Last Update: 2020-05-25 15:25:15

SP-3. [Special Symposium] Substantial Reduction of GHG Emissions from Industrial Sector and Contribution of CCUS Technologies [Japanese]

SP-3. [Special Symposium] Substantial Reduction of GHG Emissions from Industrial Sector and Contribution of CCUS Technologies [Japanese]

Organizer(s): Koyama Michihisa (Shinshu Univ.), Takahashi Nobuhide (Shinshu Univ.), Nakagaki Takao (Waseda Univ.), Yamada Hidetaka (RITE)

Reflecting growing interest in technological options and innovation toward the 2050 target of 80% reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, the Committee on Future Energy and Social Systems (FuEnS), the Center for Strategic Planning, SCEJ has been addressing the potential for ultimate decarbonization by focusing on key industries i.e. steel and chemistry, which includes collaboration with the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan. In the last year, the Working Group on CCUS (WG-CCUS) has been established across the divisions of SCEJ. This symposium is co-organized by FuEnS and WG-CCUS, and will review the issues of substantial reduction of GHG emissions and grasp the status of CCUS technologies.

Part I: Feasibility and issues of substantial reduction of GHG emissions from industrial sector

In the first part by FuEnS, we will consider energy supply and demand required for the 80% GHG emission reduction. We will also consider processes such as steelmaking for ultimate decarbonization that is not in the extrapolated course of the conventional technologies.

Part II: Overviewing issues for social implementation of CCUS technologies

In the second part by WG-CCUS, based on the latest development trends, we will discuss the CCUS in terms of potential for GHG emission reduction, challenges and deployment pathways.

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SCEJ 51st Autumn Meeting (2020)