Last Update: 2020-09-07 08:53:04

Guideline of Poster [Japanese]

Guideline of Poster [Japanese]

The Posters will be displayed on the web.
Therefore, all speakers of the following session are requested to prepare and upload the poster manuscript by the deadline, September 15.

List of Poster Session

ST-24[Trans-Division Symposium] Cell, Energy Conversion and Storage Technology Supporting Next Generation Society (Poster Presentation Category)
SY-57[Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (1) Poster Session
SY-64[Symposium of Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering] Poster Session with Flash Presentation
SY-69[Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] New Trends in Biochemical Engineering 2020 (Poster; Flash Presentation has been cancelled)
SY-79[Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces] Cutting-edge research about Material Synthesis and Interface Phenomena (Poster Session)

Guideline of preparation

A poster manuscript should be formatted for ONE-page A0 portrait (H: 1189 mm, W: 841mm).
Other paper sizes are acceptable, but any manuscripts in two or more pages are not acceptable.

The entire area of the page can be used for your contents. No need to indicate the Paper ID nor Acknowledgement number, but the Title and Author(s) should be indicated. Recommended font size for the text is 50 pt or larger (min. 40 pt).

An example of the poster is here.

To change the slide size to A0 in PowerPoint

Design→Customize→Slide Size→Custom Slide Size...

Slides sized for: Custom
Width: 84.1 cm
Height: 118.9 cm

Guideline of Uploading

  1. Only a ONE-page PDF file can be accepted.
  2. The acknowledgement number and password are required for the manuscript uploading.
    If you have forgotten your password, please click the "Forgot password?" link on the uploading form.
  3. The PDF file can be overwritten by uploading a revised version any times by the deadline. No submission and revision are allowed after the deadline of the manuscript submission.
  4. A manuscript PDF file should be no larger than 6145 KB (kilobytes).
  5. No security settings on the PDF file are allowed.
  6. Embed the fonts in the PDF file for reproducing the exact output.
  7. Please agree that the poster will be stored on the server and will be made accessible to the registered participants of the meeting.