Japanese page

15th SCEJ Students Meeting in Yonezawa (2013)

Help for item `MemberID'

Guideline of application on the web


Input the SCEJ member ID number in the member ID field, input `0' in the member ID field if you are applying for the membership now, or input `-1' if your do not know the member ID number. A divisional member should input the name of the SCEJ division and its member ID number if given. Members of the cosponsering or affiliate institutes should input the name of the institute and its member ID number if given.

Application form
Help for each item

© 2012 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2012-11-02 22:35:09
For more information contact Organizing Committee, 15th SCEJ Students Meeting in Yonezawa (2013)
E-mail: inquiry-stu15ewww3.scej.org
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