Title (J) field includes “考察”; 4 programs are found.
The search results are sorted by the start time.
Time | Paper ID | Title / Authors | Keywords | Topic code | Ack. number |
Day 2 | E204 | Theoretical discussion on exergy destruction during heat-exchange process | Exergy Heat transfer Heat exchanger | 3-c | 583 |
Day 2 | I214 | Study of filler dispersion and thermal conduction mechanism of thermal grease | thermal grease thermal conduction Interfacial thermal resistance | 11-d | 20 |
Day 3 | E301 | A Study on the Mechanism of Corrosion on Superheater Tubes for Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator boiler by the Analysis of X-ray Absorption Fine Structure of Heavy Metals in Boiler Ash | High Temperature Corrosion Heavy Metals X-ray Absorption Fine Structure | 9-d | 392 |
Day 3 | G321 | A Note on Consistency Test of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data at High Pressure | High-Pressure VLE Consistency Test Activity Coefficient | 1-a | 56 |
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SCEJ 88th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2023)