$B:G=*99?7F|;~!'(B2021-08-21 18:44:01
$B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $B | $B?=9~(B | $BJ}K!(B | |
201 | $B?eAGF)2a7?KlH?1~4oMQ(BCVD$B?(G^J#9g7?%7%j%+Kl$N3+H/(B | 4-a | CVD silica membrane Propane dehydrogenation Membrane reactor | 12/19 12:16:16 | WWW |
202 | $B3X=,$K4XM?$9$k?@7PEAC#J* | 7-b | Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Imaging Neurotransmitter | 12/19 14:26:08 | WWW |
203 | $BJ,;R%$%s%W%j%s%H%+!<%\%s%Z!<%9%HEE6K$rMQ$$$?%P%s%3%^%$%7%s%;%s%5$NB,Dj86M}$N9M;!(B | 7-e | Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Nanoparticle Surface Phenomenon | 12/19 14:51:47 | WWW |
204 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] Evolution of gas hydrate researches adopting crystallization, fluid science, and biomaterials | K-2 | Gas hydrates Crystallization Fluid science | 12/19 16:08:42 | WWW |
205 | $B1_E{%Q%$%WFb$K$*$1$k0[7AN3;R$N1?F05sF0$K5Z$\$9N3;R7A>u$N1F6A$N?tCM2r@O(B | 2-f | Irregular particle DEM-CFD particle behavior | 12/19 16:16:40 | WWW |
206 | $B;iKC;@(B/$B3&LL3h@-:^%P%$%;%k$ND4@=$HJ,;60BDj@-(B | 12-i | fatty acid bicelle detergent | 12/19 16:20:24 | WWW |
207 | $BD62;GH$K$h$kEZ>mCf$G$N%H%j%/%m%m%(%A%l%s(B(TCE)$B$NJ,2r5;=Q$N3+H/(B | 13-i | TCE Ultrasonic Soil | 12/19 17:40:55 | WWW |
208 | [$B0MMj9V1i(B] $B5e>u%+!<%\%sN3;R$N%]!<%i%9!"Cf6u!"%3%"%7%'%k2=$HEE6K:`NA$X$N1~MQ(B | K-3 | Carbon Nanostructure electrode | 12/19 17:51:02 | WWW |
209 | $B4uGv;@?eMO1U$rMQ$$$?(BWhitewood$BG.?eJ,2r$NE|2=<}N($K$*$h$\$9H?1~>r7o$N1F6A(B | 5-g | Whitewood dilute acid solution hydrothermal | 12/19 18:11:40 | WWW |
210 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] Designing Complex Particle Structures by Phase Separation in Droplets | K-5 | Diffusion Microfluidics Spinodal | 12/19 22:11:21 | WWW |
211 | $B8:05A`:n$K$h$kC:;@?eCf$ND@EBN3;R$KIUCe$7$?5$K"$NKDD%$HIb>e(B | 2-d | bubble mass transfer vacuum flotation | 12/19 23:00:02 | WWW |
212 | DEAE$B4pI=LL=$>~%^%$%/%m%-%c%j%"$rMQ$$$?;u?qM3Mh4VMU7O44:YK&$NA}?#@)8f(B | 7-e | DEAE surface-modified microcarrier dental pulp stem cell cell proliferation | 12/20 09:47:35 | WWW |
213 | $BLtJ*=yJ|%H!<%i%9>u%"%k%.%s;@HyN3;R$N3+H/(B | 12-e | controlled release hydrogel torus-shaped microparticle | 12/20 10:53:43 | WWW |
214 | $B%l%*%m%8!<%^%C%W$K$h$k9bJ,;RMO1U$NB?3QE*G4CF@-I>2A(B | 1-a | viscoelasticity polymer solution ultrasonic spinning rheometry | 12/20 11:48:42 | WWW |
215 | $BFs;@2=C:AG5Z$SCbAG!?%]%j%a%?%/%j%k;@%a%A%kFs@.J,7O$N3&LLD%NO$NB,Dj5Z$SAj4X(B | 8-b | Interfacial tension Supercritical fluid Polymethyl methacrylate | 12/20 13:36:32 | WWW |
216 | $B7k>=E:2C$K$h$k(BZMH$B7k>=$NJILLIUCeM^@)K!$N8!F$$HI>2A(B | 12-g | Reaction Crystallization Encrustation Seeding | 12/20 16:32:46 | WWW |
217 | $BB?9&2$B%7!<%H$X$N?eAGN.DL$K$h$kG.6!5k$H?eAGJ|=P$N?tCME*2r@O(B | 9-e | Hydrogen storage Magnesium hydride Hydrogen flow process | 12/20 17:07:12 | WWW |
218 | Effects of Charge Density on the Relaxation Behavior of Adsorbed Polycation on the Negatively Charged PSL Particles by means of Colloidal Particle Tracking and Electrophoresis | 4-b | Flocculation Polyelectrolyte Relaxation | 12/20 17:55:03 | WWW |
219 | $B%W%m%H%sEAF3@-EE2r | 9-e | Preparation of thin film Proton-Conductor Fuel Cell | 12/20 17:59:30 | WWW |
220 | $B2=3X7O8&5f<<8~$10BA4650i$H2]Bj(B | 14-c | safety education lecture laboratory | 12/20 18:05:59 | WWW |
221 | $B%W%m%H%sEAF3@-;@2=J*:.9gEE2r | 9-e | Solid oxide fuel cells Mixed proton-electron conductor Hydrogen permeable membranes | 12/20 18:58:55 | WWW |
222 | $B9b$$%,%9F)2a@-$rM-$9$k9bBQ5WA4K'9aB2%W%m%H%sEAF39bJ,;R$N3+H/(B | 12-j | High temperature-polymer electrolyte fuel cell Proton exchange polymer All-aromatic polymer | 12/20 20:34:38 | WWW |
223 | $BJBNsJ?HD7?%^%$%/%mN.BN%G%P%$%9$N?<$5@)8f$K$h$k=[4D$,$s:YK&$N9b8zN(JaB*(B | 7-e | microfluidic device circulating tumor cell cell trapping | 12/20 22:51:39 | WWW |
224 | [$B0MMj9V1i(B] $B?e;@2=%j%A%&%`!??e>x5$7O2D5UH?1~$rMxMQ$7$?Dc292=3XC_G.%7%9%F%`$N3+H/(B | HQ-21 | Chemical heat storage Lithium hydroxide Water vapor | 12/21 06:10:22 | WWW |
225 | $B%(%M%k%.! | 12-g | enegy recovery resource recovery crystallization | 12/21 08:25:06 | WWW |
226 | $B%a%?%sD>@\J,2rKlH?1~4o$N3+H/(B | 5-d | Methane decomposition Membrane reactor Hydrogen permeable membrane | 12/21 09:08:35 | WWW |
227 | $B?(G^= | 5-f | packed-bed reactor thermal control CFD | 12/21 09:28:02 | WWW |
228 | $BBP8~3H;6(BCVD$BK!$K$h$kBQG.@-%7%j%+Kl$N3+H/(B | 4-a | CVD Silica membrane thermal stability | 12/21 09:29:35 | WWW |
229 | $B%7%e%&;@6dE:2C$K$h$k(BTBAB semi clathrate hydrate $B2aNd5Q4KOB$N8!F$(B | 9-b | Supercooling PCM TBAB semi clathrate hydrate | 12/21 09:37:34 | WWW |
230 | $BM-5!=$>~8GBN!?M-5!MOG^3&LL$NIUCe;E;v$K5Z$\$9MOG^$*$h$SI=LL=$>~:?$N1F6A(B | 12-a | organic-modified solid molecular dynamics simulation work of adhesion | 12/21 09:47:05 | WWW |
231 | $B8GBN6!5k7?J.L8G.J,2rK!$K$h$k%;%7%&%`%?%s%0%9%F%s%V%m%s%:HyN3;R$N9g@.(B | 12-c | Nanoparticles Aerosol spray pyrolysis | 12/21 09:59:22 | WWW |
232 | $B3IYB$K$*$1$kN.BN2r@O$N9b@:EY2=$X$N | 2-b | mixing CFD high viscosity fluids | 12/21 10:05:42 | WWW |
233 | $B%Z%W%A%I(B-$B>.J,;R6&=89gBN$N9=B$@)8f$H7A>u0MB8E*$J:YK&Fb%G%j%P%j!<(B | 7-e | Peptide amphiphile Drug delivery system Complementary hydrogen bond | 12/21 10:09:06 | WWW |
234 | $B%O!<%H7A%U%m!<%Q%?!<%s$r7A@.$9$k9bB.YxYBMc!V%F%l%3%k%?(BR$B!W$N3+H/(B | 2-b | mixing CFD TERECORTAR R | 12/21 10:11:11 | WWW |
235 | DEM$B$K$h$k%3%s%F%J%V%l%s%@!<$NJ4BN:.9g%a%+%K%:%`$N9M;!(B | 2-f | Discrete Element Method Powder mixing container blender | 12/21 10:12:32 | WWW |
236 | $B@]F0O@7?>uBVJ}Dx<0$rMQ$$$?(BHansen$BMO2rEY%Q%i%a!<%?$N?dDjK!$NDs0F(B | 8-b | Supercritical CO2 Solubility parameter extraction and separation | 12/21 10:19:27 | WWW |
237 | $BG]M\1?F06Z%b%G%k$rMQ$$$?:YK&30>.K&$NJ,HgFC@-I>2A(B | 7-e | extracellular vesicles skeletal muscle exercise | 12/21 10:20:40 | WWW |
238 | $BKm7?5$K"AeFb$G$N<+Ne?6F0H/@8$rM=B,$9$k$?$a$NAm3g;XI8(B | 2-d | bubble column self-induced vibration superficial velocity | 12/21 10:41:18 | WWW |
239 | $BG.8r49%M%C%H%o!<%/$rMQ$$$?M-5!%i%s%-%s%5%$%/%k$N%(%M%k%.! | 9-e | Power generation Heat exchange network Heat recovery | 12/21 11:15:32 | WWW |
240 | ($B7gHV(B) | 100 | 12/21 11:18:44 | WWW | |
241 | Au@SiO2 yolk-shell$B7?%J%NN3;R$N%o%s%9%F%C%W:n@=(B | 12-d | yolk-shell nanoparticle gold silica | 12/21 11:20:07 | WWW |
242 | $B6a@V308w$rMQ$$$?%9%U%'%m%$%I$NHs?/=1E*IJ | 7-e | spheroid quality evaluation near-infrared light | 12/21 11:22:05 | WWW |
243 | FeOx-CeO2$B5e>uB?9&BN$N%=%k%\%5!<%^%k9g@.$H5U?e@-%,%9%7%U%HH?1~$X$N1~MQ(B | 8-e | FeOx composite metal oxide solvothermal synthesis | 12/21 11:23:53 | WWW |
244 | $B0[$J$kG4EY$N3F | 8-b | diffusion triolein pressurized fluid | 12/21 11:28:10 | WWW |
245 | Engineering Heterostructured Thin-film Nanocomposite Membrane with Functionalized Graphene Oxide Quantum Dots (GOQD) for Highly-efficient Reverse Osmosis | 4-a | thin-film nanocomposite membrane graphene oxide quantum dots reverse osmosis | 12/21 11:32:41 | WWW |
246 | [$B0MMj9V1i(B] $B2=3X9)3X8&5f | HQ-21 | Drug delivery system Material transfer | 12/21 11:37:08 | WWW |
247 | Data-driven analysis for powder mixing using the Lanczos-based proper orthogonal decomposition | 2-d | DEM-CFD method Mixing mechanism Lanczos-based proper orthogonal decomposition | 12/21 11:44:36 | WWW |
248 | A new process of water addition under supercritical tert-butyl methyl ether for continuous biodiesel production | 8-e | water tert-butyl methyl ether biodiesel | 12/21 11:45:37 | WWW |
249 | $BF0J*:YK&3t$N@8B8$r;XI8$H$7$?%(%T%H!<%WFC0[E*93BN?FOB@-@.=OK!$N3+H/(B | 7-e | chimeric receptor signal transduction antibody screening | 12/21 11:54:16 | WWW |
250 | One Step Embedment of PS-PEGMA Co-polymer on PVDF Hollow Fiber Membrane by Thermally Induced Phase Separation | 4-a | Surface embedment Triple-layer spinneret Composite hollow fiber membrane | 12/21 12:12:17 | WWW |