$B:G=*99?7F|;~!'(B2010-06-21 20:19:01
$B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $B | $B?=9~(B | $BJ}K!(B | |
201 | $B%[%&;@E4%j%A%&%`$N9g@.$H$=$N%j%A%&%`Fs | S-42 | LiFeBO3 Cathode Lithium batteries | 4/23 21:22:28 | WWW |
202 | $BAw1U$N$_$G1U1UCj=P$r9T$&?75;=Q!I%(%^%k%7%g%s%U%m! | S-35 | emulsion-flow liquid-liquid extraction solvent extraction | 4/23 21:28:01 | WWW |
203 | [$B4pD49V1i(B] $B$5$^$6$^$JJ,;R4VAj8_:nMQ$H7k>=B?7A8=>](B | S-10 | polymorph crystallization | 4/23 21:35:35 | WWW |
204 | $B5$1U8G(B3$BAj= | S-22 | Biodiesel Trickle bed CaO | 4/23 21:39:01 | WWW |
205 | $B<+N'E*5[C&Ce8=>]$r<($99bJ,;R:`NA$N3+H/(B | S-11 | Plasma Graft Polymerization Autonomous Adsorption - Desorption Phenomenon Affinity Membrane | 4/23 22:00:35 | WWW |
206 | $B0eLtIJ@=B$%W%m%;%9$K$*$1$k4^NL6Q0l@-?dDj | S-14 | Process Analytical Technology Content uniformity Locally weighted partial least squares regression | 4/23 23:08:25 | WWW |
207 | 8$BFC@-$K$h$k%"%i!<%`%7%9%F%`$NAm9gI>2AJ}K!(B:$B%$%Y%s%HAj4X2r@O$+$i(B | S-14 | Alarm System EEMUA Event Correlation | 4/24 01:25:49 | WWW |
208 | $B%0%m!<%P%k2=$KBP1~$9$k%W%m%8%'%/%H$N?d?J(B | S-16 | project globalization evaluation | 4/24 08:37:40 | WWW |
209 | $BCl>uCf6uC:;@%+%k%7%&%`$N7A@.5sF0(B | S-10 | calcium carbonate hollow structure crystallization | 4/24 11:08:14 | WWW |
210 | $B<'@-%J%NN3;R$N%=%N%1%_%+%k9g@.(B | S-30 | sonochemistry magnetite nanoparticles | 4/24 11:12:05 | WWW |
211 | RPF$B!&LZx5$2~ | S-2 | RPF Woody Biomass Gasification and Steam Reforming | 4/24 11:55:52 | WWW |
212 | $B2=3XH?1~$G<+N'1?F0$9$kHyN3;R$H%Y%7%/%k(B | S-8 | autonomous motion moving chemical object nonlinear dynamics | 4/24 12:47:23 | WWW |
213 | $BE|N`$rMxMQ$7$?%P%$%*%W%i%9%A%C%/%W%l%]%j%^!<$N8&5f(B | S-24 | Bioplastic Glucose Maltose | 4/24 13:40:13 | WWW |
214 | $BBg7?H?1~4o$G$N(BGaAs$BA*Br(BMOVPE$B@.D9$N2r@O$H@)8f(B | S-29 | GaAs MOVPE large scale reactor | 4/24 14:30:46 | WWW |
215 | $B:.9g>x5$D>@\@\?(6E=LK!$K$h$kHy:Y5$K"$rJ,;6$5$;$?5$K"EcFb$NN.F0$*$h$SJ* | S-40 | Bubble Column Fine bubbles Mixed Vapor | 4/24 17:24:27 | WWW |
216 | $B%J%,%*%+!!%Q%C%-%s%0!!!V%9!<%Q!<(BH$B%Q%C%/!W!!(B2$BG\$N=hM}NL$rC#@.$9$k5,B'= | S-33 | Linear Flow High Operating Capacity High Liquid Hold | 4/24 19:09:56 | WWW |
217 | $B%P%$%*%m%8%/%9G]M\@8;:$N:G6a$NF08~(B | S-21 | Biologics Cell Culture Metabolic Engineering | 4/24 19:32:20 | WWW |
218 | $B=c;@AG!&Fs;@2=C:AG2 | S-2 | Oxy-coal combustion Nitrogen oxide Solid-Gas Phase Reaction | 4/24 19:34:36 | WWW |
219 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B]$BG3NA$NB?MM2=$H(BCO2$BGS=P:o8:$K8~$1$?@PC:2PNOH/EE5;=Q(B | S-2 | Coal Thermal power generation CO2 emission | 4/24 20:04:54 | WWW |
220 | $B%^%0%M%?%$%H5[Ce:^$rMQ$$$?COG.?e$+$i$N%RAG$N5[CeJ,N%%W%m%;%9(B | S-34 | Arsenic geothermal water magnetite | 4/24 21:12:07 | WWW |
221 | $BG4@-1UCf$N1UAjJ* | S-40 | Mass transfer coefficient Bubble coalescence and breakup Aqueous CMC solution | 4/24 21:31:41 | WWW |
222 | $BCf>.%W%i%s%H9);v$K1w$1$k(BWBS$B35G0$NE,MQ(B | S-16 | WBS Scope Work Element | 4/24 23:54:04 | WWW |
223 | $BDLEE2CG.%"%k%^%$%H?(G^$K$h$k%a%?%s?e>x5$2~ | S-3 | steam reforming methane fuel cell | 4/25 00:24:06 | WWW |
224 | $BN3;R!&N.BN%W%m%;%9It2q$N$5$i$J$kH/E8$r$a$6$7$F(B($B%Q%M%k%G%#%9%+%C%7%g%s(B) | S-39 | 4/25 10:48:22 | WWW | |
225 | PEFC$BMQGr6bEE6K$NNt2=5!9=$K4X$9$kM}O@E*2r@O(B | S-12 | polymer electrolyte fuel cell dissolved Pt computer simulation | 4/25 12:09:44 | WWW |
226 | $B;0N.BN%U%m%s%H%H%i%C%-%s%0K!$K$h$kJ#9g1UE)$N%7%_%e%l!<%7%g%s(B | S-40 | Compound Droplet Front-Tracking Method Computational Fluid Dynamics | 4/25 16:21:58 | WWW |
227 | Just-In-Time$B7?E}7WE*%W%m%;%94IM}$N?];@%S%K%k%b%N%^!<%W%i%s%H$X$NE,MQ(B | S-14 | just-in-time statistical process control benchmark vinyl acetate monomer production process fault detection | 4/26 06:38:31 | WWW |
228 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B] $B4D6-6&@82=3X$H%3%W%m%@%/%7%g%s(B $B!<2=3X%W%i%s%H$O@8BV7O$rL\;X$9$N$+!)(B- | S-33 | Co-production energy-saving chemical plant | 4/26 08:34:37 | WWW |
229 | $B3F | S-42 | nano particle solubility in vitro test | 4/26 08:50:19 | WWW |
230 | $BM|$N1x$l2L6]KI=|$rL\E*$H$7$?936]2L | S-8 | emulsion AITC lemongrass | 4/26 09:01:12 | WWW |
231 | $B%O%$%I%m%5!<%^%k%&%'!<%V$K5Z$\$92sE>8z2L(B | S-20 | Numerical simulation Hydrothermal wave Rotation | 4/26 09:05:39 | WWW |
232 | $B%(%/%;%k%.!<$rMQ$$$?B;<::G>.2=@_7W | S-3 | Exergy simulation energy conversion cycle | 4/26 09:12:42 | WWW |
233 | $B%^%$%/%m%j%"%/%?$H%^%$%/%mGH$N%O%$%V%j%C%I2=3X%W%i%s%H$rMQ$$$?6d%J%NN3;R$N9g@.(B | S-31 | Microwave Microreactor Silver Nanoparticles | 4/26 09:45:14 | WWW |
234 | SCFD$B$K$h$k(BPd$B@=Kl$K$*$1$k?75,1UBN4T85:^$N3+H/(B | S-29 | SCFD liquid reducing agent palladium | 4/26 09:46:01 | WWW |
235 | $BHy>.9=B$J*$r4p:`$H$7$?(BFe-Ni-Co$B9g6b$a$C$-Kl$N:n@=(B | S-5 | electrodeposition alloy film | 4/26 09:46:59 | WWW |
236 | $B5$1UFsAjN.$ND>@\?tCM7W;;$K$*$1$k=i4|Mp$l$N1F6A(B | S-40 | Micro bubbles Density relaxation Gas-liquid two phase flow | 4/26 10:11:28 | WWW |
237 | $B5$(B-$B1U%9%i%0%U%m!<$rMxMQ$9$kF};@%(%9%F%k;@2=%W%m%;%9$N1?E>>r7o$N:GE,2=(B | S-28 | Slug flow pyruvate Liquid phase oxidation | 4/26 10:24:06 | WWW |
238 | $BMO2rEY%Q%i%a!<%?$rMQ$$$?=E | S-18 | Supercritical water Solubility parameter Heavy oil | 4/26 10:34:25 | WWW |
239 | $B4I7?H?1~4o$GD4@=$7$?6bB0%I!<%WH>F3BN%J%NN3;R$NFC@-$HH?1~>r7o$H$N4X78(B | S-8 | semiconductor nanocrystal microreactor ZnS:Mn nanocrystal | 4/26 10:51:58 | WWW |
240 | $B3h@-C:%\%G%#!<%U%#!<%I!&A4_I2aK!$K$h$k%U%_%s;@MO1U$NDj058B30_I2a(B | S-35 | humic acid activated carbon body feed filtration | 4/26 11:16:14 | WWW |
241 | $B9b05MQ(BCO2$B2=3X5[<}1U$N3+H/(B | S-6 | CO2 capture and storage Amine solution High pressure gas | 4/26 11:29:29 | WWW |
242 | $B86;R0\F0%i%8%+%k=E9g$K$h$k29EY1~Ez@-%]%j%^!<%V%i%7I=LL$N:n@=$H:YK&$N@\Ce(B/$BC&Ce@)8f(B | S-23 | thermoresponsive surface ATRP cell sheet | 4/26 11:54:13 | WWW |
243 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B] $B%"%/%F%#%V%^%$%/%m%j%"%/%?!<(B | S-31 | micro device micro actuator active actuator | 4/26 12:20:16 | WWW |
244 | $B%,%9F3F~?eCf%"!<%/%W%i%:%^K!$K$h$k%+!<%\%s%J%N%[!<%s9g@.$H%a%?%s5[B":`NA$X$N1~MQ(B | S-19 | arc plasma carbon nanohorn methane | 4/26 12:21:56 | WWW |
245 | $BI9>=%F%s%W%l!<%HK!$rMQ$$$?6/;@@-%$%*%s8r49 | S-28 | ion exchange resin ice templating microhoneycomb | 4/26 12:53:33 | WWW |
246 | $BJ#9g%J%NN3;R$N1UAj9g@.$HFs856bB0?(G^$X$N1~MQ(B | S-28 | bimetallic nanoparticles platinum cerium | 4/26 12:53:59 | WWW |
247 | ITO$BEE6K$rMQ$$$?EE5$2=3XE*86M}$K4p$E$/:YK&C&N%(B | S-23 | Tissue Engineering Indium Tin Oxide Electrochemistry | 4/26 12:59:13 | WWW |
248 | $B%(%^%k%7%g%s$*$h$S%5%9%Z%s%8%g%s$NEIKl4%Ag$K4X$9$kBPHfE*8&5f(B | S-9 | emulsion film drying | 4/26 13:08:27 | WWW |
249 | $B%j%s;@%^%0%M%7%&%`%"%s%b%K%&%`$rMQ$$$?DcN.BNDq93%"%s%b%K%"2s<}G^BN$N3+H/(B | S-28 | magnesium ammonium phosphate microhoneycomb ice templating | 4/26 13:08:29 | WWW |
250 | $B%(%C%A%s%0(BAl$B%o%$%d!<$rMQ$$$?%a%?%N!<%k2~ | S-31 | micro reactor reforming alumite catalyst | 4/26 13:28:05 | WWW |