Challenge of Chemical Engineers for Social Implementation
The Working Group on Social Implement Engineering, SCEJ
September 18 (tue) 9:00-15:20 Hall CA, 15:30-17:30 Hall AB
Program is here!
Organized by | |
Kyuya NAKAGAWA | Kyoto University |
Hiromasa MATSUMOTO | Kao Corporation |
This symposium is targeted to build up new chemical engineering field that relates to social innovation and technology implementation. The world is now entering the 4th industrial revolution era, and we believe that chemical engineers will make great contributions to design our society surrounded with cutting-edge technologies. We need to have a good knowledge on how we use and connect technologies, what we should produce and should not, which technology is valid or not, how much we deliver our products to our societies in terms of shaping our new lifestyle on the planet. We are willing to open an opportunity to discuss about these issues with chemical engineers' view.
Key Drivers of Societal Transformation toward Future Energy and Social Systems Initiated by Local Stake-holders
The Committee on Future Energy and Social Systems (FuEnSS)
September 19 (wed) 9:30-14:40 Hall AA (Inamori Auditorium 2F Hall)
Program is here!
Organized by | |
Takao NAKAGAKI | Waseda University |
Michihisa KOYAMA | National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) |
Chemical Engineering for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
Division of Supercritical Fluids
Cosponsored by
Catalysis Society of Japan,
Hydrogen Energy Systems Society of Japan,
The Japan Petroleum Institute,
The Japan Institute of Energy
September 20 (thu) 10:00-16:20 Hall AA (Inamori Auditorium 2F Hall)
Program is here!
Organized by | |
Hajime KAWANAMI | National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) |
Takafumi SATO | Utsunomiya University |
Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) are important topics, contributing to the largescale reduction of CO2 emission from various industrial sources, especially thermal power station. In last year, METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan) and DOE (Department of Energy, U.S.A.) signed an MOC (Memorandum of Cooperation) concerning the field of CCUS, and has growing expectations. In this symposium, we introduce the recent research topics about the CCUS emphasized on the fundamental to industrial scale, and we would also like to concern about the future development in relation with the chemical engineering aspects.
Technological Perspective and Issues for Realizing a Carbon-recycling Society - Activity Reports by Industrial Sector Exchange Committee at SCEJ Headquarter
Industrial Sector Exchange Committee, SCEJ
September 18 (tue) 10:00-15:40 Hall AA (Inamori Auditorium 2F Hall)
Program is here!
Organized by | |
Jun-ichiro HAYASHI | Kyushu University |
Kazuhiro MAE | Kyoto University |
This symposium outlines FY2017 activities of industrial sector exchange committee (consisting of 32 executives from corporate member), and reports results of feasibility studies on technologies aiming at 80% reduction of CO2 together with industrial perspectives toward carbon-recycling society in the future.