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SCEJ 82nd Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2017)

Last modified: 2017-02-20 10:00:00

Keynote lectures, Invited lectures, Review lectures, Requested talks

The abstracts can be viewed by clicking the Paper IDs.
The ID/PW printed on the PROGRAM book are required.

Keynote lecture | Invited lecture | Review lecture | Requested talk

Keynote lecture

Day 2(Mar. 7), Hall B(Kyoshitsu-to 3F 302)
B216 “(machine translation) Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence Technology in Life and Service” (14:00– 14:50)

(AIST) Motomura Yoichi

Invited lecture

Day 1(Mar. 6), Hall A(Kyoshitsu-to 3F 301)
A119 “(machine translation) Outreach Activities of Japan Union of Chemical Science and Technology (JUCST)” (15:00– 15:20)

(JUCST/Kogakuin U.) Nakao Shin-ichi
A120 “Introduction to examples of activities of the Future Human Resource Development Committee in SCEJ” (15:20– 15:40)

(Yokohama Nat. U.) Kaminoyama Meguru
A121 “Chemical Communication: Catalysis Society of Japan” (15:40– 16:00)

(Chiba U.) Hara Takayoshi
A122 “Chemical Communication” (16:00– 16:20)

(Lion) Toki Ikuko
A123 “Chemistry Portal Site: Chem-Station” (16:20– 16:40)

(Waseda U.) Yamaguchi Junichiro
Day 1(Mar. 6), Hall B(Kyoshitsu-to 3F 302)
B114 “How do nano/micro structure technologies contribute to connect material science with device development beyond the "black-box"? ~Challenges and future visions~” (13:10– 13:40)

(Kyoto U.) Inoue Gen
B115 “Electrokinetic Ion, Fluid, and Nanoparticle Transport in Nanofluidics: Experiments and Fundamental Understanding” (13:40– 14:10)

(Nat. Yunlin U. Sci. Tech.) Yeh Li-Hsien
B116 “Heterostructure Nanocrystal Quantum Dots as Light Emitters” (14:10– 14:40)

(KAIST) Lee Doh Chang
B120 “Thin film deposition using chemical reaction in supercritical fluid for high-aspect-ratio 3-dimensional features” (15:30– 16:00)

(U. Tokyo) Momose Takeshi
B122 “Catalytic membrane reactors for efficient hydrogen production from hydrogen carriers” (16:00– 16:30)

(South China U. Tech.) Li Gang
B123 “Development of an efficient micro chemical process for the production of functional acrylate monomers” (16:30– 17:00)

(Mitsubishi Rayon) Yasukawa Toshiya
Day 2(Mar. 7), Hall D(Kyoshitsu-to 3F 304)
D208 “Research trend of membrane separation technologies for chemical process industries” (11:20– 11:40)

(NEDO) Ishida Katsuaki
D221 “Outline of artificial photosynthesis PJ and progress of hydrogen membrane separation” (15:40– 16:20)

(Mitsubishi Chemical) Takewaki Takahiko
Day 2(Mar. 7), Hall E(Kyoshitsu-to 4F 404)
E201 “Analysis and Design of CVD/ALD processes Based on Chemical Reaction Engineering” (9:00– 9:40)

(U. Tokyo) Shimogaki Yukihiro
E203 “Cat-CVD and Its Development to Various Fields” (9:40– 10:20)

(JAIST) Matsumura Hideki
E215 “Application of Cat-CVD technology to crystalline silicon solar cells” (13:40– 14:20)

(JAIST) *Ohdaira Keisuke, Trinh Cham Thi, Oikawa Takafumi, Seto Junichi, Koyama Koichi, Matsumura Hideki
Day 2(Mar. 7), Hall F(Kyoshitsu-to 4F 405)
F203 “Current status and future challenge in activities of environmental recovery in Fukushima” (9:40– 10:20)

(NIES) Osako Masahiro
F206 “Important things after decontamination” (10:40– 11:20)

(Fukushima U.) Sato Michio
F208 “Initiatives of Tohoku University” (11:20– 12:00)

(Tohoku U.) Nibori Yuichi
F213 “Recent situation of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Station Decommissioning” (13:00– 14:00)

(TEPCO) Shiraki Hiroya
F216 “Development of fuel debris retrieval technique in IRID” (14:00– 14:40)

(IRID) Takamori Kenro
F219 “Challenges for Fukushima environmental restoration by JAEA” (15:00– 15:40)

(JAEA) Iijima Kazuki
F221 “Senior engineer's efforts contributing to restore and repair defects caused by the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant” (15:40– 16:20)

(SCE・Net) Yokobori Hitoshi
Day 2(Mar. 7), Hall I(Kyoshitsu-to 5F 502)
I204 “Diagnosis of degradation using ultrasonic inspection method for lining delamination” (10:00– 10:20)

(Non-Destructive Inspection) *Tanaka Ryusuke, Matsubara Shigeyuki, Mori Masashi
I206 “Plastics Engineering Data Bank Introduction” (10:40– 11:00)

(Plastics Lining Association) Kamisawa Yasuhiro
I219 “Role of Chemical Engineers in solving global energy issues” (15:00– 15:30)

(TOTAL) Tanguy Philippe A.
I220 “Li-S battery - challenges and opportunities for energy storage” (15:30– 16:00)

(USTHK) Chen Guohua
I222 “An untapped sustainable energy source: biodiesel from sewage sludge” (16:00– 16:30)

(U. Puerto Rico) Estevez Antonio
I223 “Prospects of Chemical Industry in Carbon Recycling Society” (16:30– 16:50)

(Waseda U.) Matsukata Masahiko
I224 “Carbon Neutral/Negative Coproduction of Power and Storable Carbon Resource from Fossils and Biomass” (16:50– 17:10)

(Kyushu U.) *Hayashi Jun-ichiro, (Kyoto U.) Mae Kazuhiro
Day 2(Mar. 7), Hall K(Kyoshitsu-to 5F 504)
K215 “R&D of Electrode Materials for High Energy Innovative Batteries” (13:40– 14:20)

(AIST) Sakaebe H.
K218 “Innovative technology development and challenges for society implementation of efficient use of thermal energy using chemical reaction” (14:40– 15:20)

(Functional-fluids) Fujioka K.
Day 3(Mar. 8), Hall M(Koryu-to 4F 402)
M314 “(machine translation) Practice of Chemical Engineering in Production Technology Research -An Example of Mixing Technology Development-” (13:15– 13:45)

(Kaneka) Kanda Akihisa
M315 “(machine translation) Contribution of Chemical Engineering -It's Wonderfulness as Practical-” (13:45– 14:15)

(TEC Project Services) Hamamura Mitsutoshi
M316 “(machine translation) R & D in Companies -A Consideration of Methanol Economy-” (14:15– 14:45)

(Mitsubishi Gas Chemical) Shitara Takuji

Review lecture

Day 2(Mar. 7), Hall D(Kyoshitsu-to 3F 304)
D206 “Progress of gas separation membrane in frontier program of energy and environmental technologies” (10:40– 11:20)

(Waseda U.) Matsukata Masahiko

Requested talk

Day 2(Mar. 7), Hall D(Kyoshitsu-to 3F 304)
D209 “Evaluation of Energy Conservation for Propylene/Propane Separation by Membrane Separation Process” (11:40– 12:00)

(JGC) *Oguro S., Fukuta A., Yuasa A., Fujimura Y.
D213 “Development of zeolite membranes for ethylene and propylene separations” (13:00– 13:20)

(Waseda U.) *Sakai M., Yasuda N., Matsukata M.
D214 “Hydrogen/Hydrocarbon separation through silica based membranes prepared by a counter diffusion CVD method” (13:20– 13:40)

(Shibaura Inst. Tech.) *Nomura Mikihiro, Ishii Katsunori, Yoshida Manami
D215 “Pore size control and hydrocarbon permeation properties of organosilica membranes utilizing bridged alkoxides” (13:40– 14:00)

(Hiroshima U.) *Kanezashi Masakoto, Yoneda Yuri, Nagasawa Hiroki, Tsuru Toshinori
D216 “Energy saving in separation of propylene - propane using membrane - distillation hybrid process” (14:00– 14:20)

(AIST) *Yamaki Takehiro, Yoshimune Miki, Hara Nobuo, Negishi Hideyuki, Endo Akira, (Yamagata U.) Suzuki Kenta, Matsuda Keigo
D218 “Spatial design of porous metal complexes (MOF) showing selective gas adsorption property” (14:40– 15:00)

(Nagoya U.) *Matsuda Ryotaro, Hori Akihiro
D219 “Development of MOF-based membrane for hydrocarbon separation” (15:00– 15:20)

(AIST) *Hara Nobuo, Yoshimune Miki, Yamaki Takehiro, Hasegawa Yasuhisa, Negishi Hideyuki
D220 “Separation of hydrogen from low hydrocarbons using carbon hollow fiber membranes” (15:20– 15:40)

(AIST) *Yoshimune Miki, Hara Nobuo, Yamaki Takehiro, Negishi Hideyuki
Day 2(Mar. 7), Hall E(Kyoshitsu-to 4F 404)
E205 “Reaction Mechanism and Growth-rate Distribution in Metal-Organic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy of GaN” (10:20– 10:40)

(U. Tokyo) *Sugiyama Masakazu, Momose Takeshi, (Politecnico Di Milano) Ravasio Stefano, Cavallotti Carlo, (U. Tokyo) Shimogaki Yukihiro
E206 “Plasma decomposition of hexamethyldisiloxane, oxygen, and ammonia for coating a polymer substrate with silica-based film” (10:40– 11:00)

(Kyoto U.) Kawase M.
E207 “B-atom release from metal wires boronized by non-explosive boron compounds” (11:00– 11:20)

(Shizuoka U.) Umemoto Hironobu
E208 “Surface reaction design for silicon epitaxial growth based on the reactor simulation” (11:20– 11:40)

(Yokohama Nat. U.) *Habuka Hitoshi, Watanabe Toru, Yamada Ayami, Saito Ayumi, Sakurai Ayumi
E209 “CVD and ALD precursor candidates for transition metal film deposition” (11:40– 12:00)

(Gas-Phase Growth) Machida Hideaki
E217 “Synthesis of carbon nitride using microwave plasma CVD” (14:20– 14:40)

(Gifu U.) *Tanaka Ippei, (Chiba Inst. Tech.) Sakamoto Yukihiro
E218 “PEALD-TiO2 films synthesized via CCRF discharges” (14:40– 15:00)

(Tokyo Electron Yamanashi) Iwashita Shinya
E219 “Surface coating of carbon nanotubes by aerosol process with plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition” (15:00– 15:20)

(Hiroshima U.) *Shimada Manabu, Kubo Masaru, (Hiroshima U./ITS Surabaya) Kusdianto K.
E221 “Novel catalytic property of structured catalyst prepared by wet-type chemical deposition” (15:40– 16:00)

(Shizuoka U.) Fukuhara Choji
E222 “Thin film deposition in supercritical fluids - impact of solvent capability on deposition characteristics” (16:00– 16:20)

(U. Yamanashi) Kondoh Eiichi
E223 “Hot-filament CVD growth of low-resistivity diamond for power device applications” (16:20– 16:40)

(AIST) Ohmagari Shinya
E224 “Effects of N2O Addition during the Growth of ZnO Films by Chemical Vapor Deposition Using a Catalytic Reaction” (16:40– 17:00)

(Nagaoka U. Tech.) Tajima Ryouichi, Watanabe Koudai, Ono Shotarou, Kato Takahiro, *Yasui Kanji
E225 “Engineering Carbon Nanotube Synthesis: Catalyst Screening, Identification of Reactive Species, and Rational Reactor Design” (17:00– 17:20)

(Waseda U.) Noda Suguru
Day 2(Mar. 7), Hall I(Kyoshitsu-to 5F 502)
I202 “Destructive and Non-destructive testing for degradation of polymeric materials used in corrosive environment” (9:20– 9:40)

(Tokyo Tech) *Kubouchi Masatoshi, Arao Yoshihiko, (Nihon U.) Sakai Tetsuya
I203 “Current Situation of Organic Materials in Plant Construction Projects” (9:40– 10:00)

(JGC) Miyashita Junki
I207 “Permeation test of Fluororesin liner” (11:00– 11:20)

(NICHIAS) Kuramoto Junji
I208 “Maintenance of Alloy 800H Material for Piping in High Temperature Service” (11:20– 11:40)

(Chiyoda) Shibasaki Toshikazu, *Watanabe Shunji, Hokamura Takashi
Day 2(Mar. 7), Hall K(Kyoshitsu-to 5F 504)
K220 “Improvement of metal hydrides for hydrogen purification and storage system” (15:20– 15:40)

(U. Tsukuba) Hanada N.
K221 “Separation and recovery of woody structural components and their effective utilization” (15:40– 16:00)

(Tokushima U.) Asada C.
K222 “Current Development Status of Fuel Cell Power Systems at Fuji Electric” (16:00– 16:40)

(Fuji Electric) Tagishi M.

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SCEJ 82nd Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2017)

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For more information contact SCEJ 82nd Annual Meeting Organizing Committee
E-mail: inquiry-82awww3.scej.org