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SCEJ 50th Autumn Meeting (Kagoshima, 2018)

Last modified: 2018-09-04 10:00:00

Session programs : SY-69

The abstracts can be viewed by clicking the Paper IDs.
The ID/PW printed on the PROGRAM book are required.
(The ID/PW have also been sent to the Earlybird registers and invited persons by e-mail.)

SY-69 [Symposium of Division of Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies]
17th Process Design Contest for Students

Organizers: Yamashita Yoshiyuki (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Kimura Tsutomu (Omega Simulation), Suzuki Go (formerly Toyo Engineering), Fuchino Tetsuo (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Sekiguchi Hidetoshi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Takeda Kazuhiro (Shizuoka Univ.), Kimura Naoki (Kyushu Univ.)

Hall EE, Day 3

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Hall EE(General Education Building Three 2F 322), Day 3(Sep. 20)
(9:00–12:00) (Chair: Yamashita Yoshiyuki, Takeda Kazuhiro)
9:0012:00EE30117th Process Design Student Contest
process design
(14:00–16:00) (Chair: Suzuki Go, Kimura Tsutomu)
14:0014:30Comments to the students
(formarly TEC) (Div)Suzuki Go
14:3015:30General discussion
15:3016:00Awards ceremony

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SCEJ 50th Autumn Meeting (Kagoshima, 2018)

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