SCEJSCEJ 化学工学会第87年会 2022.3.16(水) - 3.18(金) 神戸大学 鶴甲第1キャンパス / オンライン English page
Last Update: 2022-01-04 12:27:21

K-5. [FP] Materials Development Innovated by Fluid Flow<ライブ配信併用><公募なし>

オーガナイザー: Kuwagi Kenya(Okayama Univ. of Sci.)Komoda Yoshiyuki(Kobe Univ.)

For the innovative manufacturing process of highly functional materials, the utilization of fluid flow in the equipment is essential. In this symposium, the organizers welcome the contributions about the material productions with the consideration of fluid flow as well as the fluid dynamics studies for producing materials.


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