Most recent update: 2021-08-21 18:44:01
circular economy (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SS-4 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
59 | [Invited lecture] Bioplastics are key item in establishing Circular Society | SS-4 | biobased plastics biodegradable plastics circular economy | 12/14 10:26:16 |
circulating tumor cell (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
223 | Efficient trapping of circulating tumor cells by depth-control of parallelized planar microfluidic devices | 7-e | microfluidic device circulating tumor cell cell trapping | 12/20 22:51:39 |
Circulation system (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 13-d (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
263 | Development of exergy analysis tools for large-scale circulation systems | 13-d | Exergy Circulation system Waste heat | 12/21 13:52:37 |
clathrate hydrates (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code K-2 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
174 | [Invited lecture] Molecular behavior of guest molecules in clathrate hydrates by ab initio molecular dynamics simulations | K-2 | clathrate hydrates molecular dynamics ab initio | 12/18 13:58:43 |
Cleaning technology (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 13-i (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
122 | Study of surface cleaning technology to reduce environmental impact | 13-i | Cleaning technology Fine bubble Environmental impact | 12/17 09:20:50 |
CLF3 gas (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 11-c (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
43 | ClF3 gas distributor design for SiC wafer etching | 11-c | SiC Wafer etching CLF3 gas | 12/12 10:14:47 |
Closed-loop identification (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 6-d (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
186 | Stabilization of oscillatory PID control loops by improper PID parameter setting | 6-d | PID control Closed-loop identification Vinyl acetate monomer plant | 12/18 17:54:18 |
co-culture (3) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
281 | Xylitol production by co-culture of flocculating yeast and Candida magnoliae | 7-a | xylitol co-culture repeated-batch | 12/21 16:07:02 |
391 | Control of population ratio in bacterial co-culture using fluorescent proteins | 7-f | co-culture continuous culture fluorescent protein | 12/22 12:13:19 |
512 | Effect of substrates on hydrogen fermentation performance in the co-culture system | 13-a | Hydrogen fermentation co-culture substrate | 12/22 17:24:13 |
CO2 (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-c (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
602 | Proposal and demonstration of iron-making process mediated by oxalic acid | 9-c | Iron-making CO2 Oxalic acid | 12/22 22:02:30 |
CO2 absorption (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 1-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
140 | Analysis of CO2 mass transfer during absorption into phase-separation gel | 1-a | CO2 absorption phase-separated gel mass transfer analysis | 12/17 18:21:37 |
CO2 assisted spray drying (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 8-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
462 | Effects of Preparation Pressures and Elucidation of Flow Behavior in the Production of Drug Microparticles by High Pressure CO2 Assisted Spray Drying | 8-e | CO2 assisted spray drying Caffeine microparticles Computational fluid dynamics | 12/22 15:54:45 |
CO2 Capture (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-c (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
117 | Progress of Osaki CoolGen Oxygen-blown IGCC with CO2 Capture Demonstration (Ⅱ) | 9-c | Coal Gasification IGCC CO2 Capture | 12/16 14:50:43 |
165 | Search for high performance amines in CO2 absorbents using a thermodynamic model for predicting regeneration energy | 13-g | CO2 capture Thermodynamic model | 12/18 11:32:02 |
CO2 free (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 3-d (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
619 | Thermal decomposition of methane for practical application of hydrogen production system | 3-d | Thermal decomposition CO2 free Hydrogen | 12/22 23:00:13 |
CO2 methanation (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-a (2) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
329 | Reaction field of Ni/CeO2 catalysts for CO2 methanatiom | 5-a | CO2 methanation Ni CeO2 | 12/21 19:21:16 |
473 | CO2 methanation characteristics in the exhaust gas from generator engine by spiral type structured catalyst system | 5-a | CO2 methanation Structured catalyst Engine exhaust | 12/22 16:16:03 |
CO2 Reduction Performance (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-c (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
31 | Impact of Amount of Cu on CO2 Reduction Performance of Cu/TiO2 with NH3 and H2O | 5-c | Photocatalyst CO2 Reduction Performance Reductants Combination | 12/10 17:10:08 |
CO2 separation (3) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code K-6 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
399 | CO2 separation properties of hollow fiber membranes obtained by in-situ modification | 4-a | amine CO2 separation hollow fiber | 12/22 12:47:28 |
554 | Design of thermo-responsive amine-containing microgel particles for efficient reversible CO2 capture from atmospheric Air | 13-g | CO2 separation pKa Microgel particles | 12/22 19:09:45 |
581 | [Invited lecture] Synthesis of UiO-66-NH2 membrane and its CO2 separation performance | K-6 | UiO-66-NH2 CO2 separation membrane | 12/22 20:22:08 |
CO2 separation membrane (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 13-g (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
563 | Development of low-molecular-weight-amine containing gel particle membrane for direct air capture | 13-g | CO2 separation membrane gel particle direct air capture | 12/22 19:19:09 |
CO2 Utilization (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-i (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
481 | Reductive decomposition reaction of CO2 to CO in a microwave plasma reactor. | 5-i | CO2 Utilization Microwave Plasma Reductive decomposition reaction | 12/22 16:27:03 |
CO2-capture (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
314 | Development of carbon dioxide adsorption process using LNG waste cold heat | 4-e | adsorption process CO2-capture sub-ambient | 12/21 18:12:22 |
CO2-expanded hexane (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 8-c (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
88 | Extraction of bio-oil in rice bran using expanded liquid with CO2 | 8-c | CO2-expanded hexane Extraction bio-oil | 12/14 15:37:43 |
Coal (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-c (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
521 | Decomposition and desorption behaviors of peroxides formed during low temperature oxidation of coal | 9-c | Low temperature oxidation Coal Water, Peroxide,decomposition | 12/22 17:53:07 |
coal derived tar (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-i (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
585 | Production of high-rank reformed coal from brown coal using water/coal-derived tar mixed-solvent | 5-i | brown coal reforming coal derived tar | 12/22 20:43:33 |
Coal Gasification (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-c (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
117 | Progress of Osaki CoolGen Oxygen-blown IGCC with CO2 Capture Demonstration (Ⅱ) | 9-c | Coal Gasification IGCC CO2 Capture | 12/16 14:50:43 |
coated membrane (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
99 | Permeation of acetic acid through pH responsive polymer coated porous membrane. | 4-a | pH responsive polymer coated membrane permeation of acid | 12/15 14:34:15 |
cobalt (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
94 | Effects of surfactants on reverse micelle formation on cobalt solvent extraction system | 4-f | solvent extraction system reverse micelle cobalt | 12/15 08:45:41 |
cocatalyst (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-d (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
590 | Development of metal nanoparticle loading method using reduction reaction on cubic CeO2 surface | 12-d | cocatalyst reduction reaction metal nanoparticle loading | 12/22 20:54:30 |
cocrystal (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code IS-1 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
136 | Pharmaceutical cocrystal screening by machine learning with molecular surface charge distribution | IS-1 | cocrystal machine learning molecular surface charge distribution | 12/17 16:14:58 |
cocrystal formation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 8-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
142 | Cocrystal formation process using liquefied lipid as a formation field in supercritical carbon dioxide | 8-e | supercritical CO2 liquefied lipid cocrystal formation | 12/17 18:43:28 |
coefficient of variation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
309 | Numerical Analysis of Stepwise Powder Compression Behavior Using X-ray CT | 2-f | coefficient of variation compression equation image analysis | 12/21 17:40:55 |
Cold-vapor atomic adsorption spectroscopy (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code K-2 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
133 | [Invited lecture] Saturated vapor pressure of elemental mercury and mercury solubility in natural gas components at high pressures | K-2 | Elemental mercury Cold-vapor atomic adsorption spectroscopy Cubic equation of state | 12/17 15:03:18 |
collagen (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
200 | Efficient production of fragmented collagen microfibers and their application to the formation of sheet-shaped tissues | 7-e | microfiber collagen 3D cell cultivation | 12/19 10:58:00 |
colloid-polymer (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-m (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
139 | Evaporation kinetics and segregation of polymer in drying of colloid-polymer suspensions | 12-m | drying colloid-polymer segregation | 12/17 17:18:06 |
Colloidal capsule (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code K-5 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
357 | [Invited lecture] New Materials Derived from Particles at Interfaces | K-5 | Colloidal capsule Catalysis Foams | 12/22 02:16:26 |
Colloidal crystal (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
580 | Development of DNA functionalized gold nanoparticle crystal for molecular capture | 7-a | DNA Colloidal crystal Biotin-streptavidin | 12/22 20:17:40 |
combinatorial chemistry (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
323 | Development of high throughput assay platform for evaluating combinatinal efffect of biomolecule-polymer interaction | 7-e | biomaterial combinatorial chemistry laboratory automation | 12/21 18:51:42 |
Commercial-use flow reactor (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SS-2 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
55 | [Invited lecture] Innovative Process Development of Pharmaceuticals Under Continuous Flow Reactions | SS-2 | Flow reaction Commercial-use flow reactor GMP production | 12/13 20:53:54 |
CoMnP/P-NF catalyst (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
177 | Nanostructured CoMnP/P-NF electrocatalysts with long-duration for hydrogen evolution reaction | 5-a | water splitting hydrogen evolution reaction CoMnP/P-NF catalyst | 12/18 15:50:44 |
Comparative proteomics (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
508 | Proteomic Exploration of Cancer-Derived Membrane Curvature Sensors Using a Series of Spherical Supported Lipid Bilayers | 7-a | Membrane curvature sensor Comparative proteomics Supported spherical lipid bilayer | 12/22 17:17:16 |
Complementary hydrogen bond (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
233 | Structural control of peptide-small molecule co-assembly and their shape-dependent intracellular delivery | 7-e | Peptide amphiphile Drug delivery system Complementary hydrogen bond | 12/21 10:09:06 |
Composite (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-d (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
477 | Synthesis of polyimide resin films containing Ni-Co alloy nanoparticles by liquid phase reduction method | 12-d | Polyimide Composite Nanoparticle | 12/22 16:21:56 |
Composite hollow fiber membrane (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
250 | One Step Embedment of PS-PEGMA Co-polymer on PVDF Hollow Fiber Membrane by Thermally Induced Phase Separation | 4-a | Surface embedment Triple-layer spinneret Composite hollow fiber membrane | 12/21 12:12:17 |
composite metal oxide (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 8-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
243 | Solvothermal synthesis of a FeOx-CeO2 porous sphere and their application to reverse water-gas shift reaction | 8-e | FeOx composite metal oxide solvothermal synthesis | 12/21 11:23:53 |
Composite Oxides (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-d (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
253 | One-step synthesis of dissimilar metal oxide composite ZrO2-supported Ni catalyst by solvothermal reaction and application to methane dry reforming reaction | 12-d | Dry reforming of methane Composite Oxides Ni/ZrO2 | 12/21 12:59:29 |
compression equation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
309 | Numerical Analysis of Stepwise Powder Compression Behavior Using X-ray CT | 2-f | coefficient of variation compression equation image analysis | 12/21 17:40:55 |
Compression process (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
274 | Numerical simulation of plastic compression process of cohesive multisized particles. | 2-f | Discrete Element Method Compression process Plastic particles | 12/21 15:03:30 |
Computational fluid dynamics (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 8-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
462 | Effects of Preparation Pressures and Elucidation of Flow Behavior in the Production of Drug Microparticles by High Pressure CO2 Assisted Spray Drying | 8-e | CO2 assisted spray drying Caffeine microparticles Computational fluid dynamics | 12/22 15:54:45 |
Computational protein design (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
382 | In silico protein design for a activity control of immune cells | 7-f | Protein engineering Computational protein design Protein-protein interaction | 12/22 11:14:57 |
Concentrated seawater (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-g (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
547 | Synthesis of hydrocalumite from concentrated ED drainage and evaluation of the phosphate ion exchange property | 12-g | Hydrocalumite Concentrated seawater Ion exchange | 12/22 19:01:01 |
conductivity (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
376 | Measurement of concentration and slug length by conductivity in slug flow extraction | 5-f | Slug flow extraction conductivity | 12/22 10:47:26 |
conjugated polymer (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-j (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
189 | Fabrication of polydiacetylene vesicles and their colorimetric property | 12-j | vesicle conjugated polymer chromic material | 12/18 18:06:26 |
Connected Industries (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code HC-13 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
331 | [Review lecture] Smart Chemical Plant | HC-13 | Connected Industries Smart Plant | 12/21 19:22:11 |
Connected nanoparticle catalysts (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-d (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
427 | Surface structure control of connected IrRu nanoparticle catalysts for polymer electrolyte water electrolysis | 12-d | Polymer electrolyte water electrolysis Connected nanoparticle catalysts Surface structure control | 12/22 14:09:00 |
construction (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SP-7 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
159 | [Invited lecture] Introduce overseas construction experience | SP-7 | oversea EPC construction | 12/18 11:03:38 |
container blender (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
235 | DEM simulation for investigation on mixing mechanism in a container blender. | 2-f | Discrete Element Method Powder mixing container blender | 12/21 10:12:32 |
contaminated water (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SS-1 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
47 | [Requested talk] Fibrous adsorbents capable of processing contaminated water at Fukushima Daiichi NPP | SS-1 | Fibrous adsorbents contaminated water Fukushima Daiichi NPP | 12/13 19:42:41 |
Continuous (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SS-2 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
52 | [Invited lecture] Roadmap for plactical use of continuous manufacturing by 2030 | SS-2 | Continuous Flow iFactory | 12/13 20:30:35 |
continuous culture (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
391 | Control of population ratio in bacterial co-culture using fluorescent proteins | 7-f | co-culture continuous culture fluorescent protein | 12/22 12:13:19 |
Continuous evaporation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 3-c (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
19 | Developmental research of wall wetter evaporators for continuity and multistage | 3-c | Continuous evaporation Multistage evaporation Highly concentration | 12/8 15:31:09 |
Continuous hydrothermal synthesis (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 8-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
187 | Relationship between Ce concentration and size and crystallinity for hydrothermal synthesis of cerium oxide nanoparticles using dual-stage method | 8-e | Continuous hydrothermal synthesis cerium oxide dual-stage flow reactor | 12/18 17:59:17 |
Continuous Manufacturing (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SS-2 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
54 | [Invited lecture] Development of modular production equipment "iCubeTM" for continuous production | SS-2 | Continuous Manufacturing Module Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients | 12/13 20:47:56 |
640 | Design of Design Space for Pharmaceutical Continuous Manufacturing | 6-f | Quality by Design Continuous Manufacturing Design Space | 12/22 23:56:14 |
Control (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 6-d (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
101 | Optimization of the number of fans for air-coolers in the control of distillation columns | 6-d | Control Optimization Air-cooler | 12/15 15:38:34 |
Control of solutes permeation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
44 | Development of biodegradable and highly crosslinked PEG membranes controlling drug permeation for biomedical application | 7-e | Biodegradable membrane Control of solutes permeation PEG | 12/12 12:53:36 |
Controlled microstructure (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code K-5 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
386 | [Invited lecture] Controlled microstructural architectures based on 3D printing | K-5 | Controlled microstructure 3D printing two photon polymerization | 12/22 11:41:30 |
controlled release (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
213 | Development of torus-shaped alginate microparticles for drug controlled release | 12-e | controlled release hydrogel torus-shaped microparticle | 12/20 10:53:43 |
Controlled release membrane (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
155 | Evaluation of physical structure and diffusivity of the polylactic acid-polyvinylpyrrolidone flat sheet membrane for transdermal drug delivery system | 7-e | Drug delivery system Controlled release membrane Diffusion | 12/18 10:35:24 |
coordination creates microporosity (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
259 | A novel design of metal coordinated aminosilica for highly permeable membrane | 4-a | metal-doping aminosilica membrane coordination creates microporosity | 12/21 13:34:02 |
copolymer nanogel (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
393 | Formation Mechanism of PNIPAM Copolymer Nanogels with Thermogelling Ability | 12-e | thermogelling emulsion polymerization copolymer nanogel | 12/22 12:28:14 |
Copolymerization (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-c (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
369 | Aqueous formation of the thermo-responsive poly(NIPAM-MMA) particle | 12-c | poly(NIPAM-MMA) particle Copolymerization Thermal responsiveness | 12/22 10:03:10 |
copper powder (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-c (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
18 | Synthesis of copper fine powder using a low-molecular-weight polyol as a reduction agent | 12-c | copper powder polyol reduction | 12/8 13:26:03 |
copper sulfide (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
297 | The effect of network density on morophology of CuS nanoparticle prepared in hydrogel | 12-e | hydrogel copper sulfide nanoparticle | 12/21 16:49:38 |
Copper Supported Zeolite (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
296 | Development of Zeolite-Supported Catalysts with a Controlled Cu+/Cu0 Ratio For Selective Acetaldehyde Synthesis | 5-a | Dehydrogenation of Ethanol to Acetaldehyde Copper Supported Zeolite Layered Zeolitic Precursors | 12/21 16:48:32 |
Core-shell (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
509 | Synthesis of core-shell structured *BEA zeolite | 5-a | Core-shell *BEA zeolite | 12/22 17:17:48 |
corrosion cost (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code F-1 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
664 | [Requested talk] Result of investigation on corrosion costs in the field of chemical industry in Japan | F-1 | corrosion cost plant maintenance | 12/28 07:09:27 |
corrosion resistance (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-c (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
25 | Development of Highly Durable Electrocatalysts Comprising Corrosion-resistive Titanium Oxide Support for Oxygen Evolution Reaction | 12-c | oxygen evolution reaction metal oxide support corrosion resistance | 12/9 14:31:56 |
corrosion sensor (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code F-1 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
665 | [Requested talk] production of corrosive environment monitoring device | F-1 | corrosion sensor corrosion under insulation | 12/28 07:12:03 |
corrosion under insulation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code F-1 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
665 | [Requested talk] production of corrosive environment monitoring device | F-1 | corrosion sensor corrosion under insulation | 12/28 07:12:03 |
cost analysis (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 14-b (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
636 | Economies of scale in ammonia synthesis loops embedded with iron- and ruthenium-based catalysts | 14-b | ammonia synthesis process cost analysis economies of scale | 12/22 23:30:20 |
counter-current (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
624 | Flow Characteritics in A Emulsion-flow Column | 4-f | emulsion-flow mass transfer counter-current | 12/22 23:08:03 |
COVID-19 (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code IS-1 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
566 | Evaluations of comfortableness and environmental LCA of washable recycling cotton masks and disposable PP masks | IS-1 | Life cycle assessment (LCA) Future society construction COVID-19 | 12/22 19:22:01 |
cracking (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-c (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
438 | Control of hydroisomerization and cracking activities of long-chain n-paraffin by addition of Mg to zeolite supported Pt | 9-c | Pt-Mg loaded zeolite hydroisomerization cracking | 12/22 14:45:37 |
Cre/loxP (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
443 | Targeted integration of transgene into a pre-defined genomic locus of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | 7-a | Microalgae Targeted transgene integration Cre/loxP | 12/22 15:07:14 |
creep damage (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code F-1 (2) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
666 | [Invited lecture] Improvement of reliability for residual creep life assessment in boiler material | F-1 | creep damage residual life assessment | 12/28 07:13:24 |
667 | [Requested talk] Residual life assessment of heat-resistant centrifugally cast catalyst tubes | F-1 | creep damage residual life assesment steam reforming | 12/28 07:14:33 |
Crude glycerol treatment (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
413 | Treatment of Crude Glycerol by Solvent Extraction and Adsorption in Biodiesel Production from Jatropha Oil | 4-f | Crude glycerol treatment Solvent Extraction Jatropha shell activated carbon adsorption | 12/22 13:44:26 |
Crystal growth (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 8-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
343 | Mechanism of the Organic-Inorganic Surface Reaction and Metal Oxide Nano Particle Growth in Hydrothermal Condition | 8-e | Metal oxide Hydrothermal Crystal growth | 12/21 21:02:51 |
Crystallinity (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 1-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
432 | Measurement and prediction of 1-butene solubility and diffusivity in propylene copolymers with different crystallinity and composition | 1-a | Crystallinity Solubility Diffusivity | 12/22 14:28:08 |
Crystallization (6) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-g (3), 4-g (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
14 | Recovery of NiMH battery under high pressure | 12-g | NiMH battery High Pressure Crystallization | 12/2 18:33:11 |
204 | [Invited lecture] Evolution of gas hydrate researches adopting crystallization, fluid science, and biomaterials | K-2 | Gas hydrates Crystallization Fluid science | 12/19 16:08:42 |
225 | Crystallization contributing to energy field | 12-g | enegy recovery resource recovery crystallization | 12/21 08:25:06 |
397 | Tracking crystallization behavior during AEI-type zeolite synthesis using dealuminated zeolites | 12-k | Zeolite Dealumination Crystallization | 12/22 12:38:41 |
599 | The effect of ozone addition in the crystallization operation on the characteristics of crystalline particles | 12-g | Crystallization Ozone addition Third component | 12/22 21:49:02 |
625 | Separation Zr and Hf using Fractional Crystallization | 4-g | Crystallization Solution Zr /Hf | 12/22 23:08:13 |
CSD (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-g (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
13 | Study on the purity as a function of K2SO4 crystal size in industrial crystallization | 12-g | Industrial Crystallization Purity CSD | 12/2 18:16:43 |
Cu (II) extraction (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
550 | Preparation of hydrophobic cryogels and application for Cu (II) extraction by inclusion of extractant | 12-e | hydrophobic cryogels Cu (II) extraction extractant | 12/22 19:05:40 |
Cubic equation of state (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code K-2 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
133 | [Invited lecture] Saturated vapor pressure of elemental mercury and mercury solubility in natural gas components at high pressures | K-2 | Elemental mercury Cold-vapor atomic adsorption spectroscopy Cubic equation of state | 12/17 15:03:18 |
CuInS2 (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-h (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
254 | Control of CuInS2 Film Deposition Reaction and Film Properties by mist-switching Ultrasonic Spray Method | 5-h | CuInS2 ultrasonic spray method solar cells | 12/21 13:07:46 |
Cultivate (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SP-7 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
156 | [Invited lecture] Data analysis technology in Sumitomo Chemical | SS-5 | Data-utilization analysis Cultivate | 12/18 10:50:37 |
157 | [Invited lecture] Data analysis technology in Sumitomo Chemical | SP-7 | Data-utilization analysis Cultivate | 12/18 10:54:50 |
Cultivation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 6-b (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
532 | Assessment of robustness and operational considerations for the design of integrated mAb manufacturing processes. | 6-b | Biopharmaceutical process design Cultivation Chromatography | 12/22 18:25:36 |
Culture stress (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
349 | Evaluation of Culture Stress in Antibody Production Process using Image Analysis | 7-a | Image analysis Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Culture stress | 12/21 23:46:28 |
CuO nanoparticles (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
453 | Synthesis of porous carbon microspheres with surface-accumulated copper oxide nanoparticles and its application to lithium-sulfur batteries | 12-a | CuO nanoparticles Porous carbon microsphere Lithium sulfur battery | 12/22 15:25:15 |
Curtain Coating (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-h (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
301 | Curtain coating experiment of adhesive | 12-h | Adhesive Curtain Coating | 12/21 17:02:23 |
CVD (5) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-h (4), 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
24 | Spectoroscopy of plasma emisson during film deposition in HMDSO/AR PE-CVD | 5-h | CVD film plasma | 12/9 13:44:21 |
42 | Si-B film formation using boron trichloride and dichlorosilane gases | 5-h | Silicon-boron CVD BCL3 | 12/12 10:02:13 |
228 | Development of silica membrane having thermal stability prepared by counter diffusion CVD | 4-a | CVD Silica membrane thermal stability | 12/21 09:29:35 |
383 | Conformal growth of SiC onto trenches by CVI from MTS/H2 with using quasi-0th-order reaction and sacrificial layer | 5-h | SiC CVD CVI | 12/22 11:20:55 |
506 | Development of chlorine-free SiC-CVI process to achieve uniform infiltration without particle generation | 5-h | SiC CVI CVD | 12/22 17:10:02 |
CVD silica membrane (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
201 | Development of catalytic assisted CVD silica membranes for a hydrogen permselective membrane reactor | 4-a | CVD silica membrane Propane dehydrogenation Membrane reactor | 12/19 12:16:16 |
CVI (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-h (2) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
383 | Conformal growth of SiC onto trenches by CVI from MTS/H2 with using quasi-0th-order reaction and sacrificial layer | 5-h | SiC CVD CVI | 12/22 11:20:55 |
506 | Development of chlorine-free SiC-CVI process to achieve uniform infiltration without particle generation | 5-h | SiC CVI CVD | 12/22 17:10:02 |
cyanobacteria (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 13-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
316 | 1,3-PDO production using genetically engineered cyanobacteria by internally lit air-lift photobioreactor | 7-a | cyanobacteria 1,3-PDO Air-lift bioreactor | 12/21 18:34:34 |
388 | Evaluation of the impact of metabolites originated from benthic microorganisms on the promotion of germination for the algal bloom-forming Anabaena species | 13-a | cyanobacteria germination metabolite | 12/22 11:59:19 |