$B:G=*99?7F|;~!'(B2018-12-17 03:50:10
$B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $B | $B?=9~(B | $BJ}K!(B | |
751 | $BBPN.$H3H;6$r9MN8$7$?9=B$BN?(G^H?1~4o$N@_7W(B | ST-31 | Structured catalyst Process intensification convection and diffusion | 6/15 11:12:47 | WWW |
752 | $B<+8J%"%U%#%s%U%i%/%?%kMc$N3IYB93NO78?tI>2A$H1):,<~$j$NN.$l$N2D;k2=(B | SY-56 | Self-affine fractal mixing drag coefficient flow visualization | 6/15 11:13:43 | WWW |
753 | $B%m!<%k%_%k$K$*$1$k<>=aJ4BN$N(BDEM$B%7%_%e%l!<%7%g%s(B | SY-54 | Wet granular flow Roll mill DEM | 6/15 11:14:18 | WWW |
754 | CO2$B2s<}7?(BIGCC$B%7%9%F%`$K$*$1$kG.8r49>r7o$,H/EE8zN($K5Z$\$91F6A(B | SY-77 | IGCC CO2 recovery heat exchange | 6/15 11:18:03 | WWW |
755 | $B%9%Q%C%?EE6K$rMQ$$$?8GBN9bJ,;R7AG3NAEECS$NK\ | ST-26 | Polymer electrolyte fuel cell oxygen reduction reaction Pt-sputtered electrode | 6/15 11:18:40 | WWW |
756 | $B2=3XJ* | SY-78 | Risk assessment Chemical substance Support measures | 6/15 11:21:16 | WWW |
757 | $B5?A:@-N.BN$NAXN.0h$K$*$1$kBg7?Mc$rMQ$$$?JP?43IYB$NF0NO$*$h$S:.9gFC@-(B | SY-56 | shear thinning fluid large type impeller eccentric mixing | 6/15 11:23:56 | WWW |
758 | $BB.EYO@$K4p$E$/%;%k%m!<%9$+$i$N%l%V%j%s;@%a%A%k@=B$(B | ST-33 | Methyl levulinate Cellulose Kinetic analysis | 6/15 11:26:15 | WWW |
759 | [$B0MMj9V1i(B] $B9b5!G=%"%U%#%K%F%#!<%;%k%m!<%9C4BN$rMQ$$$?93BN%-%c%W%A%c!<9)Dx$N@8;:@-$N8~>e(B | SY-75 | antibody purification affinity chromatography highly crosslinked cellulose | 6/15 11:28:16 | WWW |
760 | $B?;F)B.EYK!$rMQ$$$?HyN3;R$N(BHansen$BMO2rEY%Q%i%a!<%?$NB,Dj(B | SY-80 | Hansen solubility parameter the capillary penetration method Fine particle | 6/15 11:33:06 | WWW |
761 | $B0!1t%U%'%i%$%HC&N2:^>e$X$NC:AG@O=PH?1~5!9=$N8!F$(B | SY-65 | Carbon deposition zinc ferrite desulfurization | 6/15 11:35:19 | WWW |
762 | $BBg7?(B2$BKg%Q%I%kMc3IYB$K$*$1$kN.F0>uBV$H%H%k%/$*$h$S%i%8%"%k2Y=E(B | SY-56 | PIV torque radial load | 6/15 11:36:28 | WWW |
763 | $BHy@8J*8GDj2=C4BN$rMQ$$$?9m6]9bL)EYG]M\%W%m%;%9$K$*$1$k0\F08=>]2r@O(B | ST-31 | high cell density cultivation mixing mass transfer | 6/15 11:38:20 | WWW |
764 | $B2sE>1_HW$+$i1_E{FbJI$XEG=P$5$l$kN.2 | ST-31 | falling thin film rotating flow flow dynamics | 6/15 11:40:20 | WWW |
765 | $B6bB0D6HyN3;RFbJq(BBirdcage$B9=B$%<%*%i%$%H?(G^$N3+H/$H(BMTO$BH?1~$X$NE,MQ(B | SY-64 | Rh nanoparticle ZSM-5 Methanol to olefin | 6/15 11:41:51 | WWW |
766 | Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) $B9|3J$rM-$9$kJ,;R$U$k$$%+!<%\%sKl$N5$BNF)2aFC@-(B | ST-21 | membrane Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane | 6/15 11:42:43 | WWW |
767 | $B%S%K%k%T%m%j%I%s7O%*%j%4%^!<$N6K@-$,3H;6B.EY$KM?$($k1F6A(B: $B7W;;2=3XE*2r@O(B | SY-62 | molecular dynamics diffusion coefficient residence time | 6/15 11:43:12 | WWW |
768 | SiO2/C composite fibers with high SiO2 content as anode material for Li-ion batteries $B!!(Bprepared by electrospinning with heat treatment | ST-26 | Electrospinning Anode Lithium ion battery | 6/15 11:46:02 | WWW |
769 | $B%3%m%$%IMO1U$NE`7k;~$K7A@.$5$l$kN3;R$N6E=89=B$(B | SY-80 | colloidal solution freeze casting aggregation structure | 6/15 11:47:03 | WWW |
770 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] $B002=@.$K$*$1$k?eEE2r%7%9%F%`$N3+H/F08~$H(BCCUS$B$G$N | SP-3 | Alkaline water electrolysis Green hydrogen CCUS | 6/15 11:48:41 | WWW |
771 | $BC:AG=[4D7? | ST-24 | CCU catalysis separation | 6/15 11:51:45 | WWW |
772 | Poly(butylene terephthalate)$B$NG.?e2r=E9g$G$N@8@.J*<}N($KBP$9$kE:2C%"%_%s | SY-76 | poly(butylene terephthalate) depolymerization hydrothermal | 6/15 11:52:32 | WWW |
773 | $BC4;}Gr6b?(G^>e$G$N%;%l%s;@$N%R%I%i%8%s4T85H?1~(B | SY-64 | Selenate Hydrazine reduction Supported platinum catalysts | 6/15 11:52:43 | WWW |
774 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] $B%^%$%/%m%j%"%/%?!<$KE,$7$?H?1~(B | SY-66 | microreactor micromixer flow reactor | 6/15 11:55:58 | WWW |
775 | [$B4pD49V1i(B] $BAtN`%Y!<%9$N5!G=@-%P%$%*%W%i%9%A%C%/AG:`3+H/$H(BCO2$B:o8:(B | ST-33 | algae CO2 reduction bioplastic material | 6/15 12:00:23 | WWW |
776 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B] $B9=B$BN?(G^$K$h$k%^%$%/%m2=3X%W%m%;%96/2=(B | SY-66 | structured catalyst microreactor process intensification | 6/15 12:00:42 | WWW |
777 | $B%X%Q%j%s=$>~%U%!%$%P!<$N3+H/$HKv>??@7P:F@8$N$?$a$NJ#9g%7%0%J%j%s%0(B | SY-70 | nerve regeneration heparin fibrous scaffold | 6/15 12:01:00 | WWW |
778 | $B@.7A3h@-C:!?%a%?%N!<%k5[Ce7O$NG.!&J* | ST-28 | Molded activated carbon Methanol adsorption Heat and mass transfer | 6/15 12:01:04 | WWW |
779 | [$B0MMj9V1i(B] $BBQ%U%!%&%j%s%0@-G=$NH/8=0x;R$r7W;;2=3X | HQ-12 | molecular dynamics molecular mobility residence time | 6/15 12:02:32 | WWW |
780 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] $B:F%(%M?eAG$rMQ$$$?(BCO2$B$NG3NA2=5;=Q$H$=$NE8K>(B | ST-24 | Renewable Hydrogen Synthesis of Methane CO2 recycling | 6/15 12:06:46 | WWW |
781 | $B%"%k%_%K%&%`J?HD>e$X$N%7%j%+5[Ce:`AX$N7A@.$H?e>x5$5[CeFC@-(B | ST-28 | Mesoporous silica layer Silane binder Water vapor adsorption | 6/15 12:09:50 | WWW |
782 | Electrochemical Promotion of Ammonia Synthesis with Iron catalyst on Barium Cerate by Incipient Wetness Impregnation Method | ST-27 | Ammonia Electrosynthesis Iron Based Catalyst Electrochemical Promotion | 6/15 12:16:44 | WWW |
783 | $BG.?e>r7o2<$G$N4uGv%"%k%+%j?eMO1U$rMQ$$$?$m;f$N2C?eJ,2r$K$*$h$\$9H?1~>r7o$N1F6A(B | SY-76 | Filter paper dilute aqueous alkali solutions hydrolysis | 6/15 12:17:05 | WWW |
784 | $BC_EECS$r3hMQ$7$?:F%(%M?eAG@=B$%7%9%F%`$N5;=Q7P:QJ,@O(B | SP-1 | Battery Roadmap off-grid | 6/15 12:22:20 | WWW |
785 | $B%U%!%$%s%P%V%k$H%=%N%1%_%+%k8zN($H$N4X78(B | ST-29 | Ultrasound Finebubbles Sonoprocess | 6/15 12:22:53 | WWW |
786 | $B%7%j%+%J%NN3;R$N5^B.6E=8B.EY$K5Z$\$9MOB8%$%*%s$N1F6A(B | SY-80 | Silica nanoparticles Rapid coagulation rate Electrolyte specoes | 6/15 12:27:22 | WWW |
787 | Microfluidic double emulsification in a PDMS-glass device with localized surface modification | SY-66 | microfluidics PDMS surface modification double emulsion | 6/15 12:30:19 | WWW |
788 | $BL5MOG^K!$K$h$k%J%N%]!<%i%9%+!<%\%s$N9g@.$HEE5$Fs=EAX%-%c%Q%7%?$X$N1~MQ(B | SY-80 | nanoporous carbon triblock copolymer EDLC | 6/15 12:31:17 | WWW |
789 | $B?tCMN.BN2r@O$H;0@.J,Aj?^$rAH$_9g$o$;$?IOMOG^>=@O$N6I=j2aK0OBEY$HN37BJ,I[$N8!F$(B | SY-81 | NaCl antisolvent crystallization CFD | 6/15 12:34:21 | WWW |
790 | $B9b29MQN3;R>u@xG.C_G.%3%s%]%8%C%H$NC_G.@-G=(B | ST-28 | Thermal energy storage Phase change material High temperature | 6/15 12:42:06 | WWW |
791 | $B:FH/9Z!&>xN1!&8G1UJ,N%$rE}9g$7$?>FCq>xN1GQ1U=hM}%W%i%s%H$K$h$k%P%$%*G3NA@=B$(B | SY-59 | Shochu waste slurry Biofuel production Treatment plant | 6/15 12:47:35 | WWW |
792 | $BHy:Y5$K"$H%O%$%I%l!<%H$rMxMQ$7$?%a%?%s$HCbAG$N:.9g%,%9$NJ,N%(B | ST-29 | hydrate methane finebubbles | 6/15 12:48:51 | WWW |
793 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] $B9b@-G=G47k:`(B(HPC)$B$rMQ$$$?%3!<%/%9@=B$5;=Q$N3+H/(B | SY-77 | coke making technology | 6/15 12:50:43 | WWW |
794 | $BBgD26]$K$h$k%a%P%m%s;@9b@8;:$N$?$a$NN.2CG]M\>r7o$NI>2A(B | SY-70 | Escherihia coli mevalonate production fed-batch culture | 6/15 12:52:40 | WWW |
795 | Au(III) adsorption from aqueous solution using Mongolian sheep wool | SY-58 | Au(III) adsorption sheep wool Alkaline treatment | 6/15 12:58:11 | WWW |
796 | $BNd%,%98zN((B80%$B$rD6$($k@PC:=[4DN.F0AX%,%92=O'%b%G%k$N@_7W(B | SY-77 | Integrated coal Gasification Combined Cycle cold gas efficiency simulation | 6/15 13:02:29 | WWW |
797 | $BN3;R5sF0$,%a%+%N%1%_%+%kH?1~$NH?1~B.EY$K5Z$\$91F6A(B | SY-54 | Mechanochemical reaction DEM Reaction rate constant | 6/15 13:05:20 | WWW |
798 | $B%+!<%\%s%"%m%$?(G^$rMQ$$$?;@(B-$B%"%k%+%j%O%$%V%j%C%I7?G3NAEECS$NH/EEFC@-I>2A(B | ST-27 | carbon alloy catalysts acid-alkaline hybrid fuel cell | 6/15 13:11:40 | WWW |
799 | $B8GBN%"%k%+%jG3NAEECSMQ9bBQ5W@-%"%K%*%sEAF3Kl$N@_7W3+H/(B | ST-26 | Anion exchange membrane Fuel cell Molecular design | 6/15 13:11:58 | WWW |
800 | $B?F?e@-LtJ*$N7PHiAwC#$N$?$a$N(BGel-in-Oil$B%(%^%k%7%g%s$N3+H/(B | SY-70 | G/O emulsion DDS Transdermal administration | 6/15 13:13:42 | WWW |