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SCEJ 85th Annual Meeting (2020) / / IChES 2020

List of received applications (By topics code)

SS) Session organized by Industry

SS-5. Management Issues of Chemistry Related Industries - SDGs and Circular Economy - <Closed session>

Organizer(s): Sato Takashi (SCEJ)

With regard to the circular economy that demands a shift from a mass-produced, mass-consumed, mass-disposable disposable society, the European Commission enacted the "Circular Economy Package" in December 2015.

This time, we would like to discuss the issues that should be addressed in the chemical-related industries by introducing examples of companies in the materials field, assembly processing field, and leading overseas trends such as the EU, which are aiming to develop business in line with the circular economy.

In addition, despite the frequent occurrence of global abnormal weather events in recent years, countries may not be in line with global warming countermeasures, so the relationship between economic and environmental win-win is possible. I want to have a discussion.

Most recent update: 2020-09-26 15:59:01

186[Invited lecture] TBA
(Circular Economy Japan) Nakaishi Kazuhiko

187[Invited lecture] TBA
(Ministry of the Environment) Konuma Nobuyuki

189[Invited lecture] TBA
(Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings) Kanda Mina

190[Invited lecture] TBA
(Suntory Holdings) (Cor)Naiki Kenji

192[Invited lecture] TBA
(Panasonic) Shimono Ryuji


List of received applications (By topics code)

List of received applications
SCEJ 85th Annual Meeting (2020)
IChES 2020

(C) 2020 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. . All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2020-09-26 15:59:01
For more information contact Organizing Committee, SCEJ 85th Annual Meeting (2020) / / IChES 2020
E-mail: inquiry-85awww3.scej.org
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