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SCEJ 53rd Autumn Meeting (Nagano, 2022)

Program search result : 北大触媒研 : 2 programs

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Affillations (J) field begins with “北大触媒研”, “Hokkaido U.”; 2 programs are found. (“Poster with Flash” presentations are double-counted.)
The search results are sorted by the start time.

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Day 2
DJ218Dual functional catalysts for CO2 capture and reductive utilization
(Kogakuin U.) *(Reg)Maeno Zen, (Hokkaido U.) Miyazaki Shinta, Li Lingcong, Toyao Takashi, (Kogakuin U.) Shimizu Ken-ichi
CO2 capture and utilization
Dual functional catalysts
Day 2
DH221Development of highly active silica-supported platinum catalysts for the preservation of perishables
(Hokkaido Res. Org.) *(Reg)Mori Takeshi, Ogawa Yuta, Shigyo Tatsuhiro, (Reg)Matsushima Keiichiro, Nomura Takafumi, (Hokkaido U.) Nakajima Kiyotaka, Fukuoka Atsushi
Food preservation
Ethylene oxidation
Supported metal catalysts

Technical program
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SCEJ 53rd Autumn Meeting (Nagano, 2022)

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