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SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting (Sakai, 2024)

Last modified: 2024-06-18 12:32:12

Session programs : 0-f : C219

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0-f The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Asian Researcher and Engineer

Hall C, Day 2

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Hall C(B3 1F 119), Day 2(Mar. 19)
(15:00–15:40) (Chair: Matsumura Yukihiko)
15:0015:40C219[The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Asian Researcher and Engineer] Functional Materials for Sustainable Catalysis
(A*STAR) *Zhang Lili, Zheye Z., Ming H., Ruofei T., Shibo X., Peng C., Dong F.
The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Asian Researcher and Engineer

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SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting (Sakai, 2024)

© 2024 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
For more information contact Organizing Committee of SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting
E-mail: inquiry-89awww4.scej.org