K-2. [MI] Cutting-Edge Technology in Material Processing for Structural and Functional Controls

Top > Application > Session K-2

Organizer(s): Nagao Daisuke (Tohoku Univ.), Watanabe Satoshi (Kyoto Univ.)

This symposium focuses on material processing technologies for controlling structures and functions. We invite two distinguished professors, Prof. Doh Chang Lee of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and Prof. Chu-Chen Chueh of National Taiwan University, who have won 2023 The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Asian Researcher and Engineer for the keynote talks of this symposium. We also invite domestic and foreign researchers working on the synthesis, characterization, and application of colloidal particles and the fabrication of various devices. We hope this symposium will be fruitful and contribute to the promotion of interdisciplinary research and establishment of international networks between researchers working in this field.

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SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting (Sakai, 2024)

Organizing Committee of SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting (2024)