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SCEJ 53rd Autumn Meeting (Nagano, 2022)

Program search result : 環境負荷 : 2 programs

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Title (J) field includes “環境負荷”; 2 programs are found. (“Poster with Flash” presentations are double-counted.)
The search results are sorted by the start time.

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Day 1
BB103Development of technology for estimating chemical concentrations in plating process and its application to reducing environmental impact
(TIRI) *(Reg·APCE)Takuma Yasuhiko, (Reg)Morikubo Satoshi, (Reg)Enomoto Daisuke, (Reg)Nishida Aoi, Ando Eri, Kosaka Yukio
Environmental Impact
Estimation of chemical concentrations
Day 2
BB214[Featured presentation] Development of materials for recycling of platinum group metals with low emvironmental impact using reactive polymer
(Chiba U./AIST) *(Stu)Kaneko Naoya, (Chiba U.) Aoki Daisuke, Taniguchi Tatsuo, Karatsu Takashi, (JAEA) Motokawa Ryuhei, (AIST) Suzuki Tomoya, Narita Hirokazu
Platinum Group Metals (PGMs)
Reactive Polymer
RAFT Polymerization

Technical program
Technical sessions (Wide)  (For narrow screen)
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SCEJ 53rd Autumn Meeting (Nagano, 2022)

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