Last Update: 2019-02-25 11:57:48

Topics code list [Japanese]

Topics code list [Japanese]

Symposia | Genaral sessions

‘Closed’ sessions are for Invited or requested presentations only.
Students (except for those in the latter period of doctor’s program) can choose Poster only.
Excellent Poster presentations made by Student members at General sessions (1-a to 14-e) will be awarded. Choose ‘Yes’ to the ’PosterAwardEntry‘ question if applying to the Student Poster Award.


Symposium code (grouped by divisions)

Divisions CodeSession nameOpen/
Fluid & Particle Processing [FP] CS-1 To Enhance the Significance of SCEJ's Presence -To Pursue Corroborations with Cookery Science and Food Engineering- <Closed session>ClosedOral
X-51 The seminar of Fluid & Particle Processing Division <Closed session>ClosedOral
Thermal Engineering [HT] CS-1 To Enhance the Significance of SCEJ's Presence -To Pursue Corroborations with Cookery Science and Food Engineering- <Closed session>ClosedOral
Biochemical Engineering [BE] CS-1 To Enhance the Significance of SCEJ's Presence -To Pursue Corroborations with Cookery Science and Food Engineering- <Closed session>ClosedOral
K-3 The 9th Japan-China Symposium on Chemical Engineering -Bio Chemical Engineering- <Closed session>ClosedOral
Safety [SA] K-1 The 9th Japan-China Symposium on Chemical Engineering -Safety and AI/IoT- <Closed session>ClosedOral
Environment [EN] K-2 The 9th Japan-China Symposium on Chemical Engineering -Environmental Chemistry and Chemical Engineering- <Closed session>ClosedOral
Headquarters [HQ] SS-1 Technical Innovations to Sustain Japanese Industry <Closed session>ClosedOral
SS-2 Efforts of Development-oriented Companies Aiming for a Recycling-based Society <Closed session>ClosedOral
SS-3 Management Issues of Chemistry Related Industries How do Chemistry-related Industries Tackle SDGs - From a Management Perspective - <Closed session>ClosedOral
SS-4 Challenge of Chemistry Related Industries toward Decarbonization <Closed session>ClosedOral
SS-5 Unit Operation Which Should Not be Forgotten - (Practical Powder Handling Technology) - <Closed session>ClosedOral
SS-6 Utilization of New Technologies and Training of Human Resources to Improve On-site Capabilities with a View to the Future Society <Closed session>ClosedOral
SS-7 Networking Event for Employment between Japanese Companies & International Students <Closed session>ClosedOral
SP-8 Unit Operation Which Should Not be Forgotten - (Practical Powder Handling Technology) - (Poster session) <Closed session>ClosedPoster
SP-9 Utilization of New Technologies and Training of Human Resources to Improve On-site Capabilities with a View to the Future Society (Poster session) <Closed session>ClosedPoster
HQ-21 How Young Researchers Are Thinking about Future Research on Chemical Engineering <Closed session>ClosedPoster
CS-1 To Enhance the Significance of SCEJ's Presence -To Pursue Corroborations with Cookery Science and Food Engineering- <Closed session>ClosedOral
Branch [BR] HQ-21 How Young Researchers Are Thinking about Future Research on Chemical Engineering <Closed session>ClosedPoster
The Working Group on Fukushima Reconstruction and Decommissioning Technology [FU] HC-17 Current Status and Issues of Fukushima Reconstruction and Decommissioning Technology <Closed session>ClosedOral
Center for Professional Development of Chemical Engineers [PD] HC-13 2018 SCEJ Internship Meeting <Closed session>ClosedOral
HC-14 2018 SCEJ Internship Meeting Mixer <Closed session>ClosedOral
Gender Equality Committee [GE] HC-16 Woman Engineers Forum <Closed session>ClosedOral
Center for Strategic Planning / The Committee on Future Energy and Social Systems [FE] HC-11 Challenge for 80% GHG Reduction by Industrial Decarbonization with Carbon Recycling and Sequestration Technologies <Closed session>ClosedOral
Center for Strategic Planning / The Working Group on Social Implement Engineering [SO] HC-12 Challenge of Chemical Engineers for Social ImplementationOpenOral

Symposium code (sorted by code)

Category CodeSession nameOpen/

SK. Special Engineering Symposium
SK-1Special Engineering Symposium <Closed session>ClosedOral

SS. Session organized by Industry
SS-1[HQ] Technical Innovations to Sustain Japanese Industry <Closed session>ClosedOral
SS-2[HQ] Efforts of Development-oriented Companies Aiming for a Recycling-based Society <Closed session>ClosedOral
SS-3[HQ] Management Issues of Chemistry Related Industries How do Chemistry-related Industries Tackle SDGs - From a Management Perspective - <Closed session>ClosedOral
SS-4[HQ] Challenge of Chemistry Related Industries toward Decarbonization <Closed session>ClosedOral
SS-5[HQ] Unit Operation Which Should Not be Forgotten - (Practical Powder Handling Technology) - <Closed session>ClosedOral
SS-6[HQ] Utilization of New Technologies and Training of Human Resources to Improve On-site Capabilities with a View to the Future Society <Closed session>ClosedOral
SS-7[HQ] Networking Event for Employment between Japanese Companies & International Students <Closed session>ClosedOral

SP. Session organized by Industry (Poster)
SP-8[HQ] Unit Operation Which Should Not be Forgotten - (Practical Powder Handling Technology) - (Poster session) <Closed session>ClosedPoster
SP-9[HQ] Utilization of New Technologies and Training of Human Resources to Improve On-site Capabilities with a View to the Future Society (Poster session) <Closed session>ClosedPoster

SV. Chemical Engineering Vision Symposium
SV-1SCEJ Vision Symposium 4 - Envisioning Future Chemical Plants <Closed session>ClosedOral

K. International Symposium
K-1[SA] The 9th Japan-China Symposium on Chemical Engineering -Safety and AI/IoT- <Closed session>ClosedOral
K-2[EN] The 9th Japan-China Symposium on Chemical Engineering -Environmental Chemistry and Chemical Engineering- <Closed session>ClosedOral
K-3[BE] The 9th Japan-China Symposium on Chemical Engineering -Bio Chemical Engineering- <Closed session>ClosedOral
K-4The 9th Japan-China Symposium on Chemical Engineering -Poster session- <Closed session>ClosedPoster

HC. Session organized by Center/Committee etc.
HC-11[FE] Challenge for 80% GHG Reduction by Industrial Decarbonization with Carbon Recycling and Sequestration Technologies <Closed session>ClosedOral
HC-12[SO] Challenge of Chemical Engineers for Social ImplementationOpenOral
HC-13[PD] 2018 SCEJ Internship Meeting <Closed session>ClosedOral
HC-14[PD] 2018 SCEJ Internship Meeting Mixer <Closed session>ClosedOral
HC-16[GE] Woman Engineers Forum <Closed session>ClosedOral
HC-17[FU] Current Status and Issues of Fukushima Reconstruction and Decommissioning Technology <Closed session>ClosedOral

HQ. Session organized by Headquarters/Branches
HQ-21[HQ,BR] How Young Researchers Are Thinking about Future Research on Chemical Engineering <Closed session>ClosedPoster

CS. Cross-field Session
CS-1[HQ,HT,FP,BE] To Enhance the Significance of SCEJ's Presence -To Pursue Corroborations with Cookery Science and Food Engineering- <Closed session>ClosedOral

X. Seminar / Other programs
X-51[FP] The seminar of Fluid & Particle Processing Division <Closed session>ClosedOral

General sessions

General session

0. SCEJ Awards presentation
0-aThe SCEJ AwardClosedOral
0-bThe SCEJ Award for Outstanding Research AchievementClosedOral
0-cThe SCEJ Award for Outstanding Young ResearcherClosedOral
0-dThe SCEJ Award for Outstanding Technological DevelopmentClosedOral
0-eThe SCEJ Award for Outstanding Young EngineerClosedOral
0-fThe SCEJ Award for Outstanding Asian Researcher and EngineerClosedOral
0-gThe SCEJ Award for Outstanding Women's ActivityClosedOral
0-hThe Outstanding Paper AwardClosedOral
General session

1. Fundamental properties
1-aEquilibrium, Transport propertiesOpenO/P
1-bSolid propertiesOpenO/P
1-cToxicity & flash point of chemicalsOpenO/P
1-dEngineering dataOpenO/P
General session

2. Fluid & particle processing
2-aHeat- & mass-fluid engineeringOpenO/P
2-cFluidized bedOpenO/P
2-dBubble columnOpenO/P
2-eMultiphase flowOpenO/P
2-fParticle processingOpenO/P
General session

3. Thermal engineering
3-aThermal unit operationsOpenO/P
3-bCombustion, plasma, heat transferOpenO/P
3-cHeat exchangerOpenO/P
3-dEnergy systemsOpenO/P
3-eMicro- & bio-technology related heat transport phenomenaOpenO/P
General session

4. Separation processes
4-aMembrane engineeringOpenO/P
4-bSolid-liquid separationOpenO/P
4-eAdsorption, ion exchangeOpenO/P
4-iSpecial separation processesOpenO/P
General session

5. Chemical reaction engineering
5-aCatalytic reaction engineeringOpenO/P
5-cRadical chemistryOpenO/P
5-dReactive separationOpenO/P
5-fMicro chemical processesOpenO/P
5-hCVD & dry processes
This session is organinzed by the CVD Reactions Subdivision of the Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering.
General session

6. Systems, information, and simulation technologies
6-aPlant operationOpenO/P
6-bProcess engineeringOpenO/P
6-cProcess dynamicsOpenO/P
6-dProcess controlOpenO/P
General session

7. Biochemical engineering
7-gEnvironmental biologyOpenO/P
7-hFood engineeringOpenO/P
General session

8. Supercritical fluid
8-aUnit operationOpenO/P
8-bFundamental propertiesOpenO/P
8-cSeparation, extractionOpenO/P
8-dReaction & conversionOpenO/P
8-eMaterials processing & productionOpenO/P
8-fEnvironmentally benign processesOpenO/P
General session

9. Energy engineering
9-aEnergy developmentOpenO/P
9-bHeat storage, enhancement, & transfer technologiesOpenO/P
9-cCarbonaceous resources utilizationOpenO/P
9-dThermal energy utilizationOpenO/P
9-eNew energies & energy systemsOpenO/P
General session

10. Safety
10-aRisk communicationOpenO/P
10-bOperation designOpenO/P
10-cSafety designOpenO/P
10-dRevision managementOpenO/P
10-eSafety assessmentOpenO/P
10-fSafety technology pass downOpenO/P
10-gUnmanned production problemsOpenO/P
10-hMaterials safetyOpenO/P
General session

11. Electronics
11-aElectrochemical process (battery, electroplating, etc.)OpenO/P
11-bElectronic material processing (semiconductor production, manufacture of electronic circuit, etc.)OpenO/P
11-cMicro-processing (etching, thin film, etc.)OpenO/P
11-dHigh-reliability design (high heat emission, short circuiting, etc.)OpenO/P
11-eInterconnection (adhesion, bonding, etc.)OpenO/P
11-fEnvironmental sustainabilityOpenO/P
General session

12. Materials engineering & interfacial phenomena
12-aInterface controlOpenO/P
12-cFunctional particlesOpenO/P
12-eGel technologyOpenO/P
12-hCoating technologyOpenO/P
12-iMicrostructure formation & complex molecular assemblyOpenO/P
12-jFunctionalized polymer materialOpenO/P
12-kMaterials processingOpenO/P
12-lMaterials rheologyOpenO/P
General session

13. Environmental engineering
13-aWater environmental processesOpenO/P
13-bWastewater treatmentOpenO/P
13-cRisk & management of chemical substancesOpenO/P
13-dMethod for designing recycling-based societyOpenO/P
13-eRecycling technologyOpenO/P
13-fGlobal environmentOpenO/P
13-gCO2 problemsOpenO/P
13-hGlobal carbon cycleOpenO/P
General session

14. Wide area
14-aTechnology managementOpenO/P
14-bEconomic assessment & market researchOpenO/P

Application for presentation
SCEJ 84th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2019)