Last Update: 2020-05-25 15:25:15

SY-63. [CR] [Symposium of Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering] New Development of Reaction Engineering in the Field of Natural Resources, Energy, and Environment [Japanese]

SY-63. [CR] [Symposium of Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering] New Development of Reaction Engineering in the Field of Natural Resources, Energy, and Environment [Japanese]

Organizer(s): Sugiyama Shigeru (Tokushima Univ.), Tago Teruoki (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Saito Takeyasu (Osaka Pref. Univ.), Uemiya Shigeyuki (Gifu Univ.), Miyamoto Manabu (Gifu Univ.)

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SCEJ 51st Autumn Meeting (2020)