k86NA0BDj6!5k$N;X?K9=C[(B | Supercritical Fluid Deposition Solubility | S-17 | 295 | |
J308 | $BD6NW3&Fs;@2=C:AG$rMxMQ$7$?%3%s%?%/%H%l%s%:(BDDS$B$N:n@=(B | supercritical carbon dioxide drug delivery system contact lens | S-17 | 909 | |
J309 | $B%7%j%3%s%"%k%3%-%7%I(B/$B%]%j%^!<(B/CO2$B$N9b05Aj@)8f$rMxMQ$7$?!IK*$N;R!I%J%N%3%s%]%8%C%H$NAO@=(B | Polymer Nanocomposite Silica high pressure phase control | S-17 | 357 | |
(13:00$B!A(B14:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B@nGH(B $BH%(B) | |||||
J313 | $B5$1UAjHsM}A[@-=8Cf2=%Q%i%a!<%?K!$K$h$k%"%k%+%s(B+$B%"%k%+%s(B2$B@.J,7O5$1UJ?9U%G!<%?$NAj4X$H7rA4@-H=Dj(B | Thermodynamic cconsistency line lumped non-ideality parameter vapor-liquid equilibria | S-17 | 939 | |
J314 | $B0!NW3&?eCf$X$N%F%l%U%?%k;@$NMO2rEYB,Dj(B | subcritical water terephthalic acid solubility | S-17 | 353 | |
J315 | $BD6NW3&?eG.9g@.K!$rMxMQ$7$?I=LL=$>~(BZrO2$B%J%NN3;R$N9g@.(B | supercritical water nanoparticle ZrO2 | S-17 | 608 | |
(14:00$B!A(B15:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BED8}(B $B | |||||
J316 | $BD6NW3&>uBV$G$N>K;@?eMO1U$KBP$9$k%A%?%sFbD%4I$N6bB0MO=P5sF0(B | supercritical water corrosion tubular reactor | S-17 | 522 | |
J317 | $BD6NW3&N.BN$rMQ$$$?%J%N7k>=3hJ* | Nanoparticle lithium ion battery electrodes | S-17 | 463 | |
J318 | $B;0N&;:%$%+Fp9|$N9b299b05?e=hM}$H9ZAGJ,2r$K$h$k(BN-$B%"%;%A%k%0%k%3%5%_%s@8@.(B | chitin N-acetylglucosamine biomass | S-17 | 1003 | |
K$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!c:G@hC<%W%m%;%9$rC4$&4pACJ*@-!]B,Dj$H%7%_%e%l!<%7%g%s!]!d(B | |||||
(9:00$B!A(B10:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BHf9>Eh(B $BM42p(B) | |||||
K301 | 2$B@.J,7O6&J(:.9gJ*$KBP$9$kG.NO3X7rA4@~$rMxMQ$7$?5$1UJ?9U=c?h?d;;$H%G%b%W%m%0%i%`$N | Thermodynamic consistency line azeotropic mixture vapor-liquid equilibria | S-18 | 593 | |
K302 | $BG.NO3X7rA4@~$rMQ$$$k(B3$B@.J,7ODj295$1UJ?9U$N=c?h?d;;$H | Thermodynamic consistency line ternary vapor-liquid equiliebria UNIQUAC equation | S-18 | 855 | |
K303 | $B@E;_%;%kCf5$AjD>@\:N | Thermodynamic consistency line vapor-liquid equilibria static cell | S-18 | 928 | |
(10:00$B!A(B11:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B=ULZ(B $B>-;J(B) | |||||
K304 | $B>x5$05IU6a$G$N3K2=$K$h$k;6Mp$NB,Dj(B | nucleation vaporization scattering | S-18 | 143 | |
K305 | $BHs@~7A%l!<%6! | diffusion coefficient ionic liquids nonlinear laser spectroscopy | S-18 | 370 | |
K306 | $B%(%?%N!<%k(B+$B?e(B+$B%(%9%F%k(B($B?];@%V%A%k!"?];@%"%_%k!"Mo;@%(%A%k(B)$B$N(B3$B@.J,7O$N1U1UJ?9U$H!"%(%?%N!<%k(B+$B?e(B+$B?];@%V%A%k(B+KCl$B$N(B4$B@.J,7O$N1U1UJ?9U$NB,Dj(B | Bioethanol Butyl acetate Potassium chlorise | S-18 | 703 | |
K307 | $B9-$$29EY!&05NO>r7o$K$*$1$k%$%*%s1UBN(B-CO2$B7O$N(BpVT$B$HEE5$EAF3EY(B | ionic liquid carbon dioxide pVT | S-18 | 589 | |
(11:20$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B;J2q(B $BKRLn(B $B5.;j(B) | |||||
K308 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B]$B%,%9%O%$%I%l!<%H$NG.NO3XE*0BDj@-$H%2%9%HJ,;R$NdF@jM-@-(B | Gas Hydrate Phase equilibria Cage occupancy | S-18 | 405 | |
(13:00$B!A(B14:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BIZED(B $BBgJe(B) | |||||
K313 | $BD6NW3&Fs;@2=C:AGB8:_2<$K$*$1$k%]%j%+!<%\%M!<%H$N7k>=2=(B | polycarbonate carbon dioxide crystallization | S-18 | 761 | |
K314 | $B%0%k!<%W4sM?>uBV<0$r3hMQ$7$?(BCO2$BJ*M}5[<}:^$NA*DjK!(B | Group Contribution Equation of State CO2 Physical Absorption | S-18 | 953 | |
K315 | $B=cJ* | Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Wilson Parameter Ester | S-18 | 50 | |
(14:00$B!A(B15:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BBg>l(B $BLPIW(B) | |||||
K316 | $B%0%k!<%W4sM?K!$rE,MQ$7$?(BCOSMOSPACE$B$K$h$k%"%k%3!<%k(B+$B%"%k%+%s7O$N5$1UJ?9U$NAj4X(B | COSMOSPACE activity coefficient vapor liquid equilibrium | S-18 | 749 | |
K317 | $BG;EY0MB8I=LL@Q%Q%i%a!<%?%b%G%k$K$h$kAjJ?9U$NAj4X(B | Activity coefficient model Quasi chemical Concentration dependent surface area parameter | S-18 | 266 | |
K318 | $B86;RCDJ,2r$K$h$k6~@^N($N?d;;K!(B | refractive index property prediction QSPR | S-18 | 65 | |
(15:00$B!A(B16:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B4d0f(B $BK'IW(B) | |||||
K319 | $B4J0W7?(BWilson$B<0$K$h$k(B3$B@.J,7O5$1UJ?9U$N?d;;(B | Wilson equation T-K Wilson equation ASOG | S-18 | 255 | |
K320 | $B5$1UJ?9U$K$*$1$k%$%*%s1UBN$N8z2L$N?d;;(B | vapor-liquid equilibria ion liquid solvation method | S-18 | 581 | |
K321 | $BI8=`J(E@(BTb$B$rI,MW$H$7$J$$L56K@-J* | Critical temperature Normal boiling point Group contribution method | S-18 | 737 | |
K322 | $B>o29>o05$+$iD6NW3&>uBV$K$*$1$k%"%k%3!<%k?eMO1U$NL)EY!&G4EY5sF0$NE}0lE*2r@O(B | alcohol density viscosity | S-18 | 748 | |
L$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!c | |||||
(8:40$B!A(B10:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B2O@%(B $B85L@(B) | |||||
L300 | $B%a%?%N!<%k%*!<%H%5!<%^%k2~ | Reforming Hydrogen Auto-Thermal | S-1 | 224 | |
L301 | $B%*%U%,%9:F=[4D$rH<$&%*!<%H%5!<%^%k2~ | reformer autothermal off-gas recirculation | S-1 | 237 | |
L302 | $BDLEE2CG.%"%k%^%$%H?(G^$rMQ$$$?%a%?%s?e>x5$2~ | Steam reforming Anodic alumina support Nickel catalyst | S-1 | 389 | |
L303 | $B%j%s;@7AG3NAEECS%7%9%F%`$N;@2=H?1~4o$H$7$F$N1~MQ(B | Fuel cell reactor PAFC Selecteve oxidation | S-1 | 840 | |
(10:00$B!A(B11:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B8E;3(B $BDL5W(B) | |||||
L304 | $BDX303L$r86NA$H$9$k%a%=9&C:AG$ND4@=$H%-%c%Q%7%?FC@-(B | capacitor mesopore carbon | S-1 | 675 | |
L305 | $B%0%i%U%'%s$NMO1U9g@.!"%J%N9=B$@)8f$HBgMFNL%-%c%Q%7%?$X$N1~MQ(B | Graphene Capacitor Electrode | S-1 | 466 | |
L306 | $B%^%$%/%m%A%c%M%k$r7A@.$7$?9=B$2=EE6K$K$h$kEE5$Fs=EAX%-%c%Q%7%?$NB.EY@-G=8~>e(B | Electrochemical double-layer capacitor Structured electrode High discharge rate | S-1 | 83 | |
(11:00$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B0f>e(B $B85(B) | |||||
L307 | $BHyJ4%;%k%m!<%9!A%]%j%"%/%j%k%K%H%j%kJ#9gA!0]$NC:AG:`NA2=$H%j%A%&%`%$%*%s%-%c%Q%7%?$X$NE,MQ(B | lithium ion capacitor polyacrylonitrile cellulose | S-1 | 284 | |
L308 | $B%j%A%&%`%$%*%sEECS$K$*$1$k3hJ* | Lithium-ion battery Intercalation electrode Diffusion process | S-1 | 898 | |
L309 | $BL5MOG^H?1~$rMQ$$$??7$7$$%]%j%^!<9g@.$H%j%A%&%`Fs | non solvent reaction disulfide lithium rechargable battery | S-1 | 213 | |
(13:00$B!A(B13:40)$B!!(B($B;J2q(B $BCf@n(B $B?B9%(B) | |||||
L313 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B]$B%j%A%&%`%$%*%sFs | LIB Cathode materials Fine particles | S-1 | 102 | |
(13:40$B!A(B14:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B8E;3(B $BDL5W(B) | |||||
L315 | $B%$%*%s1UBN4^M-5?;w8GBNEE2r2A(B | All-solid-state battery Ionic Liquid Mass transport | S-1 | 543 | |
L316 | $B%$%*%s1UBN4^M-5?;w8GBNEE2r | All-solid-state battery Ionic Liquid High capacity cathode | S-1 | 545 | |
(14:20$B!A(B16:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B1':,K\(B $BFF(B) | |||||
L317 | ($B9V1iCf;_(B) | 100 | 526 | ||
L318 | $B%_%/%m!&%J%N%/%i%9%?!<9=B$2=$K$h$k6bB0%J%NN3;RKl$N:n@.$HB?@\9gGvKlB@M[EECS$X$N1~MQ(B | Solar cells Metal nanoparticles Surface plasmon | S-1 | 755 | |
L319 | Sb2S3$BA}46H>F3BNB@M[EECS$K$*$1$k8wA}46:`$N(Bpn$B@\9g3&LL$X$NC4;}>uBV$HH/EEFC@-$N4X78(B | solar cell Sb2S3 heterojunction | S-1 | 942 | |
L320 | Interaction of Metal Nanoparticles and TiO2 during the Introduction into the Photoabsorbing Layer in Plasmonic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells | dye-sensitized solar cell metal nanoparticle localized surface plasmon | S-1 | 944 | |
L321 | $BD>8rN.7?29EY:9H/EEAuCV$N@-G=I>2A(B | Thermoelectric Power Generation Design Optimization Heat Transfer | S-1 | 218 | |
M$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!c%(%M%k%.!<%7%s%]%8%&%`!d(B | |||||
(9:00$B!A(B10:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BARK\(B $B9@;J(B) | |||||
M301 | $BGQ4~J*G3>F>l$K$*$1$kEAG.4I$X$N3%IUCe5!9=$N2rL@(B | waste combustion ash deposition | S-2 | 300 | |
M302 | $BGS%,%9$NNd5Q2aDx$K$*$1$k1t$*$h$S0!1t>x5$$NL55!N3;RI=LL$X$NIUCe(B | Heavy metal vapors toxicity of deposit Heterogeneous nucleation | S-2 | 325 | |
M303 | Effect of net-modifier on the microstructure and leaching behavior of slag during high temperature gasification | slag structure microstructure slag stability | S-2 | 438 | |
(10:00$B!A(B11:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BFs5\(B $BA1I'(B) | |||||
M304 | $B@PC:%,%92=%,%9$rG3NA$H$7$FMQ$$$?>l9g$N(BSOFC$BG3NA6K$K$*$1$k=tNt2=H?1~$K4X$9$k8&5f(B | Solid oxide fule cell coal gasification trace contaminants | S-2 | 710 | |
M305 | CO2$B2s<}7?9b8zN((BIGCC$BMQ4%<0C&N2%W%m%;%9$K$*$1$kC:AG@O=P1F6A$HBP:v(B | high temperature sulfur removal carbon deposition IGCC with CO2 capture | S-2 | 1 | |
M306 | Carbon deposition border in the desulfurization process in IGCC | lCarbon deposition high temperature sulfur removal chemical equilibrium | S-2 | 704 | |
(11:00$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B>.NS(B $B@?(B) | |||||
M307 | $BE47O5[Ce:^$rMQ$$$?4%<0C&N2%7%9%F%`$NC&N2@-G=8!F$(B | IGCC desulfuration adsorption | S-2 | 440 | |
M308 | $B3h@-%3!<%/%9$K$h$k(BH2S$B5Z$S(BCOS$B5[CeFC@-(B | dry desulfurization COS conversion activated cokes | S-2 | 634 | |
M309 | $B3h@-%3!<%/%9$r5[Ce:^$H$7$FMQ$$$?4%<0C&N2%W%m%;%9$K$*$1$k6&B8%,%9$N1F6A(B | adsorption gasification sulfuric compound | S-2 | 397 | |
(13:00$B!A(B14:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B>.NS(B $B?.2p(B) | |||||
M313 | 172nmVUV$B$rMQ$$$?(BSNCR$BK!$N3+H/(B | VUV SNCR NOx | S-2 | 114 | |
M314 | $BBg5$05%W%i%:%^$rMQ$$$?(BSNCR$BK!$N3+H/(B | Atmospheric plasma SNCR NOx | S-2 | 115 | |
M315 | $B@PL}%3!<%/%9$N(BKOH$BIj3h$GF@$i$l$k3h@-C:$N:Y9&!&I=LL2=3XFC@-(B | petroleum coke activated carbon | S-2 | 429 | |
(14:00$B!A(B15:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BHDC+(B $B5A5*(B) | |||||
M316 | $BMO:^Cj=P%U%i%/%7%g%M!<%7%g%sK!$K$h$k@PC:!&G47k:`$N%3!<%/%92=5sF0M=B,$N;n$_(B | Solvent extraction Coking coal Binder | S-2 | 646 | |
M317 | $B2:OB$JMO:^=hM}$K$h$j2~ | carbon fiber stabilization $B"#(Bextraction | S-2 | 849 | |
M318 | Liquefaction of extracts obtained from low-rank coal and biomass extraction at mild condition | Degradative extraction low-rank coal/biomass liquid fuel | S-2 | 977 | |
(15:00$B!A(B16:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BiCED(B $BN40l(B) | |||||
M319 | $B%P%$%*%^%9!&@PC::.9g%,%92=$K$h$k1U2=G3NA9g@.MQ%,%9@=B$$K4X$9$k8&5f(B | gasification coal biomass | S-2 | 395 | |
M320 | $B%;%k%m!<%9$N9ZAGE|2=$K$*$1$k(BCBH1$B$H(BCBH2$B$NAj>h8z2L(B | biomass enzyme hydrolysis | S-2 | 63 | |
M321 | $B%P%$%*%^%9$N9ZAGE|2=$K$*$1$k9ZAG$NHs@8;:E*5[Ce8=>](B | biomass enzyme hydrolysis | S-2 | 64 | |
M322 | $BKlJ,N%MOG^Cj=P$K$h$kGQ=a3jL}$N:F@8 | refinement waste lubricant membrane | S-2 | 371 | |
O$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!c2=3XAuCV$K$*$1$k:`NA5;=Q!d(B | |||||
(9:00$B!A(B9:40)$B!!(B($B;J2q(B $B | |||||
O301 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B]$B%_%/%m$*$h$S%^%/%mM;9gNO3X$K4p$E$/@h?JBQG.:`NA$N%/%j!<%W | Creep Fracture Life Creep Damage Creep Crack | S-41 | 624 | |
(9:40$B!A(B11:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B5WJ]Fb(B $B>;IR(B) | |||||
O303 | $B?e>x5$2~ | Creep Damage Remaining Life Estimation Heat Resisting Cast Alloy | S-41 | 198 | |
O304 | RBM($B%j%9%/%Y!<%9%a%s%F%J%s%9(B)$BE,MQJ}K!$N9M$(J}$H%=%U%H%&%'%"$N9=C[(B | RBM Maintenance Inspection | S-41 | 552 | |
O305 | $BN3;R>WFM8=>]$r1~MQ$7$?9b294D6-2<$N%;%i%_%C%/%3!<%F%#%s%0:`NA$N5!3#E*@- | ceramic coating materials mechanical properties measurements | S-41 | 246 | |
O306 | $B%"%k%_(B-$B9]HD$NBQ?)@-I>2AK!$N8!F$(B | galvanized steel corrosion evaluation | S-41 | 215 | |
(11:00$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $Bc&K\(B $BNIB'(B) | |||||
O307 | Corrosion rate of metals in rubber seed oil | corrosion rate metal rubber seed oil | S-41 | 262 | |
O308 | $BN2;@5$AjIt$XK=O*$7$?%S%K%k%(%9%F%k | degradation gas phase sulfuric acid | S-41 | 684 | |
O309 | FRP$B@=CyAe5!4o$N$?$a$N%"%s%A%(!<%8%s%09=B$(B | FRP storage smart structure diffusion | S-41 | 648 | |
Q$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!c4D6-It2q%7%s%]%8%&%`!d(B | |||||
(9:20$B!A(B10:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B>.6L(B $BAo(B) | |||||
Q302 | $BB?9& | CO2 chemical absorption hollow fiber membrane contactor cross-flow module | S-10 | 998 | |
Q303 | $BM-5!B?9& | CO2 chemical absorption microporous hollow fiber membrane absorbent regeneration | S-10 | 999 | |
Q304 | $B%;%i%_%C%/%95[<}:`= | Lithium Silicate CO2 Absorbent Heat of Absorption | S-10 | 217 | |
(10:20$B!A(B11:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B9b66(B $B?-1Q(B) | |||||
Q305 | TSA$BJ}<0$rMQ$$$?G3>FGS%,%9$+$i$N(BCO2$BJ,N%!&G;=L!&2s<}%7%9%F%`$N3+H/(B | honeycomb rotor CO2 concentration and recovery thermal swing adsorption | S-10 | 536 | |
Q306 | $B@PC:2PNOH/EE=jGS%,%9$KBP$9$k(BCO2$BJ,N%2s<}5;=Q$N%W%m%;%9Hf3S(B | CO2 Carbon Capture Process Simulation | S-10 | 778 | |
(11:00$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B;J2q(B $BEDCf(B $B44Li(B) | |||||
Q307 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B] $B%l%"%a%?%k%j%5%$%/%k$NF08~(B | rare metals recycling metallurgy | S-10 | 539 | |
(13:00$B!A(B14:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B2#;3(B $B8x0l(B) | |||||
Q313 | CO2$B5[<}MQ%"%_%s?eMO1U$NHfG.B,Dj(B | Carbon Capture Amine Solution Specific Heat | S-10 | 21 | |
Q314 | CCS$B%W%i%s%H$+$i$NBg5$J|;6%"%_%s$N3H;65sF02r@O(B | CCS amine emission | S-10 | 78 | |
Q315 | $B%"%_%s5[<}1U>t2=%W%m%;%92r@O(B | CCS amine ion exchange resin | S-10 | 189 | |
(14:00$B!A(B15:20)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BA0Bt(B $B9,HK(B) | |||||
Q316 | $B9bBQ5W@-%"%_%s5[<}1U$rMQ$$$?(BCO2$B2=3X5[<}%W%m%;%9$N3+H/(B | Chemical Absorption Carbon dioxide Amine | S-10 | 225 | |
Q317 | $B%b%N%(%?%N!<%k%"%_%sMO1U$X$NFs;@2=C:AG5[<}$NB.EYO@E*8!F$(B | Post-Combustion Capture Monoethanolamine Carbon dioxide | S-10 | 705 | |
Q318 | 2$B@.J,7O:.9g5[<}1U$K$*$1$k(BCO2$B5[<}B.EY$KM?$($k(BpH$B$N1F6A(B | CCS rate of absorption amine | S-10 | 690 | |
Q319 | 2$B@.J,7O:.9g5[<}1U$N(BCO2$B5[<}H?1~G.$K4X$9$k8&5f(B | CCS amine heat of absorption | S-10 | 769 | |
S$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!c;q8;!&%(%M%k%.! | |||||
(9:00$B!A(B10:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BGr@P(B $BJ8=((B) | |||||
S301 | $B%1%_%+%k%(%C%A%s%0$K$h$kB@M[EECS%;%kCfM-MQ85AG$N2s<}(B | Chemical etching Solar silicone cell Recycle | S-5 | 185 | |
S302 | $B2aG.?e>x5$$K$h$k(BRDF$B$NC&1vAG2=$K$*$h$\$9A`:nMW0x$N1F6A(B | RDF dechlorination superheated steam | S-5 | 308 | |
S303 | 3$B | Photogedradation Tungsten trioxide Adsorption | S-5 | 130 | |
(10:00$B!A(B11:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BApJI(B $B9n8J(B) | |||||
S304 | $B8w?(G^H?1~4o$K$*$1$k8w8;$H8w?(G^H?1~Kl$NG[CV$N8!F$(B | Photocatalytic reaction Reactor configuration Volatile organic compound | S-5 | 182 | |
S305 | $B%^%$%/%m%O%K%+%`>u%7%j%+(B-$B%A%?%K%"8w?(G^$K$*$1$k5[Ce:nMQ$N1F6A(B | Ice templating method photocatalyst adsorption | S-5 | 453 | |
S306 | $B3h@-;@AGB,Dj$K$b$H$E$/%^%$%/%m%P%V%k(B/$B8w?(G^?e>t2=%W%m%;%9$NH?1~2r@O(B | $B%^%$%/%m%P%V%k(B $B8w?(G^(B $B3h@-;@AG(B | S-5 | 315 | |
(11:00$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B>1Ln(B $B8|(B) | |||||
S307 | $B%A%?%K%"!?%7%j%+8w?(G^$K$h$kG@Lt$NJ,2r(B | Photocatalyst Simetryn Picloram | S-5 | 566 | |
S308 | $B6bB0%I!<%W%A%?%K%"!?%7%j%+8w?(G^$K$h$kBgD26]$N;&6](B | Photocatalyst Ag-titania/silica Escherichia coli | S-5 | 570 | |
S309 | $B%H%j%/%m%m%7%i%s$NK=AvH?1~4m81@-(B | Trichlorosilane Hydrosilylation ARC | S-5 | 629 | |
(13:00$B!A(B14:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B8~0f(B $B?B(B) | |||||
S313 | Determination of optimum operating conditions for Polyol Ester Production using Taguchi Aproach | Neopentyl glycol-based polyol esters Esterification Taguchi Method | S-5 | 188 | |
S314 | $B8GBN;@?(G^$rMQ$$$?%$%*%s1UBNCf$G$N%;%k%m!<%92C?eJ,2r$K$h$kE|$NA*BrE*9g@.(B | hydrolysis ionic liquid catalyst | S-5 | 290 | |
S315 | $BEE;R@~>H | bioethanol bamboo powder electron beam irradiation(EB irradiation ) | S-5 | 478 | |
(14:00$B!A(B14:40)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B>.6L(B $BAo(B) | |||||
S316 | $B%;%k%m!<%9G.J,2r$KBP$9$k%$%*%s1UBN$N?(G^:nMQ(B | $B%P%$%*%^%9(B $B%;%k%m!<%9(B $BG.J,2r(B | S-5 | 515 | |
S317 | $B%^%$%/%mGH2CG.$K$h$k(BOH$B%i%8%+%k$rMQ$$$?%j%0%K%s$NDcJ,;R2=(B | lignin hydroxyl radical depolymerize | S-5 | 588 | |
(14:40$B!A(B15:40)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $BJ!86(B $BD9 | |||||
S318 | $BD62;GH$rMQ$$$?%W%k%m%K%C%/%_%;%k$+$i$NFbJqJ* | Ultrasound Micelle Frequency | S-5 | 327 | |
S319 | $BD62;GH$K$h$kL}E)$NJ,;6!&6E=8$rMxMQ$7$?%l%"%a%?%k$N2s<}(B | extraction ultrasonic | S-5 | 693 | |
S320 | $BIT6Q0l?(G^K!%P%$%*%G%#!<%<%k9g@.$K$*$1$kD62;GH>H | Ultrasonic irradiation Biodiesel fuel heterogeneous reaction | S-5 | 866 | |
V$B2q>l(B | |||||
$B9V1i(B $B;~9o(B | $B9V1i(B $BHV9f(B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $BJ,N`(B | $BHV9f(B $B | |
$B%7%s%]%8%&%`(B $B!c5!G=@-9bJ,;R:`NA$K4XO"$9$k5;=Q$N?7E83+!J:`NA!&3&LLIt2q!K!d(B | |||||
(9:00$B!A(B10:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B5HED(B $B>;90(B) | |||||
V301 | pH$B1~Ez7?C10l9bJ,;R%_%;%k7A@.$K5Z$\$9D9:?%"%k%-%kB&:?$N:?D9$N1F6A(B | pH-responsive polymer unimolecular micelle bisphenol-A | S-30 | 652 | |
V302 | $B%$%*%s4p$rF3F~$7$?4629@-%2%k$N29EYJQ2=$K$h$k6bB0%$%*%s5[C&CeFC@-(B | adsorption thermosensitive gel cation | S-30 | 460 | |
V303 | $B%]%j%"%/%j%k;@%0%i%U%H%R%"%k%m%s;@$rMQ$$$?@8BNFb%$%*%s2M66%2%k$NAO@=(B | hyaluronan ion-crosslinking ATRP | S-30 | 260 | |
(10:00$B!A(B11:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B0KF#(B $BBgCN(B) | |||||
V304 | $BAB?e2=%<%i%A%s$+$i$J$k%R%I%m%2%k$N3+H/$H7l4I?7@8M6F3:^$H$7$F$N1~MQ(B | Gelatin Hydrogel Angiogenesis | S-30 | 912 | |
V305 | Bacillus subtilis$B$r8GDj2=$9$k@8J,2r%_%/%m%9%U%'%"$ND4@=$*$h$S@8J*3h@-I>2A(B | microsphere Bacillus subtilis biodegradable | S-30 | 940 | |
V306 | (W/O/W)$B%(%^%k%7%g%s$rH?1~>l$H$7$?9b5[?e@-9bJ,;R$N9g@.$H%^%$%/%m%+%W%;%k2=(B | super absorbent polymer (W/O/W) emulsion microcapsule | S-30 | 352 | |
(11:00$B!A(B12:00)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B8eF#(B $B7rI'(B) | |||||
V307 | $B5!G=@-%O%$%I%m%2%k%+%W%;%k$N3+H/(B | capsule hydrogel agar | S-30 | 73 | |
V308 | $B:`NAI=LL$KIUM?$7$?@8BNJ,;RG'<15!G=$X$NE|:?9bJ,;R%3%s%U%)%a!<%7%g%s$N1F6A(B | glycopolymer protein recognition polymer immobilization | S-30 | 960 | |
V309 | Effect of amine on CO2 capture-release of N-isopropylacrylamide based nanoparticles | carbon dioxide capture nanoparticles lower criticle solution temperature | S-30 | 720 | |
(13:00$B!A(B13:40)$B!!(B($B;J2q(B $BBm(B $B7rB@O:(B) | |||||
V313 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B]2$BAX%+!<%\%s%J%N%A%e!<%VF)L@F3EE%U%#%k%`$NNL;:2=5;=Q(B | Double-walled carbon nanotube(DWNT) high-conductivity transparent conductive film(TCF) | S-30 | 441 | |
(13:40$B!A(B14:40)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B4];3(B $BC#@8(B) | |||||
V315 | $B5!G=@-9bJ,;R:`NA:n@=$N$?$a$N%W%i%:%^%0%i%U%H=E9gK!(B:$BDc29%Q!<%*%-%5%$%IK!(B | Plasma-induced graft polymerization Peroxide Sodium dodecyl sulfate | S-30 | 398 | |
V316 | $BFs=E4I%N%:%k$rMQ$$$?@EEEKB;eK!$K$h$k%3%"%7%'%k%^%$%/%m!&%J%N%U%!%$%P!<$ND4@=$H%U%!%$%P!<7A@.5sF0(B | Electrospinning Electrohydrodynamics core-shell fiber | S-30 | 455 | |
V317 | $BFq?eMO@-Lt:^$N?75,2DMO2=K!$N3+H/(B | Lower Critical Solution Temperature Soluplus solubilization | S-30 | 653 | |
(14:40$B!A(B15:40)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B>1Ln(B $B8|(B) | |||||
V318 | $B;g30@~9E2= | photopolymerization coating real time FT-IR | S-30 | 79 | |
V319 | $BF3EE@-9bJ,;R(B($B%]%j%U%'%K%l%s%S%K%l%sM6F3BN(B)$B$N8wFC@-JQ2=$HJ,;R?6F0$N4X78@-(B | PPV IR | S-30 | 377 | |
V320 | UV$B%*%>%s%(%C%A%s%0$rMxMQ$7$?9bJ,;R%0%i%U%H%J%NN3;R:n@=K!$N8&5f(B | polymer-grafted nanoparticle surface-initiated polymerization UV-ozone etching | S-30 | 951 | |
(15:40$B!A(B16:40)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B@6ED(B $B2BH~(B) | |||||
V321 | $B&J(B-$B%+%i%.!<%J%s$rMxMQ$7$?%&%l%"!<%<8GDj2=?(G^$ND4@=$H%^%/%m9&F3F~$K$h$k9b3h@-2=(B | ice templating method urease $B&J(B-carrageenan | S-30 | 470 | |
V322 | $BI9>=%F%s%W%l!<%HK!$rMxMQ$7$F:n@=$7$?%7%j%+%^%$%/%m%O%K%+%`$N(BTEOS$BCf%(!<%8%s%0$K$h$k9=B$6/2=(B | Ice templating method Silica Microhoneycombs Aging in TEOS | S-30 | 565 | |
V323 | $B%,%i%95e= | suspension polymerization monomer droplet glass beads packed column | S-30 | 135 | |
(16:40$B!A(B17:40)$B!!(B($B:BD9(B $B0BED(B $B>;90(B) | |||||
V324 | QCM$B$rMQ$$$?%O%$%I%m%2%k$N6I=jG4CF@-5sF04Q;!$K$*$1$k0l9M;!(B | QCM Hydrogel Viscoelasticity | S-30 | 641 | |
V325 | $B29EY1~Ez@-$rM-$9$k0[7A%]%j%^! | anisotropic particle thermosensitive building block | S-30 | 310 | |
V326 | $BCj=P:^FbJq%(%^%k%7%g%s%2%k%S!<%:$N3+H/$H6bB0%$%*%s$N5[CeFC@-(B | emulsion gel beads adsorption heavy metal ion | S-30 | 374 |