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SCEJ 50th Autumn Meeting (Kagoshima, 2018)

Last modified: 2018-09-04 10:00:00

Program search result : Komarov Sergey : 3 programs

The abstracts can be viewed by clicking the Paper IDs.
The ID/PW printed on the PROGRAM book are required.
(The ID/PW have also been sent to the Earlybird registers and invited persons by e-mail.)

Authors field exact matches “Komarov Sergey”; 3 programs are found. (“Poster with Flash” presentations are double-counted.)
The search results are sorted by the start time.

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Day 2
FF215In-situ observation and numerical investigation of surface vortex formation and bubble entrainment during mechanical stirring
Mechanical stirring
Volume of Fluid
Surface vortex
Day 2
DB217Development of numerical model to simulate the flow and solidification during a FDM type 3D printing technology
Numerical simulation
FDM type 3D printing technology
Enthalpy-Porosity method
Day 3
PB303[Requested talk] Numerical modeling for ultrasonic acoustic effect based on transport phenomena
Acoustic streaming
Ultrasonic applications
Numerical modeling
DispCtl: Preferences

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SCEJ 50th Autumn Meeting (Kagoshima, 2018)

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