Affillations (J) field begins with “RITE”, “奈良先端大”, “NAIST”, “農工大”, “TUAT”, “グリーンケミカルズ”; 26 programs are found. (“Poster with Flash” presentations are double-counted.)
The search results are sorted by the start time.
Time | Paper ID | Title / Authors | Keywords | Topic code | Ack. number |
Day 0 | EA019 | [Invited lecture] Development of green bioprocesses to realize carbon neutral society | carbon recycle biorefinery smart cell | SP-1 | 877 |
Day 0 | EA021 | [Requested talk] Future perspectives of effective utilization of biomass (Renewable carbon resource) | Biomass Utilization Systems Engineering Biomass 5F (6F) Renewable Carbon Resource | SP-1 | 878 |
Day 1 | DH104 | [Featured presentation] Colloidal properties of surface-modified TiO2 nanoparticles: correlation between ligand structure and dispersibility | nanoparticle-ligand complexes titanium dioxide colloidal stability | SY-80 | 681 |
Day 1 | DG105 | Evaporation kinetics of volatile oil droplets dispersed in water | Emulsion Evaporation kinetics distortion | SY-77 | 235 |
Day 1 | CB106 | [Requested talk] A causal relationship model with explicit design rationale information for management of change | management of change design rationale causal relationship model | SY-75 | 114 |
Day 1 | DD106 | [Featured presentation] Understanding particle adhesion induced by calcium carbonate nanoparticles at high temperatures | Calcium carbonate nanoparticle adhesion | SY-53 | 331 |
Day 1 | BA109 | [Featured presentation] Prediction of a feed factor of two-component powder in a twin screw feeder | Process modeling Feed factor Multi-component powder | SY-64 | 517 |
Day 1 | DB114 | A reacting flow in which the effect of a chemical reaction on flow is reversed according to changes in physical properties due to the reaction | Viscous fingering gel interfacial rheology | SY-52 | 718 |
Day 1 | BB115 | Elucidation of culture conditions for aerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria producing ectoine | Methane oxidizing bacteria Ectoine Methane | SY-82 | 602 |
Day 1 | DB116 | Understanding of viscous fingering with gel production reaction via interfacial rheology under large deformation | viscous fingering fracture large amplitude oscillatory shear | SY-52 | 454 |
Day 1 | FA119 | [Invited lecture] Development of Physical Model Based Integrated Fuel Cell System Simulator | fuel cell system simulation model based development | ST-22 | 85 |
Day 1 | FA124 | Development of a control system of a fuel cell stack and auxiliary systems | Fuel cell system simulator Controller design Auxiliary systems | ST-22 | 675 |
Day 1 | DI125 | Production of fine crystalline particles using the unique solution composition reached by oiling out | Oiling out Antisolvent crystallization Agglomeration | SY-79 | 448 |
Day 1 | FA125 | Control design method of a fuel cell systems simulator for various applications | Fuel cell system simulator Controller design Auxiliary systems | ST-22 | 678 |
Day 1 | FA126 | Integrated use of simulators of fuel cell catalyst layer and fuel cell system for material design | Fuel cell Multi-scale simulation Material design | ST-22 | 638 |
Day 2 | BA202 | Application of disturbance rejection control to an industrial distillation column when changing the number of air-cooler fans. | Control Optimization Air-cooler | SY-65 | 202 |
Day 2 | DI204 | Characteristic modification of sea urchin-like crystalline particles in reactive crystallization by using irreversibility of external shape change | reactive crystallization external shape characteristic modification | SY-79 | 639 |
Day 2 | DB206 | Design and Operation of a Membrane reactor for Methanol Synthesis | Membrane reactor CCU Methanol | ST-28 | 46 |
Day 2 | BA217 | Reliability Assessment for a Multivariate Model from Closed-loop Data Based on the SPS Method | Finite-sample data Closed-loop identification Multivariate process | SY-65 | 108 |
Day 3 | BA301 | 21st Process Design Student Contest | Process Design Process Simulator | SY-66 | 94 |
Day 3 | CA302 | Evaluation of the economics of thermochemical storage reactor for integration with a biomass power plants | thermochemical heat storage renewable energy fluidized bed | SY-74 | 820 |
Day 3 | DI302 | Performance evaluation of etched aluminum foil structured catalysts. | Structured catalysis Alumite catalysis Etched aluminum foil | SY-63 | 704 |
Day 3 | BB306 | [Invited lecture] Energy systems transition toward net-zero GHG emissions | Energy system Net zero GHG emissions Paris Agreement | SY-83 | 88 |
Day 3 | DA313 | Operation and Evaluation of a Geothermal Power System Integrated with a Fluidized Bed Chemical Thermal Storage Process | Fluidized Bed Thermochemical heat storage Geothermal power plant | ST-29 | 677 |
Day 3 | AB316 | [Requested talk] Improvement in Rebaudioside D solubility by preparing a solid phase using melt crystallization technology | Rebaudioside D Solubility Crystallization | HQ-14 | 353 |
Day 3 | CA318 | Evaluation of the Heat Resistance of Alumite Carrier by Diffusion Layer | alumite catalyst diffusion layer clad material | SY-74 | 608 |
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SCEJ 53rd Autumn Meeting (Nagano, 2022)