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SCEJ 50th Autumn Meeting (Kagoshima, 2018)

Last modified: 2018-09-04 10:00:00

Session programs : SY-72

The abstracts can be viewed by clicking the Paper IDs.
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(The ID/PW have also been sent to the Earlybird registers and invited persons by e-mail.)

SY-72 [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering]
Collaboration of Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches in Biomedical Science

Organizer: Kurata Hiroyuki (Kyushu Inst. Tech.)

There are two methods in biomedical science: One is the top-down approach based on statistics and the other is the bottom-up approach based on kinetics and mechanics. We like to combine both the approach to create a mathematical model with high predictability.

Hall FC, Day 3

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Hall FC(General Education Building One 2F 122), Day 3(Sep. 20)
(13:00–14:00) (Chair: Kurata Hiroyuki)
13:0013:40FC313Application of biomedical big data to disease genomics
disease genomics
epigenome data
biomedical big data
13:4014:00FC315Identification of predictive biomarkers and therapeutic targets for precision medicines on the basis on exhaustive search from cancer omics data
(14:00–15:00) (Chair: Shimizu Hiroshi)
14:0014:20FC316Computational analysis of protein modification using statistical learning
protein bioinformatics
machine learning
14:2015:00FC317Simulation analysis of diauxie phenomenon using a global scale metabolic network regulated by Petri net
Petri net
global scale metabolic network
diauxie shift
(15:00–15:40) (Chair: Takiguchi Noboru)
15:0015:20FC319Effect of flux ratio control of central carbon metabolism on bio-production in Escherichia coli
Metabolic flux
Escherichia coli
15:2015:40FC320In silico analysis of rate limiting step for growth coupled production
Flux balance analysis
growth coupled production
adaptive laboratory evolution
(15:40–16:20) (Chair: Takahashi Hiro)
15:4016:00FC321Development of the central metabolic model of Escherichia coli taking into account the effects of oxygen level and multiple carbon sources
kinetic model of central metabolism
redox regulation
metabolic regulation
16:0016:20FC322Effects of the return behavior and the intentional selection of incorrect answer on the odor learning of mice
odor learning
olfactory processing
learning efficiency

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SCEJ 50th Autumn Meeting (Kagoshima, 2018)

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