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SCEJ 88th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2023)

Program search result : 堀江 孝史 : 3 programs

The preprints(abstracts) are now open (Mar. 1st). These can be viewed by clicking the Paper IDs. The ID/PW sent to the Registered participants in Period I/II and invited persons are required.

Authors and Chairs (J) field exact matches “堀江 孝史”; 3 programs are found.
The search results are sorted by the start time.

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Day 1
PA154Study of recycle of NOx genarated by metal dissolution in aqua resia
(Osaka Metro. U.) *(Stu·PCEF)Takeda Haruumi, (Reg)Okita Erika, (Reg)Horie Takafumi, (Reg)Yasuda Masahiro
Metal dissolution
NO/NOx ratio
Production of nitrogen oxides
Day 2
   Chair: Horie Takafumi, Watanabe Ryo
F214Effect of slug length on mass transfer rate in slug flow extraction.
(Osaka Metro. U.) (Stu·PCEF)Ogawa Tohru, Watanabe Shoki, (AIST) (Reg)Fukuda Takashi, (Reg)Kawasaki Shin-ichiro, (Reg)Ishizaka Takayuki, (Osaka Metro. U.) *(Reg)Muto Akinori
slug flow
slug length
maximization of the mass transfer rate
F215Investigation of reaction and separation field using water/organic biphasic slug flow for furfural synthesis
(Okayama U.) *(Reg)Shimanouchi Toshinori, (Stu)Daba Hiroto, (Keio U.) (Reg)Fujioka Satoko, (Reg)Terasaka Koichi, (Okayama U.) (Reg)Kimura Yukitaka
slug flow
reaction and separation
F216Reaction Rate Analyses for Syntheses of Flavan Oligomers with Microreactors
(Hitachi) *(Reg)Asano Yukako, (Hitachi Plant Services) (Cor)Oda Masashi, (Tokyo Tech) Narita Naoki, Ohmori Ken
Reaction Rate Analyses
Flavan Oligomers
F217Kinetic analysis of amidation using automated flow reactor and inline near-infrared spectroscopy
(AIST) *(Reg)Takebayashi Yoshihiro, (Reg)Sue Kiwamu, (Reg)Kataoka Sho
near-infrared spectroscopy
automated flow reactor
inline monitoring
F218Kinetic analysis of oxidation of As(III) in water using a fixed-bed distribution reactor
(Kyushu U.) *(Stu)Kondo Hiromichi, (Reg)Oshima Kazumasa, (Reg)Yamamoto Tsuyoshi, (Reg)Kishida Masahiro
platinum catalyst
arsenic removal
kinetic analysis
Day 3
H301Numerical mixing prediction based on Poincare map in channels with spatial and temporal periodicity
(Osaka Metro. U.) *(Stu)Murotani Ryosuke, (Reg)Horie Takafumi, (Keio U.) (Reg)Fujioka Satoko, (Osaka Metro. U.) (Reg)Okita Erika, (Reg)Yasuda Masahiro
Oscillatory flow
Laminar mixing
Poincare map

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SCEJ 88th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2023)

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