ApplicationType |
(Application based on the Organizers' request)
(Application to Open sessions)
Attendance |
The Meeting is planning to be an on-site Meeting.
The oral sessions are planning to be attended/presented also from remote, whereas the poster sessions can be attended/presented only at the on-site venue.
(It can be changed to totally online meeting depending on the future situation.)
Please tell us your attendance plan.
PressRelease |
As an initiative to disseminate information from the SCEJ, the Organizing Committee will select "Featured presentations" and will post a press release. Select your request. The Committee will make hearing if you have selected "Yes". (Please note that the Committee may not be able to meet your request and that the Committee may select from non-requested presentations.)
Topics |
1st choice: ,
2nd choice:
← Choose the symposium/topics codes from the topics code list.
Style |
← Students (except for those in the latter period of doctor's program) can choose “P: poster” only.
Title |
↑Select the presentation type (Invited/Review/Requested). The other types (ex. Award commemorative lectures) should be indicated on the Title field.
EnglishTitle |
Speaker |
Family name (in alphabets) |
Given name (in alphabets) |
Family name (in Katakana or repeat in alphabets) |
Given name (in Katakana or repeat in alphabets) |
Affiliation (short name) |
Membership |
Member ID ("0" if not issued yet) |
SCEJ Qualification |
Author1 |
Author1alphabets |
Author2 |
Author2alphabets |
Author3 |
Author3alphabets |
Author4 |
Author4alphabets |
Author5 |
Author5alphabets |
Author6 |
Author6alphabets |
Author7 |
Author7alphabets |
Author8 |
Author8alphabets |
Author9 |
Author9alphabets |
Author10 |
Author10alphabets |
Author11 |
Author11alphabets |
Author12 |
Author12alphabets |
Author13 |
Author13alphabets |
Author14 |
Author14alphabets |
Author15 |
Author15alphabets |
Author16 |
Author16alphabets |
Choose the speaker with the radio buttons ahead of author names.
Abstract |
Keywords |
← The keywords should be in English (only ASCII characters)
Password |
← Only ASCII characters. Case-sensitive. The password will be required for uploading your manuscript.
PosterAwardEntry |
(Choose ‘Yes’ if applying to the Student Poster Award.)
SpeakerContactTel |
← Contact Telephone number to the Speaker.
SpeakerContactMail |
← Contact E-mail address to the Speaker.
GroupHead |
GroupHeadE-mail |
Oath |
The applicant has the consent of all the coauthors about submission of this application.
Applicant |
MemberID |
Affiliation |
PostalCode |
Address |
PhoneNumber |
FaxNumber |
E-mail |
The Remark will be processed by a human. Fill this box only when you have any special requests.