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SCEJ 87th Annual Meeting (Kobe, 2022)

Last modified: 2022-03-04 12:00:00

Program search result : Kawai Hideki : 2 programs

Program of CS-2 is updated.
The preprints are now open (Mar. 2nd). These can be viewed by clicking the Paper IDs. The ID/PW sent to the Registered participants in Period I/II and invited persons are required. (The participants registered in Period III will get the ID/PW on Mar. 15th.)
The yellow back on the Technical sessions page denotes streaming-live session. (HQ-21 is changed to online.)

Authors field exact matches “Kawai Hideki”; 2 programs are found.
The search results are sorted by the start time.

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Day 2
PB264Simulation of scattered flow of Hume fine particles generated during steel cutting or welding
Computational fluid dynamics
Hume flow process
Particle flow
Day 2
   Chair: Kawai Hideki, Nishimura Goro
M219Selecting optimal CO2 capture technology for combustion processes in power and industrial sectors
Carbon capture
CO2 emissions reduction
M220Towards automatic physical model building. Part 1: Development of variable annotation tool
Physical model
Automatic physical model building
Information extraction
M221[Featured presentation] Towards automatic physical model building. Part 2: ProcessBERT: a pre-trained language model for chemical engineering
Physical model
Automatic physical model building
Pre-trained language model
M222Inherent digital readiness: The challenges facing data-driven applications in the pharmaceutical industry
Digital twins
Pharma 4.0
Data standardization
DispCtl: Preferences

Technical program
Technical sessions (Wide)  (For narrow screen)
Session programs
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SCEJ 87th Annual Meeting (Kobe, 2022)

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For more information contact Organizing Committee of SCEJ 87th Annual Meeting (Kobe 2022) and IChES 2022
E-mail: inquiry-87awww3.scej.org