Last Update: 2020-05-25 15:25:15

Applicant and speaker [Japanese]

Applicant and speaker [Japanese]

  1. Applicant and speaker must meet one of the following:

    • SCEJ regular member (incl. honorary member)
    • SCEJ student member
    • SCEJ education affiliate member
    • SCEJ international regular/associate member
    • SCEJ international student member
    • Employee of SCEJ Corporate member (incl. Regional corporate member)
    • Individual supporting member of any division of SCEJ
    • Employee of corporate supporting member of any division of SCEJ
    • Individual member of co-organizing academic societies or institutes
    • Plenary speaker
    • Invited speaker
    • Requested speaker
    • Individual member of the following overseas societies
      AIChE, CIESC, DECHEMA, KIChE, TwIChE (in alphabetical order)
  2. The applicant or the speaker who does not meet any of these requirements must join the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan before application or presentation, respectively. The speaker (except invited person) must register to attend the meeting.

  3. Only papers which have not been published or presented elsewhere (except the 85th Annual Meeting) can be presented at the meeting.

    Re-presentation of a presentation published on the 85th Annual Meeting

    All accepted presentations of the 85th Annual Meeting are certified to be presented at the meeting, but can be re-presented at the 51st Autumn Meeting. (Invited lectures and Requested talks can be re-presented also at the 86th Annual Meeting.)

    • 1) The Presentation Style (Poster/Oral) can be changed.
    • 2) The Authors (include the order) must be identical to those of the original presentation, but the Speaker can be changed within the original authors. The Affiliation and the Membership can be updated. The Applicant can be changed freely.
    • 3) Both the Title and the Preprint(Abstract) must be identical to those of the original presentation, but a footnote "Presented on the 85th Annual Meeting." must be added on the Preprint(Abstract) manuscript.
    • 4) No re-presentation are allowed at any other meeting.

Application for presentation

You can submit your application form on the web. Read the guideline of the respective way.

  1. Topics code list
  2. Guideline of application (Please read this!)
  3. Application form
  4. Inquiry about Application

View your application form (incl. password reminder)

Please refer your application form sent by e-mail. You can also view your application form online at ‘View your own application form’ page. If you have forgot your password, click the ‘Forgot password?’ link on that page. If you are not sure of your Acknowledgement number, find it from the List of received applications.

Correction of submitted application form

You can make correction to your application form that has been submitted. The correction can be made on the web until the application deadline. Go to the ‘Correction of submitted application form’ page.

Cancellation of application

If you wish to cancel your application, please send an e-mail to the Organizing Committee. The Acknowledgement number, Your name, and an Oath that the cancellation has the consent of all the coauthors of the application should be given.

Exception to lack of novelty of invention

Regarding the patent application including an invention presented at the SCEJ Meeting, contact the Headquarters Office of SCEJ.

Manuscript submission

You are requested to submit a manuscript of the preprint. A PDF file of the manuscript can be submitted over the Internet. See the instruction below.

The “Book of Preprints” will be published on line and in USB memory.

  1. Manuscript preparation guideline (MS Word template file for preprint manuscript)
  2. Uploading the manuscript file
  3. Manuscript submission form
  4. Inquiry about Manuscript submission

View your uploaded manuscript

You can view your uploaded manuscript.

Correction of preprint manuscript

The PDF file can be overwritten by uploading a revised version any times by the deadline. No submission and revision are allowed after the deadline of the manuscript submission.

Manuscript review

The format and style of the submitted manuscripts will be reviewed. Manuscripts in irregular styles would be rejected.

SCEJ 51st Autumn Meeting (2020)