$B:G=*99?7F|;~!'(B2009-09-07 16:39:01
$B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $B | $B?=9~(B | $BJ}K!(B | |
601 | $B%N%s%(%l%a%s%H%_%-%5!<$NBPN.:.9g2aDx$K4X$9$k?tCM2r@OE*8!F$(B | S-18 | non-element mixer chaos CFD | 4/30 11:54:49 | WWW |
602 | $B?6$H$&E`7kG;=LK!$K$*$1$kMO1U$NG;=LJ,N%FC@-$NI>2A(B | S-32 | freeze concentration shaking separation | 4/30 11:54:55 | WWW |
603 | $B%W!<%"%kCcH/9Z2aDx$K$*$1$kM-5!J*$HHy@8J*AQJQ2=$N2r@O(B | S-26 | puer tea Real-time PCR fermentation | 4/30 11:59:47 | WWW |
604 | $B2a5k<0N.F0G3>F%7%9%F%`$K$*$1$k2 | S-39 | sewage sludge pressurized fluidized bed N2O | 4/30 12:00:30 | WWW |
605 | $B9b291UBN>r7o2<$K$*$1$k?e(B-$B%(%?%N!<%k:.9gMO1U$NM6EEJ*@-$HJ,;RG[8~Aj4X(B | S-10 | high temperature ethanol-water mixture dielectric properties | 4/30 12:02:25 | WWW |
606 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B] $B%+%-%$%+%@GQC]C:2=J*$NE:2C$K$h$j%1%$;@%$%*%s6!5kG=$rIUM?$7$?At>L%V%m%C%/$N@=B$(B | S-8 | waste bamboo of oyster farming raft carbonization silicate ion | 4/30 12:04:13 | WWW |
607 | $B>xN1J,N%$KI,MW$J5$1UJ?9U$NB,Dj(B | S-10 | Ebulliometer Vapor-Liquid Equilibria NRTL Equation | 4/30 12:15:43 | WWW |
608 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] $B%W%i%s%H%i%$%U%5%$%/%k%(%s%8%K%"%j%s%0$N;Y1g%7%9%F%`$N3+H/$K$D$$$F(B ($B%F%/%N%^%M%8%a%s%H%=%j%e!<%7%g%s%:(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$B@P@n(B $B6:(B | S-20 | Plant Life Cycle Engineering (Plant-LCE) Process Safety Operation Support System | 4/30 12:18:16 | WWW |
609 | $B2D;k8w?(G^%U%i!<%l%s$N%U%'%N!<%kJ,2r$K$*$1$k;@2=%A%?%s$N1F6A(B | S-30 | fullerene photocatalyst water treatment | 4/30 12:19:20 | WWW |
610 | $BD6NW3&N.BN!&M-5!MOG^!&%J%NN3;R$N9bJ,;R2DA:2=8z2L(B | S-10 | polymer plasticization supercritical fluids nano-particles | 4/30 12:20:03 | WWW |
611 | $B%7%j%+7|By%U%#%k%`$K$*$1$k@1>u%/%i%C%/$N7A@.8B3&(B | S-14 | crack film drying | 4/30 12:31:28 | WWW |
612 | $BD6NW3&?eG.9g@.K!$rMxMQ$7$?%8%+%k%\%s;@=$>~(BCeO2$B%J%N7k>=$N@.D9%a%+%K%:%`$HI=LL>uBV$NI>2A(B | S-12 | hybrid nanomaterials surface modification crystal growth | 4/30 12:32:52 | WWW |
613 | $B%l!<%6!<8wB+F)2aK!$rMQ$$$?N3;R!?5$K"$N%5%$%:B,Dj(B | S-38 | Bubble Column Laser Transmission Size Measurement | 4/30 12:33:30 | WWW |
614 | pH$B$K$h$k1UE)1?F0$N@)8f(B | S-15 | Oil-water interface Interfacial instability Self-organization | 4/30 12:35:17 | WWW |
615 | $B%a%?%/%j%k7O9g@.5[Ce:^$rMQ$$$?=gAj%/%m%^%H%0%i%U%#!<$K$*$1$kJ,G[FC@-$NM=B,(B | S-36 | Normal phase chromatography adsorbents polymethacrylic | 4/30 12:36:10 | WWW |
616 | $B%^%$%/%m%A%c%s%M%kFb$KD4@=$7$??(G^I>2A$N$?$a$N(Bin situ$B82Hy@V30J,8w(B | S-30 | microreactor IR spectroscopy catalyst preperation | 4/30 12:47:45 | WWW |
617 | $B%7%j%+HoJ$%+!<%\%s%J%N%A%e!<%VC4;}(BPt$B?(G^$N(BCO$BBQ@-(B | S-4 | $B8GBN9bJ,;R7AG3NAEECS(B Pt $B%7%j%+HoJ$(B | 4/30 12:51:15 | WWW |
618 | $BEII[Kl4%Ag$K$*$1$kB?MOG^@.J,JQ2=$N%j%"%k%?%$%`F1;~7WB,K!$N3+H/(B | S-14 | drying film coating | 4/30 12:53:07 | WWW |
619 | $B@EEE>l$r9MN8$7$?D69bB.2sE>J.L8EIAu5!$NJ.L8N.2r@O(B | S-23 | Numerical simulation Electrostatic rotary atomization Spray flow | 4/30 12:54:18 | WWW |
620 | $BM6EE1KF0NO$rMQ$$$?1UCf%5%V%_%/%m%sHyN3;R$NA*BrE*J,N%$K4X$9$k8&5f(B | S-32 | dielectrophoresis particle separation wetted-wall separator | 4/30 12:54:39 | WWW |
621 | $B4629@-5[Ce:^$rMQ$$$?=E6bB0$NJ,N%!&2s<}(B | S-40 | N-isopropylacrylamide Adsorbent Heavy metals | 4/30 13:00:17 | WWW |
622 | $B%9%i%VLO7?$K4p$E$/%+%k%\%s;@=$>~%;%j%"%J%NN3;R$K4X$9$kBh0l86M}7W;;(B | S-40 | nano particle first principles calculations slab model | 4/30 13:00:31 | WWW |
623 | $B%^%$%/%mN.O)Fb$K$*$1$k8r8_N.$KM?$($kJ*@-CM$N1F6A(B | S-18 | microchannel segmented flow Capillary number | 4/30 13:02:23 | WWW |
624 | $BG3NAEECS8~$1F<7O(BCO$BJQ@.?(G^$N(BDSS$B>r7o2<$N?e>x5$$K$h$kNt2=(B | S-4 | hydrogen production water gas shift reaction catalyst deactivation | 4/30 13:05:14 | WWW |
625 | $BD6NW3&Fs;@2=C:AG!&?eFsAj7O$rMxMQ$9$k9ZAGH?1~$N3+H/(B | S-9 | enzyme supercritical fluid carbon dioxide | 4/30 13:05:58 | WWW |
626 | $B%8%e!<%kG.$r9MN8$7$?EE5$N.BNNO3X8z2L$N?tCM%7%_%e%l!<%7%g%s(B | S-42 | Electrohydrodynamics Simulation Joule heat | 4/30 13:09:07 | WWW |
627 | $B%]%jF};@Cf$K$*$1$kL$H?1~%b%N%^!<$NMOM;C&4x%W%m%;%92r@O(B | S-7 | Polylactic Acid Degas Nucleation | 4/30 13:10:26 | WWW |
628 | $B%i%$%s>u%Q%?!<%sI=LL$K$*$1$k(B2$B@.J,MOG^E)$rMQ$$$?GvKl7A@.(B | S-14 | Mixture solvent Patterned surface Thin film formation | 4/30 13:11:03 | WWW |
629 | $BC1AX%+!<%\%s%J%N%A%e!<%V$N?bD>G[8~@.D9$K$*$1$k(BAl2O3$B2 | S-45 | single-walled carbon nantoube Co catalyst Al2O3 underlayer | 4/30 13:11:32 | WWW |
630 | $BN.$l>l$K$*$1$k9bG;EY%3%m%$%IJ,;61U$N(Bshear-thickening$B%a%+%K%:%`(B | S-14 | rheology shear thickening colloid | 4/30 13:12:48 | WWW |
631 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B]$B!!9SGyCO?"NS$K$h$k%P%$%*%(%M%k%.!<;q8;@8;:$N2DG=@-(B | S-8 | global warming afforestation desert | 4/30 13:13:11 | WWW |
632 | $B:.9g%,%9%O%$%I%l!<%H$N%2%9%HJ,;RAH@.JQ2=$K$h$k9=B$AjE>0\(B | S-10 | gas hydrate phase equilibrium structural phase transition | 4/30 13:16:41 | WWW |
633 | PEG$B2=%?%s%Q%/ | S-28 | Chromatography biorecognition PEGylation | 4/30 13:17:03 | WWW |
634 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B]IDEF0$B6HL3%W%m%;%9%b%G%k$K4p$E$/5;=Q4IM}%b%G%k(B | S-1 | Business Process Model Technology Management Plant Maintenance | 4/30 13:18:35 | WWW |
635 | Effects of Operating Conditions on Production of Useful Materials from Jatropha Shell | S-44 | Jatropha shell Thermal treatment Waste utilization | 4/30 13:19:47 | WWW |
636 | $BLb3L$h$jD4@0$7$?5[Ce:^$K$h$k?eMO1UCf$N%RAG=|5n(B $B!=E4=$>~$K$h$k%RAG5[Ce$X$N1F6A!=(B | S-34 | arsenic removal rice husk adsorbent iron modification | 4/30 13:23:26 | WWW |
637 | $B@.Kl$H%(%C%A%s%0$N6%9g$K$h$kHy:Y9&$NA*BrE*Kd$a9~$_5;=Q$N3+H/(B | S-45 | chemical vapor deposition Copper selective filling | 4/30 13:26:12 | WWW |
638 | $B%j%]%=!<%`$K$h$k%"%_%m%$%IB?7A@-$N@)8f(B | S-29 | amyloid liposome polymorphism | 4/30 13:27:33 | WWW |
639 | $B%+!<%\%s%J%N%A%e!<%VC4;}6bB0?(G^$N%7%j%+HoJ$$K$h$kBQ5W@-$N8~>e(B | S-30 | silica-coating sintering of metal particles leaching of metal particles | 4/30 13:29:54 | WWW |
640 | $B%"%k%-%k%"%_%s(BN-$B%*%-%5%$%I$rMQ$$$?6d%J%N%o%$%d!<$N9g@.(B | S-12 | silver nanowire N,N-dimethyldodecylamine N-oxide crystal growth | 4/30 13:31:50 | WWW |
641 | $BD6NW3&(BCO2$BCf$X$N6bB0:xBN$NMO2rEY(B($BBh(B3$BJs(B) | S-9 | metal complex solubility COSMO-RS | 4/30 13:35:58 | WWW |
642 | $BHy>.7A>u$X$N(BNi$B$a$C$-Kl$N:n@=$H7A>u@)8f(B | S-5 | electrodeposition nickel pattern | 4/30 13:50:19 | WWW |
643 | $B>.7?Mn?K<0%l%*%a!<%?$rMQ$$$?%R%H7l1U$NG4@-$K4X$9$k8&5f(B | S-42 | Rheometer Blood Viscosity | 4/30 13:52:28 | WWW |
644 | $B9b;@@-MO1U$+$i$N%;%7%&%`O"B3Cj=P$N$?$a$N1U!98~N.7?1s?4Cj=PAuCV$N3+H/(B | S-8 | extraction centrifugal extractor Taylor-Couette flow | 4/30 14:03:34 | WWW |
645 | ($B9V1iCf;_(B) | 100 | 4/30 14:03:39 | WWW | |
646 | $B%$%a!<%8%;%s%5! | S-5 | Adhesive Photodefinable Wafer level pakage | 4/30 14:04:26 | WWW |
647 | [$BE8K>9V1i(B] $BE}9g3X$NH/A[(B | S-20 | Integration Information Model | 4/30 14:06:05 | WWW |
648 | $B8w1~Ez7?MOG^Cj=PK!$K$h$k5.6bB02s<}%W%m%;%9$N3+H/(B | S-8 | extraction optical response precious metal | 4/30 14:09:51 | WWW |
649 | $B%P%/%F%j%*%U%!!<%8$N%P%$%*%U%#%k%`Fb3H;678?tB,DjK!$N3+H/(B | S-29 | biofilm diffusion coefficient bacteriophage | 4/30 14:11:51 | WWW |
650 | $B%>%k%2%kK!$K$h$k;@2=0!1tF)L@F3EEKl$ND4@=(B | S-5 | zinc oxide sol-gel method thin films | 4/30 14:16:44 | WWW |