$B:G=*99?7F|;~!'(B2021-08-21 18:44:01
$B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $B | $B?=9~(B | $BJ}K!(B | |
401 | ($B9V1iCf;_(B) | 100 | 12/22 12:48:40 | WWW | |
402 | $B<@IB?GCG$K8~$1$?Kl7?%P%$%*%;%s%5$NI=LL9=B$@)8f$H1j>I%^!<%+!<8!=P$X$N1~MQ(B | 7-i | membrane-based immunosensor surface modification non-specific adsorption | 12/22 12:49:25 | WWW |
403 | $B5!3#3X=,$HFCD'NL%(%s%8%K%"%j%s%0$rMQ$$$?@\?(J,2rH?1~$N@8@.J*AH@.M=B,(B | 5-a | machine learning feature engineering catalytic cracking | 12/22 12:56:56 | WWW |
404 | Taylor$BK!$K$h$k9b05(BCO2+hexane/methanol$B:.9gN.BNCf$N(Bbenzene$B$N3H;678?t$NB,Dj$HAj4X(B | 8-b | mixture of CO2 and organic solvent diffusion coefficient benzene | 12/22 12:57:48 | WWW |
405 | $BAH49$(BgD26]$rMQ$$$?(BDO-stat$BN.2CG]M\$K$h$kC1:?93BN$N9b8zN(6]BN30@8;:(B | 7-a | E coli fed-batch DO-stat | 12/22 12:59:50 | WWW |
406 | $BC4BN%+!<%\%s$X$NCbAG%I!<%W$,(BPd$BC4;}?(G^$N?eAG2=3h@-$K5Z$\$91F6A(B | 5-a | Palladium Nitrogen-doped Carbon Hydrogenation | 12/22 13:04:24 | WWW |
407 | $B1U2M66$K$h$kN3;R4V8GCe:nMQ(B | 12-a | Fine particles Capillary bridges Numerical simulation | 12/22 13:12:23 | WWW |
408 | $B2CMOG^J,2r$rMQ$$$?%P%$%*%^%91U2=$N<}N(M=B,$K$*$1$k5!3#3X=,$NMxMQ(B | 5-g | machine learning bio-oil solvolysis | 12/22 13:19:40 | WWW |
409 | ($B7gHV(B) | 100 | 12/22 13:19:47 | WWW | |
410 | $B%"%;%H%s$+$i$N(BBTX$B9g@.$K8~$1$?(BZn$B%$%*%s8r49(BMFI$B7?%<%*%i%$%H?(G^$N3+H/(B | 5-a | zeolite catalyst BTX synthesis Zn ion | 12/22 13:31:20 | WWW |
411 | $BEE5$G4@-8z2L$K$h$k@:L)$m2aKl$N%U%i%C%/%9$NJQ2=$HI=LL2~ | 4-b | Microfiltration Membrane Electro viscose effect Surface modification | 12/22 13:37:51 | WWW |
412 | Data-driven anomaly detection, prognostics and diagnostics for operation support in biopharmaceutical manufacturing | 6-d | Process monitoring Data science | 12/22 13:38:05 | WWW |
413 | Treatment of Crude Glycerol by Solvent Extraction and Adsorption in Biodiesel Production from Jatropha Oil | 4-f | Crude glycerol treatment Solvent Extraction Jatropha shell activated carbon adsorption | 12/22 13:44:26 | WWW |
414 | $BE4N22=J*?(G^$K$h$k(BH2S$B6&B82<$N%W%m%Q%sC&?eAG$NH?1~5!9=2r@O(B | 5-a | Propane dehydrogenation Redox Lattice sulfide | 12/22 13:44:33 | WWW |
415 | Investigation of the Roles of Water in Decarboxylation in Supercritical Water | 8-d | Supercritical water Decarboxylation Roles of water | 12/22 13:49:36 | WWW |
416 | [$B%"%8%"9q:]>^(B2020] Anion-functionalized Porous Materials for Gas Separations | K-4 | MOF | 12/22 13:51:25 | WWW |
417 | $BMaAe?e$N%*%>%s=hM}$K$*$1$k%l%8%*%M%i6]$NIT3h2=%b%K%?%j%s%0$N$?$a$N%U%m!<%5%$%H%a%H%j!<$NI>2A(B | 13-a | Legionella pneumophila Flow cytometry ozonated water | 12/22 13:53:06 | WWW |
418 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] Materials Space-Tectonics: New Conceptual Paradigm for Creating Second-Generation Porous Materials | K-4 | MOF | 12/22 13:57:31 | WWW |
419 | $B%U%!%$%s%P%V%k@v>t$,IUCeL}$N2=3XJQ2=$KM?$($k1F6A$NHf3S8!F$(B | 13-i | Fine bubbles washing Chemical analysis | 12/22 13:58:30 | WWW |
420 | $BN.DL7?AuCV$rMQ$$$?D62;GH%-%c%S%F!<%7%g%s:nMQ$N%^%$%/%m%P%V%k$K$h$k1F6A$K4X$9$k8!F$(B | 5-b | untrasound microbobble active oxygen | 12/22 13:58:35 | WWW |
421 | $BAH49$(93BN@8;:$N$?$a$N?M9)0dEA;RH/8=@)8f%7%9%F%`$rM-$9$k(BCHK$B:YK&$N:n@=(B | 7-e | CHK cells Recombinant antibody production Gene expression system | 12/22 13:58:47 | WWW |
422 | $B?eAGJ,N%KlMQ%;%i%_%C%/4p:`$N%"%k%_%J%>%k%3!<%F%#%s%0(B | 4-a | Silica Membrane Chemical Vapor Deposition Intermediate Layer | 12/22 13:59:29 | WWW |
423 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] Gas Separation and Chemical Reaction Technologies using Task-Specific Ionic Liquids | K-4 | Extraction | 12/22 14:00:31 | WWW |
424 | $B2P1jJ.L8G.J,2r$K$h$jD4@=$7$?%3%"(B-$B%7%'%k7?(BNi-SiO2$B?(G^$N(BSiO2$B%7%'%k@8@.5!9=(B | 5-h | Flame spray pyrolysis Ni catalyst SiO2 shell | 12/22 14:02:31 | WWW |
425 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] Pillar-Shaped Macrocyclic Compounds "Pillar[n]arenes": from Simple Molecular Receptors to Bulk Supramolecular Assemblies | K-4 | Separation | 12/22 14:03:00 | WWW |
426 | $B9b8zN($J6I=jE*0dEA;RAwC#$r2DG=$H$9$k(BDNA$BC4;}%J%N%U%!%$%P!<$N3+H/(B | 7-d | Electrospinning Gene delivery Adeno-associated viral vector | 12/22 14:08:09 | WWW |
427 | $B8GBN9bJ,;R7A?eEE2rMQ(BIrRu$B%J%NN3;RO"7k?(G^$NI=LL9=B$@)8f(B | 12-d | Polymer electrolyte water electrolysis Connected nanoparticle catalysts Surface structure control | 12/22 14:09:00 | WWW |
428 | $B;Y;}BN$N9=B$%Q%i%a!<%?!<$,(BZSM-5$BKl$N@5?;F)FC@-$KM?$($k1F6A(B | 4-a | zeolite membrane separation forward osmosis | 12/22 14:12:07 | WWW |
429 | $BM-5!=$>~6bB0;@2=J*%J%NN3;RJ,;61U$NG4@-5sF0$NG;EY!&29EY0MB8@-(B | 1-a | nanoparticle viscosity | 12/22 14:20:53 | WWW |
430 | $BE`7kJ.L84%AgK!$K$h$k0eLtIJ4^M-$N9bJ,;RB?E|N`HyN3;RD4@=5Z$SJ*@-I>2A(B | 12-c | Porous particle Polysaccharides Dissolution property | 12/22 14:22:29 | WWW |
431 | $B5;=Q3W?7$r9MN8$7$??eEE2r%7%9%F%`$NJq3gE*$J5;=Q!&7P:Q@-I>2A | 9-e | Hydrogen production Fuel cell Power generation cost | 12/22 14:26:22 | WWW |
432 | $B7k>=2=EY$*$h$SAH@.$N0[$J$k%4%`>u%W%m%T%l%s6&=E9gBN$KBP$9$k(B1-$B%V%F%sMO2rEY!&3H;678?t$NB,Dj$H?d;;(B | 1-a | Crystallinity Solubility Diffusivity | 12/22 14:28:08 | WWW |
433 | TBAB$B%;%_%/%i%9%l!<%H%O%$%I%l!<%H$rMQ$$$?(BCO2-N2$B:.9g%,%9$K$*$1$k(BCO2$BJ,N%78?t$NB,Dj$*$h$SG.NO3X%b%G%k$K$h$k?d;;(B | 4-d | Semi-clathrate Hydrate Gas separation Prediction | 12/22 14:32:44 | WWW |
434 | $B%j%8%'%M%P!<%J!<%7%9%F%`C_G.Ae$X$NE,MQ$rL\;X$7$?9u?'%"%k%_%JC_G.BN$N3+H/(B | 9-b | Heat storage black alumina Radiation heat transfer | 12/22 14:33:26 | WWW |
435 | $B?eG.=hM}>r7o$,%U%CAG7O%7%j%+Kl$N?eG.0BDj@-$K5Z$\$91F6A(B | 4-a | Fluorine-silica Hydrothermal stability High temperatures | 12/22 14:34:08 | WWW |
436 | $B?eAGF)2a%Q%i%8%&%`KlEE6K$rMQ$$$??eEE2r$K$h$k%H%k%(%s?eAG2=(B | 5-d | Hydrogenation of toluene Hydrothermal monocyclic compounds | 12/22 14:41:17 | WWW |
437 | $B%U%'!<%:%U%#!<%k%I%b%G%k$rMQ$$$?8G5$1U1U;MAjN.$l$N%7%_%e%l!<%7%g%s%b%G%k$N3+H/(B | 2-e | four phase flow phase-field model solid-fluid coupling | 12/22 14:44:55 | WWW |
438 | Mg-Pt$BC4;}%<%*%i%$%H?(G^$K$h$kD9:?(Bn-$B%Q%i%U%#%s$N?eAG2=0[@-2=!&J,2rH?1~@)8f(B | 9-c | Pt-Mg loaded zeolite hydroisomerization cracking | 12/22 14:45:37 | WWW |
439 | $B%$%*%sG'<1%2!<%HKlMQ%]%j%^!<$NJ,;R9=B$@)8f$HAjE>0\5sF0(B | 12-j | Ion recognition polymer Phase transition behavior Structural control | 12/22 14:45:55 | WWW |
440 | $BLt:^5[C&Ce5sF0$KM?$($k%O%$%I%m%?%k%5%$%H9=B$FbC:;@ | 12-a | hydrotalcite carbonate adsorption and desorption behavior | 12/22 14:46:54 | WWW |
441 | Influence of hydrogen peroxidase-mediated cross-linking and degradation on cell-adhesive gelatin hydrogels | 7-e | Gelatin Horseradish peroxidase Degradation | 12/22 14:59:38 | WWW |
442 | $B4I7?H?1~4o$rMQ$$$?(B*BEA$B%<%*%i%$%H$ND69bB.C&%"%k%_%K%&%`(B | 12-m | zeolite PFR dealumination | 12/22 15:05:53 | WWW |
443 | Targeted integration of transgene into a pre-defined genomic locus of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | 7-a | Microalgae Targeted transgene integration Cre/loxP | 12/22 15:07:14 | WWW |
444 | $B93BN$NJaB*$H8!=P$r;V8~$7$?93BN7k9g@-%?%s%Q%/ | 7-e | Antibody Hydrogel bead Microfluidics | 12/22 15:09:29 | WWW |
445 | $B6&>=7OM;1U>=@O$G$N(BAeration$BA`:n$,3K2=$K5Z$\$91F6A(B | 12-g | Melt crystallization Nucleation Eutectic | 12/22 15:13:33 | WWW |
446 | ATRP$BK!$K$h$kD6?F?e@-@5?;F)Kl$ND4@=$*$h$SBQ%U%!%&%j%s%0@-I>2A(B | 4-a | Forward Osmosis zwitterion polymer anti-fouling | 12/22 15:18:58 | WWW |
447 | $B>.:Y9&%<%*%i%$%H$NC&%"%k%_%K%&%`$K$h$k?eG.0BDj@-8~>e(B | 12-m | zeolite stability dealumination | 12/22 15:20:42 | WWW |
448 | $B6E=87k>=N3;R72$NIJ | 12-g | Reactive Crystallization Agglomeration Homogeneity | 12/22 15:21:20 | WWW |
449 | $B9b29NN0h$K$*$1$kD6NW3&Fs;@2=C:AGCf$N(BPlatinum($B-6(B)acetylacetonate$B$N3H;678?t$NB,Dj(B | 8-b | Diffusion coefficient Supercritical carbon dioxide Ptacac2 | 12/22 15:21:35 | WWW |
450 | $B%J%N%7!<%H@QAXKl$N6bB0;@2=J* | 4-a | membrane titanate nanosheet water treatment | 12/22 15:22:12 | WWW |