Last Update: 2020-09-10 07:02:26

Special Symposium [Japanese]

Special Symposium [Japanese]

Special Symposium

SP-1 Materials and Processes for Advancing Future Electronics and JISSO Technologies

Sep. 24 (Thu) 13:20-17:00 Hall B (Program)

Electronics Division
Tohoku Hokkaido Branch, The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging
Component Parts and Materials Comittee, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Tohoku Division, Surface Finishing Society of Japan
HABUKA Hitoshi(Yokohama Nat. Univ.)
SAITO Takeyasu(Osaka Pref. Univ.)
OIKAWA Akira(Sumitomo Bakelite)
This symposium, collaborating with three major societies, sheds light on the future electronics. Invited and various talks will discuss various advances of materials, processes and JISSO technologies, in order to overview how our future studies will be.
Program (plan)
The innovative manufacturing for the future in Tohoku area (tentative)
(METI Tohoku) ASHIDA Kazuya
Development of composite material by molecular bonding technology and its surface interface analysis
(Iwate Univ.) HIRAHARA Hidetoshi
Flexible Hybrid Electronics: Fundamentals and Potential Applications
(Yamagata Univ.) TOKITO Shizuo
Molecular bonding technology that supports next-generation electronics
(Sulfur Chemical Laboratory) MORI Katsuhito
Development of room-temperature atomic layer deposition and application to ion exchange adsorption membrane
(Yamagata Univ.) HIROSE Fumihiko
SP-2 Systems Perspective on Med & Pharma

Sep. 24 (Thu) 13:00-17:00 Hall C (Program)

Division of Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies
ISPE Japan Affiliate
SUGIYAMA Hirokazu(Univ. of Tokyo)
OHTA Seiichi(Univ. of Tokyo)
YAHAGI Naohisa(Keio Univ.)
TAGUCHI Tomoyuki(Chiyoda)
This symposium aims at providing a holistic perspective on the challenges in the field of med & pharma. While various new methods are being developed on diagnostics, medication, and manufacturing, social issues are increasingly prevalent, e.g., healthcare costs. We will seek for research opportunities in the process of diagnostics, medication, and prescription, in the scales from molecule/cell/tissue to manufacturing and the society.
Program (plan)
Systems med&pharma: as a new division and a new field
(Univ. of Tokyo) SUGIYAMA Hirokazu
Development of nanoparticles for diagnosis by considering living bodies as a system
(Univ. of Tokyo) OHTA Seiichi
Life or money? Life and money? Cost and effectiveness of drugs
(Yokohama City Univ./Univ. of Tokyo) IGARASHI Ataru
"Logistics" of drugs as a social system realized from patients perspectives
(Alfressa) FUKUJIN Yusuke
Redefining healthcare system by technologizing medical processes
(Keio Univ.) YAHAGI Naohisa
General Discussion
SP-3 Substantial Reduction of GHG Emissions from Industrial Sector and Contribution of CCUS Technologies

Sep. 25 (Fri) 9:00-15:20 Hall C (Program)

The Committee on Future Energy and Social Systems,
Center for Strategic Planning
The Working Group on CCUS,
Center for Strategic Planning
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
KOYAMA Michihisa(Shinshu Univ.)
TAKAHASHI Nobuhide(Shinshu Univ.)
NAKAGAKI Takao(Waseda Univ.)
Reflecting growing interest in technological options and innovation toward the 2050 target of 80% reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, the Committee on Future Energy and Social Systems (FuEnS), the Center for Strategic Planning, SCEJ has been addressing the potential for ultimate decarbonization by focusing on key industries i.e. steel and chemistry, which includes collaboration with the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan. In the last year, the Working Group on CCUS (WG-CCUS) has been established across the divisions of SCEJ. This symposium is co-organized by FuEnS and WG-CCUS, and will review the issues of substantial reduction of GHG emissions and grasp the status of CCUS technologies.

Part I: Feasibility and issues of substantial reduction of GHG emissions from industrial sector
In the first part by FuEnS, we will consider energy supply and demand required for the 80% GHG emission reduction. We will also consider processes such as steelmaking for ultimate decarbonization that is not in the extrapolated course of the conventional technologies.

Part II: Overviewing issues for social implementation of CCUS technologies
In the second part by WG-CCUS, based on the latest development trends, we will discuss the CCUS in terms of potential for GHG emission reduction, challenges and deployment pathways.
Program (plan)
Changing Levelized Cost of Electricity and Future Energy System and Society
(Shinshu Univ.) KOYAMA Michihisa
Perspective on the Future Ironmaking Process toward Carbon Dioxide Mitigation
(Tohoku Univ.) ARIYAMA Tatsuro
Carbon-neutral coproduction of power, chemicals and iron
(Kyushu Univ.) HAYASHI Jun-ichiro
Climate-related disclosure and management: TCFD disclosure and Portfolio alignment to 1.5 degree
(CDP Japan) TAKASE Kae
Global Trend of CO2 Utilization (second report)
R&D trends in CO2 capture technology
SP-4 Making the Sapporo Declaration in Action toward the Achievement of SDGs

Sep. 25 (Fri) 13:00-15:00 Hall B (Program)

SDGs Committee, Center for Strategic Planning
Gender Equality Committee
The Committee on Future Energy and Social Systems,
Center for Strategic Planning
Japan Chemical Industry Association
The Japan Association for Chemical Innovation
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
HIRAO Masahiko(Univ. of Tokyo)
NODA Suguru(Waseda Univ.)
TOKORO Chiharu(Waseda Univ.)
FUKUSHIMA Yasuhiro(Tohoku Univ.)
GOSHO Akiko(Japan Chemical Industry Association)
FUKUI Yoshifumi(The Japan Association for Chemical Innovation)
Program (plan)
Sapporo Declaration -From efficiency to sufficiency-
(Tohoku Univ.) ADSCHIRI Tadafumi
Toward female engineers' active work in chemical plants -Challenges and prospects from the company's point of view-
(Mitsui Chemicals) WAKITA Yukiko
Current situation and issues of gender equality in the field of chemical engineering
(Waseda Univ.) TOKORO Chiharu
Gender mainstreaming and job description based recruitment in the implementation of the UN environmental technology transfer project
(United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO) IINO Fukuya
Group Discussion
General Discussion