$B:G=*99?7F|;~!'(B2016-11-29 11:54:01
$B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $B | $B?=9~(B | $BJ}K!(B | |
551 | $B1U(B-$B1U(B2$BAj:.N.$K$h$C$F:n@=$5$l$?%(%^%k%7%g%s$NJ,;60BDj@-$K4X$9$k8&5f(B | SY-84 | emulsion dispersion stability liquid-liquid two-phase mixed flow | 6/16 19:05:28 | WWW |
552 | $B%a%?%/%j%k7O%b%N%^! | SY-84 | microcapsule self-healing micro crack | 6/16 19:09:17 | WWW |
553 | $B%+!<%\%s%J%N%A%e!<%V9bJ,;R%"%/%A%e%(!<%?$N%(%l%/%H%m%9%T%K%s%0K!$K$h$k:n@=(B | ST-13 | actuator carbon nanotube electrospinning | 6/16 19:12:57 | WWW |
554 | $B%j%0%K%s$N=i4|G.J,2r5Z$SFs\:Y2=3XH?1~%b%G%k$N9=C[(B | ST-11 | Lignin Detailed Chemical Kinetic Modeling Pyrolysis | 6/16 19:19:53 | WWW |
555 | AMP$BC:;@1v$N@O=PH?1~$H@8@.G.$r9MN8$7$?AjJ,N%%W%m%;%9E,MQ(BCO2$BJ,N%2s<}%7%9%F%`$N(BAspen Plus$B$K$h$k%b%G%j%s%0(B | SY-88 | CO2 capture slurry solid-liquid separation | 6/16 19:23:45 | WWW |
556 | CO2$B?eAG2=H?1~$K5Z$\$9(BCu/ZrO2$B?(G^$X$N6bB0E:2C8z2L(B | SY-65 | copper CO2 hydrogenation methanol | 6/16 19:29:25 | WWW |
557 | $BN3;RJ,;61U$N1~NO?6F0$KM?$($k9bJ,;R5[Ce$N1F6A(B | SY-83 | co-solvent oscillation suspension | 6/16 19:32:23 | WWW |
558 | $B9%5$@-Hy@8J*$NBgNLG]M\$rL\E*$H$7$?%P%$%*%j%"%/%?!<8~$19b@-G=3IYBMc$N3+H/(B | SY-73 | Bioreactor Impeller Aerobic Microorganism | 6/16 19:40:58 | WWW |
559 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B] $B9b05?eAG%$%s%U%i9=C[$K8~$1$??eAG$NG.J*@-7WB,$H?eAGJ*@-%G!<%?%Y!<%9$N1~MQ(B | ST-14 | High-pressure hydrogen Thermophysical properties Database system | 6/16 19:51:41 | WWW |
560 | $B=$I|:`FbJq%^%$%/%m%+%W%;%k$rF3F~$7$?EINA$N<+8J=$I|G=NO$N4pACE*I>2A(B | SY-86 | microcapsule self-healing paint | 6/16 19:54:45 | WWW |
561 | $BH?1~(B+$B>xN1J#9g%W%m%;%9$N9=B$$HJ,N%FC@-(B | SY-58 | Reactive distillation Simulation Separation characteristics | 6/16 19:59:16 | WWW |
562 | $BE4?(G^$K$h$k%P%$%*%*%$%k$N2~ | ST-11 | bio-oil iron catalyst decarboxylation | 6/16 20:05:26 | WWW |
563 | $B2=3X%W%i%s%H7z@_$rL\E*$H$7$?8+@Q:n6H;~$N%j%9%/BP1~(B | SY-72 | Risk Management Chemical Plant Cost Estimating | 6/16 20:09:29 | WWW |
564 | $BL5 | ST-12 | PEFC cathode dimensionless modulus | 6/16 20:10:45 | WWW |
565 | $B22A(B | ST-15 | Forward osmosis Concentration Methane fermentation | 6/16 20:12:49 | WWW |
566 | $BL$MxMQJF$N$_$r86NA$H$7$?9b8w3X=cEY(BD-$BF};@$NH/9Z@8;:5;=Q$N3+H/(B | SY-73 | D-lactic acid unused rice Lactobacillus plantarum | 6/16 20:13:07 | WWW |
567 | $B002=@.$N!X%?%s%Q%/ | SY-64 | hollow fiber membrane adsorption ion exchange | 6/16 20:35:05 | WWW |
568 | CO2$BJ,N%2s<}$N:F@8Ec$K$*$1$k(BCO2$B2rN%G.7WB,$NBEEv@-$N8!F$(B | SY-88 | carbon dioxide capture system dissociation heat heat loss | 6/16 20:43:09 | WWW |
569 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B] $BC:AG;q8;JQ49$K$*$1$kN3;R!&N.BN%W%m%;%95;=Q$N2]Bj(B | SY-52 | Gasification Reactor Configuration Rearrangement of parallel/consecutive reactions | 6/16 20:47:20 | WWW |
570 | Preparation of polyamide hollow fiber membranes via TIPS process | SY-58 | Polyamide Hollow fiber membrane TIPS process | 6/16 21:09:03 | WWW |
571 | SOEC$B%^%k%A%;%k%9%?%C%/$K$h$k?eAG@=B$%7%9%F%`$N8!>Z(B | ST-12 | hydrogen production SOEC | 6/16 21:14:17 | WWW |
572 | $B9b<~GHG.%W%i%:%^$K$h$k(BLi-Mn-Fe$BJ#9g;@2=J*%J%NN3;R$N9g@.(B | ST-16 | Thermal Plasma Lithium Metal Oxide Nanoparticle | 6/16 21:22:24 | WWW |
573 | Temperature related phenomena at the oil-water interface - evidence of lasting effects on interfacial tension in the presence of a surfactant (Triton X-100) | SY-83 | Oil-water interface interfacial tension Triton X-100 | 6/16 21:27:40 | WWW |
574 | $B%7%s%0%k%Q%9(BTFF$B$K$h$k%?%s%Q%/ | SY-74 | SPTFF Concentration Protein | 6/16 21:31:00 | WWW |
575 | $B%J%N?eE)$X$N>.J,;R$N5[Ce2aDx$N<+M3%(%M%k%.!<2r@O(B | SY-51 | molecular dynamics nano-droplet absorption | 6/16 21:36:09 | WWW |
576 | $B%U%'%N!<%k@-?e;@4pF3F~9bJ,;R$r;H$C$?%P%$%*%W%j%s%F%#%s%0(B | SY-75 | Bioprinting Hydrogel Tissue engineering | 6/16 21:41:55 | WWW |
577 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B] $B3J;R%\%k%D%^%sK!$rMQ$$$?5e7AN3;RB?9&BN$X$N1UE)?;F)$N?tCM7W;;(B | SY-52 | LBM porous media capillary | 6/16 21:43:17 | WWW |
578 | $B%<%*%i%$%HJ#9gKl$rMQ$$$?5U?;F)K!$K$h$k?eJ,N%@-G=(B | SY-62 | Zeolite membrane Water Reverse osmosis | 6/16 21:49:51 | WWW |
579 | $BC10lMn2<1UE)$NIT:.OB@E;_1UBNAX$X$N>WFM2aDx$N?tCM2r@O(B | SY-52 | Drop impact Three-fluid flow CFD | 6/16 21:51:43 | WWW |
580 | $B%"%k%+%jMO2r2q9g@-9bJ,;RMO1UCf$r>e>:$9$k5$K"$N1?F0$X$NMO1U(BpH$B$N1F6A(B | SY-52 | Bubble rise motion Viscoelastic fluid, Rheological property | 6/16 21:57:30 | WWW |
581 | $BC&N25Z$S%3%s%/%j!<%HGQ4~J*$rMxMQ$7$?Cf9q;@@-EZ>m$N2~NII>2A(B | SY-88 | acid soil desulfurization waste waste concrete | 6/16 22:38:48 | WWW |
582 | CO2$B$rMQ$$$?(BRESS$BK!$K$h$k(BS-(+)-$B%J%W%m%-%;%s$N%J%NN3;RAO@=$KBP$9$kA`:n0x;R$N1F6A(B | SY-79 | RESS Supercritical CO2 S-(+)-Naproxen nanoparticles | 6/16 22:52:48 | WWW |
583 | $B9b29>r7o$G$N%^%k%A%,%93H;6$K$h$k5$BNJ,N%$KM-8z$J%^%$%/%m9&J,I[I>2A(B | SY-62 | gas diffusion micropore size nonisothermal | 6/16 22:55:07 | WWW |
584 | $B1UBNG3NA@=B$$rL\E*$H$7$?7zC[GQLZ:`$N%,%92=(B | ST-11 | Gasification Waste wood building materials Liquid fuel | 6/16 23:02:44 | WWW |
585 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] Determination of reaction rate constants of copper electrodeposition on a rotating disk electrode and using for simulation of the cuprous concentration inside TSVs | SY-82 | Copper electrodeposition TSV filling cuprous | 6/16 23:05:54 | WWW |
586 | $B=$@5(BGT$B%b%G%k$rMQ$$$?Kl:Y9&7BI>2A$K$*$1$kAj8_:nMQ$HJ,;R7A>u$N1F6A(B | SY-62 | molecular dynamics modified GT model micropore size | 6/16 23:09:32 | WWW |
587 | $BB&LL_I:`$rJ;MQ$7$??75,1s?4C&?eJ}<0$K$*$1$k05L)5sF0$N2r@O(B | SY-60 | centrifuge dewatering bypass discharge | 6/16 23:21:13 | WWW |
588 | Detection of cuprous ions by micro ring electrodes on a TSV side wall | SY-82 | Cuprous detection micro electrode TSV | 6/16 23:28:41 | WWW |
589 | $B%1%_%+%k%k!<%WK!$K$*$1$k;@AG%-%c%j%"N3;R$N9=B$JQ2=$H;@2=4T85H?1~B.EY$NAj4X(B | SY-80 | chemical looping, redox kinetics of oxygen carriers coal | 6/16 23:52:09 | WWW |
590 | $B:.9gMOG^$N(BHansen$BMO2rEY%Q%i%a!<%?$N;;=P(B | ST-14 | Hansen solubility parameter Mixed solvent Non ideal liquid | 6/17 00:07:29 | WWW |
591 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] $BSk2 | SP-3 | Swallowing Simulation Visualization | 6/17 00:36:38 | WWW |
592 | $BJQ?t=|5n4sM?$K$h$k0[>oMW0xF1Dj(B:$B?];@%S%K%k@=B$%W%i%s%H$X$NE,MQ(B | SY-70 | fault identification multivariate statistical process control kernel principal component analysis | 6/17 00:41:40 | WWW |
593 | $BCO0h%(%M%k%.!<%7%9%F%`@_7W$K$*$1$kJ,;6E*>pJs$NE}9gMxMQ(B | SY-69 | Simulation Data acquisition Information modeling | 6/17 00:58:57 | WWW |
594 | $B?];@%S%K%k@=B$%W%i%s%H$X$N(B2$B<+M3EY(BE-FRIT$B$NE,MQ(B | SY-70 | two-degree-of-freedom PID control system extended fictitious reference iterative tuning data-driven controller tuning | 6/17 01:01:49 | WWW |
595 | ($B9V1iCf;_(B) | 100 | 6/17 03:27:04 | WWW | |
596 | $B2q9g7O$N5$1UJ?9U$NAj4X(B | SY-51 | associated liquid vapor-liquid equilibria correlation | 6/17 04:05:45 | WWW |
597 | Ru$B7O%O%K%+%`9=B$BN?(G^$K$h$k%"%s%b%K%"$NJ,2rFC@-(B | SY-66 | Ammonia decomposition Ru-based catalyst Structured catalyst | 6/17 05:38:21 | WWW |
598 | $B%P%$%*%W%m%@%/%D$N@:@=9)Dx$K$*$1$k%G%W%9%U%#%k%?!<$N_I2aFC@-(B | SY-74 | bioseparation depth filter membrane | 6/17 06:02:49 | WWW |
599 | 3D$B%W%j%s%?!<$r1gMQ$7$?;0 | SY-60 | chitosan membrane 3D printer | 6/17 06:24:58 | WWW |
600 | $B8~N.0\F0AX$+$i8+$?05NO%9%$%s%05[Ce(B(PSA)$B$NFC@-(B | SY-61 | Gas separation PSA Moving bed adsorption | 6/17 07:26:44 | WWW |