Last Update: 2020-05-25 15:25:15

Uploading the manuscript file [Japanese]

Uploading the manuscript file [Japanese]

The deadline for the manuscript submission is Thursday 27th August, 2020.

Submit your preprint manuscript by uploading the PDF file on the ‘Upload a preprint manuscript PDF file’ page before the deadline.

  1. Only a PDF file can be accepted.

  2. The acknowledgement number and password are required for the manuscript uploading.

  3. A manuscript PDF file should be no larger than 1229 KB (kilobytes).

  4. The PDF file can be overwritten by uploading a revised version any times by the deadline. No submission and revision are allowed after the deadline of the manuscript submission.

  5. No security settings on the PDF file are allowed.

  6. Embed the fonts in the PDF file for reproducing the exact output.

  7. When the uploading of the PDF file is completed, the system types a TEST-Program-ID `AA999' and display it on the screen. If the Program ID overlaps any other contents, please revise your manuscript and resubmit it.

SCEJ 51st Autumn Meeting (2020)