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SCEJ 48th Autumn Meeting (Tokushima, 2016)

ST-17. [CR,SF,MI] CVD & Dry Processes - Reaction Engineering for Controlling Microstructure and Functions

Organizer(s): Sugiyama Masakazu (U. Tokyo), Shimada Manabu (Hiroshima U.), Kawakami Masato (Tokyo Electron)

CVD and other dry processes are core technology in the industry producing electronics devices, solar cells, MEMS, and functional coatings. The motivation of this symposium is to discuss the logical optimization and design for controlling the microstructure and functions of thin films and fine particles produced by CVD or other dry processes based on the theoretical understanding of reaction mechanisms. Young Researcher Award will be given to distinguished young speakers chosen at the session.

Topics code list
SCEJ 48th Autumn Meeting (Tokushima, 2016)

© 2016 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2016-06-18 14:56:16
For more information contact Organizing Committee, SCEJ 48th Autumn Meeting (Tokushima, 2016)
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