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SCEJ 82nd Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2017)

Last modified: 2017-02-20 10:00:00

Session programs : HC-11

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HC-11 [Session organized by Center/Committee etc.]
 The Present Status of the Reconstruction from Fukushima Nuclear Accident and Contributions of Chemical Engineering to the Reconstruction

Organizer: Hasebe Shinji (Kyoto Univ.)

The Committee on the Recovery from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster has been arguing over two years how can chemical engineers' contribute to the recovery against the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster. By taking into account the condition where the major concern is shifting from the emergency measure to the long-term recovery, the role of chemical engineers on the offsite revival and the on-site decommissioning promotion of the reactor is discussed. The external experts and related engineers are invited to give lectures about the present condition and the future problems. Then, the future contributions of chemical engineers will be discussed.

Hall F, Day 2

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Hall F(Kyoshitsu-to 4F 405), Day 2(Mar. 7)
(9:20–10:20) (Chair: Mae Kazuhiro)
9:209:40F202Activity Report and Proposal of Committee on the Recovery from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster
Nuclear Power Plant Disaster
Recovery from Disaster
9:4010:20F203[Invited lecture] Current status and future challenge in activities of environmental recovery in Fukushima
waste management
interim storage
(10:40–12:00) (Chair: Muramatsu Atsushi)
10:4011:20F206[Invited lecture] Important things after decontamination
Cs removal
residents return
11:2012:00F208[Invited lecture] Initiatives of Tohoku University
decommissioning of NPS
(13:00–14:00) (Chair: Saito Kyoichi)
13:0014:00F213[Invited lecture] Recent situation of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Station Decommissioning
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Station decommissioning work
fuel and fuel debris
radioactive waste
(14:00–14:40) (Chair: Kato Yukitaka)
14:0014:40F216[Invited lecture] Development of fuel debris retrieval technique in IRID
Fuel debris
Nuclear safety
(15:00–15:40) (Chair: Kamiya Hidehiro)
15:0015:40F219[Invited lecture] Challenges for Fukushima environmental restoration by JAEA
Transport behavior
Monitoring and mapping
(15:40–16:20) (Chair: Kobayashi Hiroyuki)
15:4016:20F221[Invited lecture] Senior engineer's efforts contributing to restore and repair defects caused by the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
senior engineer
chemical engineering
extension lecture
(16:20–16:40) (Chair: Hasebe Shinji)
16:2016:40F223Future Activities of SCEJ on the Recovery from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster
Recovery from Disaster
Nuclear Power Plant Disaster

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SCEJ 82nd Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2017)

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